Pauline Hanson wants those sitting on the dole to 'get off their backsides' and work

Pauline Hanson wants those sitting on the dole to 'get off their backsides' and work


One Nation Leader Pauline Hanson says she'd like to get the "million people" sitting on the dole to "get off their backsides" and go and start working. "Instead we're in fourth generations sitting on the bloody dole in this country and think it's a way of life to them," Ms Hanson told Sky News host Paul Murray.




@cirtainrod9492 Says:
As a taxpayer that works fulltime, i fully agree
@petersmith9785 Says:
Well said Pauline Hanson you hit the nail on the head!!
@tb-yz1ti Says:
Wish I’d seen this earlier I’m disable and what to work but can’t afford the medication I need if I work most of my pay will be spent on medication? It really sucks I miss working so much it saddens me when I have to tell my sons what wrong,I’d need help at work understanding that I’m not always well an need a bit of rest or even stop this really sucks if your able to work mate take it an go for it an better yourself
@17_73 Says:
Oh yes I want politicans to get off their butts and earn their large salaries I want them to stop the sale of the tax payers assets not that there is much left and I want them to end free trade agreements those agreements obliterated the Australia manafacturing industry's. I also want politicans to stop blaming the unemployed for their plight I want the politicans to take the reponsibility for the unemployment. I also expect politicans to take a large pay cut for doing nothing but destroying what was a prosperous country politicans have overseen the greatest recession this country will have ever faced due to their gross incompetence and their criminal mismanagedment. I expect 60% to resign immediatly and the remaining 40 % to apologise for destroying the fabric of Australia.
@MrDiesal666 Says:
Mrs Hanson, do you remember the interview on your property, you was on about the Aborigines . The camera man politely said to you he was Aborigine . Do you remember your reply Mrs Hanson ? You said to his face, AT LEAST YOUR WORKING. That said it all you horrible racist excuse for a human.
@glenncrane1651 Says:
Thousands of Muslim men on the dole hanging around the mosque all day Australia is a joke so called refugee's living it up on our system
@castlev1986 Says:
? how can you go back to work when their is no job to work for or when robots are taking the jobs that you all have now & then robots will take the other jobs in the future
@kevindonaghey8483 Says:
I'm not sure if that's going to happen as they now get as much as people who are on disability
@Min61449 Says:
Hey Murray you lost..get over it. Perhaps you should leave off the donuts for a while… just a suggestion.
@Min61449 Says:
The wealthy Hanson, who voted for legislation in the Senate that effectively gave her a pay rise, wants to have a go at those less fortunate. I really don’t know why some people think she is a champion of the Battler.. she is only interested in fringe dwellers. Who cares anyway..she is an irrelevance now.
@gerardmcnally Says:
Pick up rubbish along the roadside would be a good start, so much that could be done to contribute and help mental well being and physical health. Don't let the bad news media bring you down.
@kel2964 Says:
Of the 3 or 4 % Unemployed/Unemployable what ???? Is the % of first nation people ????? 75% or 80% ????
@michaelkivinen1691 Says:
Hanson shows her ignorance of a type that knows absolutely nothing of what going on in power or in the world like an EVE that took the bite of the apple from the snake & definitely not a Christian at all like the rest in power total EVIL blindsided by power she thinks she has & is not one of the evil elites that do know what it is all for & not being an investigator or a scientist shows that none of the politicians are qualified for even leading an ANT FARM to let alone a nation or ever be in power at all for their CORRUPTION & LIES & IGNORANCE & knowing power corrupts absolutely without knowing the TRUTH but given lies which gives them no power to judge what is true & what is not & only showing themselves to be a puppet to the EVIL within & going along with others of a kind & her words betray her as a Pope JUDAS GOAT like the rest in power. MPK.
@goodyear05 Says:
What’s the point as you will never own a house and even when you work you still can’t afford fuel to get to work
@daisybrown9939 Says:
Very good Pauline. ,,you are very correct..those people who are in a dole should get a Job.what will happened to this country if the tax payers will no longer in this world? What will happen to the country? Most of this dole people are Lazy...
@KanesWeapon Says:
Sure, I'll get off the dole, the very minutes the government stops funding corrupt Ukraine and WHO and WEF. Careful Pauline, some of us actually cannot work due to medical conditions.
@neo-sh6ul Says:
So out of all the billions of dollars funnelled through through departments within departments, private contractors and insurance companies fleecing us for billions. Yeah , lets look for some cheaters amongst our most vulnerable citizens. Lets keep on dehumanizing each other while the real criminals keep playing the stock market with your tax. Nice work Aussies, oi oi
@calvinpurdy2668 Says:
I'm starting to like Pauline more and more.
@dave.p153 Says:
1 thing that people do don't seem to realise is that welfare brings money into the state . Welfare money is federal funding so by having people on welfare that is transferring the money into the state economy's which simply couldn't operate without these funds
