Immigration 'defines' who we are and how we 'live': Patrick Carlyon
Immigration 'defines' who we are and how we 'live': Patrick Carlyon



@NateMcCarthy-d4b Says:
No it doesn’t lol it doesn’t work.
@8101nevermind Says:
Im am sorry i live all Aussies,,but Andrews really time and time again.
@luszpaki Says:
Bring more Brazilians! The great majority is happy, intelligent and hard workers 😎
@raymondparnell439 Says:
Muslims should fail the character test by default and not be allowed entry. Not even to visit !
@chriswatson1698 Says:
The excuse for giving our inheritance away to foreigners is our ageing population. The claim is that we need more working age people to provide a tax base to pay our pensions. Where does anyone get the idea that all these foreigners will vote for politicians who intend to look after ageing white people? More likely, the newly arrived will vote for politicians who will allow them to import their own elderly, to crowd up the infrastructure that has taken generations of Australian taxpaying to provide.
@rodsloane706 Says:
Rita. Victoria. Andrews then Allen? Of course it's the fault of Victorians who were stupid enough to vote this, one can only say now, corrupt, virtue signalling when it suits, gov't in. No question! At the very least, Andrews IS a criminal & should long have been in jail! ...and with stilll a long term to serve ahead of him.
@dagwould Says:
Immigration needs to be cut to 10,000 for the next three years to allow economic catch-up, then over the next three years ramp up to a ceiling of 100,000. Otherwise, where do we get the roads, water, water-treatment capacity, energy, schools, houses, hospitals from? Infrastructure has to come at an economical rate without distorting the market our crowding out other investment. This cannot happen with large immigration volumes.
@chriswatson1698 Says:
It isn't just a housing problem. It is an everything problem. More customers is inflationary. Immigrants create a need for still more infrastructure and public services that we all have to pay for, not just the newcomers that make it necessary.
@paulchilds9137 Says:
This journo is from the Herald Sun, just another murdoch monkey, like Rita. Herald Sun is hardly an important paper, it is just a US billionaire paper owner telling people right wing crap that benefits him not them.
@hl5910 Says:
Miles is just trying to grovel for votes. Labor are total garbage.
@ilikevines Says:
The reason the powers that be will never want to solve the housing crisis is because most Australian voters are home owners or have a mortgage. To solve the issue and restore aspiration we need everyone's home to more than halve in value. No other superficial scheme like 'super for housing' or 'lower deposit first home buyer home loans' aren't going to solve the problem. I want home prices to be brought down aggressively and kept down. Australians' reliance on property investment as a wealth creation vehicle is pathetic. Cut migration, cut negative gearing, spike capital gains tax. Homes are meant to be a place you can raise a family and retire in. They're not investment vehicles that can allow you to profit off of other people's misery.
@thailehuy Says:
As an immigrant soon to be naturalized, no immigration does not define who we are. In fact it the opposite, we define the immigration. If people don't want to assimilate, don't let them in.
@chrisk2486 Says:
Labors idea of immigration is to import lots of islamic welfare recipients. It should be bringing in people with skills needed in Australia, that will assimilate into the Australian way of life.
@gondorianslayer4250 Says:
I hate the middle east
@gondorianslayer4250 Says:
@JohnsonCranium Says:
You crapped 💩 on all the tradies during Covid. They left and found better things to do with their lives… now you cry 😭 because not enough houses 😭 Brought it on yourselves 💁‍♂️ Don’t blame the government if you complied, you’re part of the problem 💁‍♂️🤣
@_wokeweaklingscryoverwords_ Says:
Right but out of control immigration is bad, especially from the wrong countries. Deep State Puppets like Biden are the ones who enabled Open Borders which let Millions of Illegal Aliens enter the U.S from literally all the Countries on Earth including Banana Republics.
@JeffreySmith7777 Says:
An even bigger problem in America is the English language. Illegal, legal, migrants, migration. Socialist communist Democrat's do not understand the difference between Illegal and legal. Migration and illegal. Very simple and yet grown Americans have no clue.
@Factoverfiction1-mk3rf Says:
Victoria is literally going to become like California and New York. All the stupid left wing regulations are causing people to move to Florida and Texas. So much so that California and New York actually lost a congressional seat from all the people leaving. Texas and Florida both gained 2 congressional seats from all the people entering.
