Canada is ready to sell its nuclear technology to Australia
Canada is ready to sell its nuclear technology to Australia



@Axios96 Says:
Its crazy to me the amount of people with misinformation about this. Nuclear is safer than any other form of energy. Countries keep hindering nuclear while they continue to burn coal which releases more uncontroled radiation than a nuclear plant and creates 300 times more ash in the atmosphere by weight annually. than nuclear plants will create nuclear material in there lifetimes
@Axios96 Says:
I think the most trigger and incorrect information in this video is calling Ontario and Quebec states. In response I will now be calling Queensland a province.
@mathieud.4060 Says:
(3:05) - You can see she struggle with the bullshit she has to tell... There's no final disposal solution. It's a waste and it's radioactive for thousands of years, period.
@MichaelCain-e8b Says:
Radiation is not a joke it is a death risk
@Trampus10-4 Says:
So we sell it but won’t implement it! Don’t fool yourself nuclear energy in Canada is sparse. Quebec is subsidized by Alberta to keep their prices down all around while making life more expensive in Alberta.
@andrewmason9137 Says:
Ontario's power is not subsidized by the government. In fact Ontario Power Generation gives money back to the Ontario government quarterly from its PROFITS of selling energy at the IESO agreed rate and providing most of the worlds medical isotopes.
@josdesouza Says:
Canada wants to offload her obsolete nuclear technology on Australia.
@philipclift7205 Says:
The owners of these nuclear power plants must live with the radioactive waste in their front yards .
@rollingthunderinho Says:
Ontarios electricity is subsidized a little bit but that 14c kWh figure seemed high anyway. Likely that is the figure before subsidizing. It’s quite remarkable that between hydropower and nuclear they’re able to power the lives of 15 million people basically emission free. Quebec deserves props for their dirt cheap 100% hydropower grid too
@cheesesyrkyer5290 Says:
The 6 billion goes towards a government research lab and always has. The research is completely separate from power generation. None of subsidy goes towards the production of power. Most governments around the world have money in nuclear research including funding universities
@dennisenright9347 Says:
Challk River is NOT one of Ontarios' nuclear energy generating stations. It belongs to the federal government and is a research facility, with a side business of being one of the world's largest producers of medical isotopes. The province of Ontario has a total of 16 reactors at 3 sites. Pickering is about 30km east of Toronto and has 4 reactors. Darlington has 4 and is about 60 km east of Toronto. Bruce has 8, on a site 100 km northwest of Toronto. Last year in October, after decades of wasting time, Ontario made a renewed commitment to nuclear, making the decision to add 4 more reactors at Bruce and 4 SMRs at Darlington, as well as reversing a decision to close Pickering and committing to refurbishing it.
@yomamasapeach Says:
Ontario has to subsidize the electricity sector with $6 billion in rebates because the PREVIOUS government signed 33,000 "Green Energy" contracts. All of these contracts had Feed-in Tariff and Power Purchase Agreement structures which awarded renewable suppliers massive Above-rate contracts for electricity, which have effectively cost taxpayers billions. It wasn't Nuclear energies fault at all, in fact it was Atomic Energy that allowed for the switch off of coal power plants in the first place. If it wasn't for Nuclear energy, Ontario would have been far worse off since there would be both electricity shortages while simultaneously having massive bills. The new plan is to slowly expand renewables while building more nuclear and hydro for baseload power.
@R0d_1984 Says:
Maybe, but in the deal they have to get rid of Trudeau ( I suggest a volcano)....
Australia is a lucky land because without unclear. Australians are never ready to buy it.
@desking8065 Says:
It also follows a series of contaminations scares at the Lucas Heights facility in recent years — including one just two months ago in which three workers were exposed a chemical spill. In August 2017 a worker was left with blisters on his hands and a higher risk of developing cancer after he dropped a vial of radioactive material and was contaminated through two pairs of gloves. And we're still dithering about what to do with the intermediate level waste produced by the OPAL research reactor at Lucas Heights in Sydney. At present, spent fuel is sent to France for reprocessing while nuclear waste is now being returned to Australia, where it is held in a temporary store near the reactor. Lucas Heights, Inquiry into the contract for a new reactor Parliament of Australia › report › c08_pdf PDF schools to follow in the event of a nuclear accident… Lucas Heights accident danger downplayed The Age › national › lucas-heights-ac... 13 Nov 2003 — Australia's peak nuclear body today rejected claims that an accident at the Lucas Heights reactor could contaminate four million people.
@adrianw7011 Says:
Bowen and lies go hand in hand. He is incapable of honesty, integrity and accountability, all the traits of a good Labor minister.
@stickynorth Says:
CANDU Power is the safest and best way to massively green the grid with baseload power other than renewables and storage which are good too. Both should be embraced with open arms. It's fossil fuels that should be shunned ASAP including but especially coal. That is more lethal than any nuclear accident ever could be excluding bombs...