@soarmilo2703 Says:
As an Australian I don’t want them here
@soarmilo2703 Says:
Can u do hard labour Pauline?
@dianestevens2659 Says:
A lot of people on the unemployment benefits have disabilities or mental illnesses and cant get the disability pension. It's not as easy as everyone thinks
@pingahpingah8160 Says:
Love this lady. Reduce the dole to 6 months max - after that no more !!
@peterdixon7705 Says:
Pauline go fill a supermarket shelves .or go back to fish and chip selling. You havnt achieved much form Canberra .
Correct Pauline, our government is soft when it comes to supporting dole bludgers. No wonder people can’t find workers.
@peterremkes9376 Says:
Pauline and Paul for that matter, a simple search on the Bureau of Statistics website would have told you that in July 2022 there were 473.600 unemployed. Less than half than what you just seem to assume. This is why I always do some checking when hear Hanson pull out some numbers from somewhere and Murray, do some research yourself before talking to her so you can at least challenge her if necessary. That's called honesty in reporting.
@Lucia-nu2ks Says:
No Australian should be receiving unemployment when we have a shortage of workers.
@gregs8086 Says:
And whats Greenie Albanese's answer? Bringing in 1 million immigrants over 5 years! When will our politicians stop using the ponzi scheme of mass immigration which is a political solution not an economic solution. These immigrants provide a short term benefit to incompetent politicians and long term damage to Australians whom not only see further destruction of the environment but suffer will see rents, home prices and homelessness sky rocket as a result of these immigrants, in addition to more congestion on the roads, longer queues in hospitals, depressed wages, competition for jobs etc. The only benefits are for politicians, immigrants, the rich and corporate elite whom get cheap labor.
@gb18407 Says:
If you want welfare to abuse, become a politician.
@BengtsonJ Says:
I got off the Dole after the Lockdowns. Have not looked back. Don’t feel like a Freeloader anymore.
@MickAngelhere Says:
I totally agree I get fed up with seeing my taxes paying for these bludgers to fee load off everyone else’s work
@TheDawgfan89 Says:
Good luck! The left love people who don't work, they just hand them free money and expect the tax payers to pay for them to sit home and go shopping
@js-di6ly Says:
Same problem in America millions on the dole.
@JohnSmith-it9eh Says:
When will Hanson realise she is irrelevant as a politician she should pack her bags and get out but guess what where would she get another job getting paid for doing sweet f@@k all
@justgrazza4638 Says:
Looking very tired Pauline.
@daniellebcooper7160 Says:
'ASSIMULATE'....the magic word that isnt in the Lefts dictionary.
@newbleppmore7855 Says:
Give men back the country their grandfathers grew up in and maybe they would go back to work
@MarkWhich Says:
Far too many completely fit young men that have adapted to very minimum wage
@cristinaonassys1750 Says:
@raulmanashky328 Says:
Crazy mole,,,the government has been overtaken by Claus wacko swarbe and you Pauline as well are a part of the show in a few years when we all will own nothing and all the rest of the crap that goes with it ,why bother busting ours arses for a miserable pay check that doesn't keep up to the rises in inflation and housing problems engineered by you bloudy politicians to bring this about,,and then there's the maniac behaviour of government to want to inject untested crap into workers ,and you Pauline are a part of it to.cut the crap with your for us.. baloney, no some of us are keeping fit and getting ready for your nutcase WEF 4th industrial revolution and then we will come out and you will see us then when we go into the trenches and chase you politicians and all involved into the dirt.
@Aussiematee Says:
A lot of People in the comments with absolute ZERO knowledge in the topic. Sure there are people who scam the system, but there are plenty others that use the resource as intended.
@bretloyd8097 Says:
"Women escaping violence should be at the head of the refugee que". . . . Bullllllsssssshhhhiiitttt. . . . They will sit and soak up Australian tax payer resources.
@solid7468 Says:
Pauline is too stupid to understand that the vast majority of people on the dole are already working but they make less than $1400 so they get a partial payment. My daughter is studying full time at university and working two days a week.
@junebaldwin5352 Says:
They keep bringing people in are all the refugees working in Australia or on the dole . All the cars theifts in Queensland. Let's get back to the old system of immagration
@janabeleven3732 Says:
Why work when you can collect the dole and sell some drugs,, best of both worlds
@yeahnayeah4055 Says:
We let them do it, Australian taxpayer the braindead cash cow that keeps giving
@michellehughes576 Says:
So we can TAx the crap out of you oh, wait that’s U,S.
@stuartthompson7102 Says:
Well said Pauline
@strawlegalmanfiction5299 Says:
Well I'm sitting on my arse, on the dole, because you stupid govt twats sacked me from my 43 year job, for not taking the jab. So f#ck you.
@adrianjohn. Says:
i respect Pauline but msm has had the same hosts on tv for over 30yrs but have a go Australia anyways

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