@rightsmatter2370 Says:
Legal and orderly, completely vetting process is good immigration
@JoeyJoJoJrShabbado Says:
I’ve seen old women being kicked to the curb to house new comers. You want immigrants pick up a hammer, push a wheelbarrow and build the houses otherwise shut up, sociatal disaster
@UltraPerception Says:
I tell u this now. Offscreen render target will destroy all the way down to the performance of U -Engine. lol No way am i doing an offscreen render target we will just have to be smarter about graphics. Yeah. I'd want for pixel collision. Well. its not worth the cost of rendering off screen. and doing the piss about. dance. We can post process and draw lines our own way if we want a glowing lines, just render a gpx ad the collision points and operate continue to operate at super sonic speeds. Because that is what is really important.
@paulchilds9137 Says:
Commentators from SKY, the Herald Sun, The Australian, Courier Mail, Daily Telegraph, FOX and many others all saying the same thing because they are told what to say. All owned by the 93 year old Rupert Murdoch. All far right and all anti democratic.
@nickwolfe4591 Says:
This is really disgusting rhetoric and I'm going to get labeled Liberal for saying this all which I'm not but here's the thing: Placing the blame upon Immigration does a lot to remove that attention from what previously was the devestating affect of the pandemic and most severe border closures and regulations in the entire World Bar-None and no One would disagree on that fact. Economy trickles down and out and money combined with personality traits of individuals like alcoholism and severe psychological disorders that existed long before the pandemic are a perfect storm for homelessness due to job displacement, vocational redundancy resulting in Tradies living in Storage Units illegally and etc.... And none of that has or has had anything to do with Immigration. Furthermore; What is the incentive by Sky Bews Australia to pump out the new popular mainstream of anti-mainstream collective narrative driven largely by the Liberal Agenda that now and idonically has become the new mainstream anti-culture culture? Is it ratings? A Sky News Australia Reporter MAKES MONEY doing this for a living and makes an easy living just reporting on the daily mocking of woke people and riding the wave which in my opinion is the perfect storm to negatively and falsely and wrongly influence Australians Who undetstandably are frightened and angry for being if not at least feeling bent half over a barrel and along come the heroes to empathize. Take my hand They said and all shall be well my Friend just keep following this narrative and We're all on the same boat together. RFK Jr in The United States is the only hope to turn around what has become a fanatical cult against cult that is the death grip on life and society. If there us a New World Order then this is their Marketing Team. Whose jersey do You want? Trump wants Immigration just legal not No-Immigration and for whatever reason. The United States Southern Border is a mess and The United States is recovering from the pandemic only second to The UK and having pushed back evonomically against China in fields such as intake of any Chibese made lithium ion product specific to Electric Cars or even to Solar Panel Production. The United States invented this modern political minefield as a way I think to rearrange longstanding problems in complicated areas of Global Economics and that shane is how every Country seems to take suit understandably to what works for The United States but that seems unfair abd watering diwn to the more fair opportunities for Australians to think freely and to not put themselves angrily at the same type of political fascination that The United States has evolved aggressively since 2013. Don't be like Us. You're already happy positive nright eyed and ingenious minded indelendant people and I truly mean that woth all of my heart. No matter Who You follow or what You believe if You read this long post; Please just start to question if I'm perhaps right and "What did these people offer to Me that was positive or good and in whatcway that made Me happy and excited to be alive? Anything? Or just enough to convince You that the negativity branch of things is the only source of positivity that You possibly can hope for which wothout leaves only doom and gloom and perpetual darkness?". Australia doesn't beed to do better. You already are better for Christ's sake. And that's coming from an American. Australians aren't victims or marketing tools. Stop treating them like that and just be happy.
@martinepstein3332 Says:
Good standard of living defines the well being of a person
@RamSingh-hd6bg Says:
By 2040 half of the Europe and Australia will be half Islamic
@micphoenix8200 Says:
Reduce immigration by 100%. Australia isn't multicultural, it's historically and majority ethnically and culturally Christian European.
@Genesis-007 Says:
Immigration is an unwanted agenda and does not define us in any way.
@southern-samurai Says:
Immigration replaces our ethnically homogenous host population with conflicting ethnocultures. Self destructive lunacy.
@dieselbaby Says:
lmao only a 25% reduction? australia is just as doomed as we are here in the US
@imantifeminism556 Says:
Leftie creepy Rita if you don't like it you can always go back to Iran
@johnsmith7402 Says:
only 25% ?

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