@desking8065 Says:
Your choice of nuke sites do no comply with nuke energy regulators. A 20 km buffer zone around the site with no more than 200 persons living within zone A 50 km Emergency zone in case of mishap. Towns around coal fired power stations are with in the 20km buffer zon
@benmohat6875 Says:
Ontario isn’t a state it’s a province, Canada has provinces - research your reports
@graemeschubert6162 Says:
Defending nothing already 😅
@BigBopper-zm1kf Says:
Bowen has been an abject failure in every portfolio he's been given. This one is no different
@ArchieLea-ft7dr Says:
Yea and Amen go for it too the Australian fairdinkum people Say s IAM that Iam Amen and amen
@AaronG1309 Says:
From Canada its probably painted with a pride flag.
@SherylSchrantz Says:
Go way!! Bowen. Your an Albo grub!!
@SherylSchrantz Says:
Bring it on!! Canada!!
@BozoTheclown-cs9mk Says:
And where are the private investors for your nuclear plan, Peter? Seems they don't think it's a good idea either. So your plan is for the taxpayer to 100% fund your nuclear plants, which sounds like a very socialist plan to me. Are you now a socialist Peter Dutton?
@chrisdickinson7949 Says:
Storing Nuclear waste is the easy bit & a viable industry in itself. Australia is Geologically & geopolitically the safest place on earth to store the worlds Nuclear waste, ie A BIG earner !
@falafelscobes6122 Says:
Electricity should be owned by the people for the next 60 years. Not Twiggy Forest for 20 years and then what happens?
@bb5147 Says:
Bowen is contemptible and a disgrace and disgusts this national!!
@spacemonkey-yj7ss Says:
instant gratification. 10 years to build. you don't have that long.
@goodluckyoureonyourown3684 Says:
Get the plans from China. Same plans but probably cheaper. When I say same plans...I mean exactly the same plans
@viskovandermerwe3947 Says:
It would be easier for Dutton to simply go with renewables and diesel. We will be needing many diesel generators of all sizes for power.
@S.Carrick Says:
The Nuclear critics must get worn out looking for new things to be critical about.
@carbonite1999 Says:
BUY? bugger that let do what china does , steal it and duplicate ,how hard is it?
@PeterA-r8x Says:
It does not matter who wins the election. Most people will be voting with their stomachs, not their brains. So, we'll keep ping-ponging between two rotten major parties that have lost the plot for our once-great nation. We should have had a party all along that put Australians first, which meant that we should be already building new coal-fired power stations, just like so many other countries that are collectively building hundreds of them. The net zero emissions agenda is a hoax and a scam. Yet both major parties have chosen the most expensive and longest path to provide reliable, affordable and available power. ALP have chosen renewables and soon will be forced to use large and horrendously expensive and environmentally hazardous grid-sized batteries, while the LNP have chosen a mixed nuclear and renewables path. How about we choose the best solution of all, namely coal and dispense with the net zero madness? We can use nuclear later once we can afford it, which may be never. Reality will bite everyone soon enough.
@albertopascual3335 Says:
Bowen is an im……. He is as incompetent as all the Labor Ministers led by their cheerleader Albo. They don’t want further debate nuclear energy because it will only further exposed their utter incompetence and lack of leadership when it comes to bringing down the cost of living of every Australian. It’s all well and good for them because they, just received their salary increases, for doing nothing. Bring on the general election.
@Ozspeak Says:
Australia. Always years behind.
@kitdyer8968 Says:
Nuclear power cheap cheap power get on with it
@dixonpinfold2582 Says:
Choosing large-scale nuclear power has been one of the biggest favours Ontario has ever done itself. It provides electricity at a good price (US$0.10 per kWh) with no air pollution. Ontario burns no coal, and natural gas is a mere 10% of the mix.
@marksarty3502 Says:
What a great idea
@rbee3936 Says:
Just look at that nasty, nasty water (steam) coming out of those cooling harmful to the
@catdog726 Says:
Bowen doesn't care how high our power prices are he is a rich politician
@EL_Duderino68 Says:
Canada hasn't built a nuclear power plant in over 30 years.
@16bitfightclub34 Says:
Perhaps we should wait until after world war 3?
@200142viper Says:
sure liberals need more money to steal shamefull
@DorJinTan Says:
Nuclear is right for Australia. China makes d most advanced nuclear reactors. And cost competitive. Is Australia so anti-china that it wont choose Chinese reactors...? Well, racism leads to wacky decisions...
@vindenis9049 Says:
11 cents per kilowatt hour!!! The Aussie gov't is subsiding wind and solar also. Prove me wrong.
@cplbruiser8267 Says:
Shut up Bowen you freak
@stewartbrooker Says:
Turns out most of Canada is Hyrdo over 60%. Only 15% is Nuclear. The provinces that use more renewables have lower prices compared to Ontario. Plus the Ontario Subsidy program to households is why rates appear so low compared to Australia. Over the 20-year period from 2020-21 to 2039-40, the FAO estimates that the nine programs will cost the Province a total of $118.1 billion. Is Dutton going to commit to the same sort of program?
@NoChannelChannel Says:
Renuables need to be renewed paying a truck loads every 10 years, and the globalists get ritch

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