'No guts, no vision': Albanese government 'not up to the challenge'

'No guts, no vision': Albanese government 'not up to the challenge'


Australia is in the grip of a cost of living crisis, and today, the Albanese government confirmed it is not up to the challenge, Sky News host Andrew Bolt says. "Australians are getting poorer � fast. Real wages falling as prices explode at the supermarket, at the petrol station, your energy bills," Mr Bolt said. "Treasurer Jim Chalmers today admitted you are going to get poorer for another year or two at the very least � forget Labor's promise to make wages catch up with prices. "The only thing this government has done so far about this crisis is write a letter to the Fair Work Commission to say 'please can you tell bosses to give our lower paid workers an extra dollar an hour'."



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