Alzheimer's vaccine human trial to begin soon
Alzheimer's vaccine human trial to begin soon



@Denise-ux4xd Says:
@childensstorytime Says:
Sounds really good, let's hope it is really good.then sold on pbs for those who need it but afford $400 for a medical for everyday life
@MrLucasrn Says:
Start with Biden.
@barryewington707 Says:
Why has it become that health only comes from a needle these days wake up Australia it another way of killing you
@ironsword7 Says:
I've heard alzheimer's disease (although maybe just dementia more generally) being referred to as 'Type 3' diabetes whereby the brain (or body) dysregulates glucose - basically glucose intolerant. Given the brain only makes up 2% of the body by volume yet demands upto to 30% of the glucose, you can see why it dysregulation might be problem.
@ritaghersetti5622 Says:
Didn't realise Alzheimer's was a virus to be treated with a vaccine 🤔 What other side affects, or provocation of other potential illness/ disease will this vaccine cause in the long run? To then need another different vaccine to combat that further down the track. How many times do we need to relive ground hog day, before we work out what's actually happening 😂
@darrenblack6240 Says:
Stop eating processed food and ??? Magic with no pharmaceuticals.
@NoWindNoSunNoPower Says:
I’m only here for the tin foil hats in the comments. I’m not disappointed.
@thelake9029 Says:
$$ in more pills and jabs. Statins, low fat diets, aluminum, and who knows what are messing with brains.
@rhyno1740 Says:
I wouldn't tryst any vaccine these days.
@raijinenel3116 Says:
@kidsoxoxox Says:
B.S. 1. Learn a second language 2. Don't watch TV 3. Play a musical instrument. Guaranteed prevention.
@17th_Street_Preacher Says:
Just 3 needed in 4 months huh 😅
@annazhong5234 Says:
Why did the doctors nose start growing like Pinocchio? Because he couldn’t get his vax straight.
@smckay6438 Says:
As a handicapped child that was used for drug test at 7 years old ! We must be very careful ! I know first hand how strong, resilient and tenacious you must be to just survive! This could easily devastate most of them at that age ! These people are heroes !😊
@secretgoldfish Says:
Concerning Korean studies have just suggested more research should be done re; a link between the jab juice and an earlier onset of Alzheimer’s/dementia ........Create a problem (brain fog?)......and then provide a 'quick to market' solution (or a stroke!), especially now that the testing times and official/approved processes and procedures have been subverted (due to the self-convenience of fear and easy-money)?
@Eric-jo8uh Says:
To be tested on politicians and doctors FIRST to iron out all the side effects.
@unvaccinatedAndPureBlood Says:
Myelin protects the brain. Myelin is 100% cholesterol. So what have they been trying you over decades ? That cholesterol is bad for you.
@XxTheAwokenOnexX Says:
Here come the non expert anti vax comments 😅
@sunnylisten5482 Says:
Lay off the cholesterol drugs . No problem
@bruceyoung565 Says:
Now they have a product to push on family members taking care of their loved ones. Do not fall for this deception.
@bruceyoung565 Says:
This is horrible Idea , they are not sure of cause and act like they have a cure for something they do not understand. Alzheimer’s just diabetes number three it’s insulin resistance. Do you want stop Alzheimer’s stop eating sugar processed foods, and empty carbohydrates. This is just like SSRIs, they do not test you before they put you on them. They do not have a test to see the difference in your brain before taking their drugs and no test after they give you the drugs to see what they did to your brain. Buyer Beware !!
@TheeeeLastToFall Says:
Start with Joe Biden...he needs help.
@jasonwaltham6646 Says:
@scipioafricanus4328 Says:
Fast track the first batch to Joe Biden….. fast!
@whiskeygamer9402 Says:
Human pin cushions.
Nobody had heard of Alzheimers when I was in my teens, and when it was first brought up they were keen to tell you of the causes, that sections of your brain were full of 'holes' that were irreparable, yet now they have a 'vaccine' doest contain a spike protein by any chance???
@credenza1 Says:
I thought the mRNA jab was supposed to eliminate Alzheimer's...
@Gavin-qh7li Says:
Stop geo engineering its poisoning people
@Blackjack_Official Says:
Alzheimer's & Dementia upon autopsy find aluminium on brain Cause is Metal toxicity ffs people get educated
@paulveenings6861 Says:
Tinfoilhoyle will be first in line I’m sure.
@imantifeminism556 Says:
Sky zionist nazi news vaccine pushing propaganda is back again
@davidcarter4247 Says:
Won't hold my breath. Petrovsky was the bloke with the COVID vaccine Spikogen. Only Iran has approved it. The media should have googled Petrovsky before running this story.
@wyatthurts1729 Says:
You would have to have alzheimers to take it and forgot when your last booster was
@theresachandler8835 Says:
Who trusts vaccines these days?!
@comnandmentsdeadlysins Says:
We have not learned that drugs and vaccines are not safe.
@Prognosis__ Says:
Sky Jab still pushing more jabbies?
@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 Says:
Everything's a " vaccine" instead of a treatment.🤔
@ricky6864 Says:
The safe and effective reused?
@oldnutta7611 Says:
It's a shame the 2020s have made us lose so much confidence in the medical profession.
@seandelap8587 Says:
Stop with this nonsense again
@Blackjack_Official Says:
Coconut Oil
@dr.hans.asperger Says:
@videofreak6047 Says:
Is it a mra jab?
@annazhong5234 Says:
Here we go, here we go, here we go
@tomjones5338 Says:
Still pushing bio weapons in needles on us all safe and effective hey skynews
@RogueElementMkII Says:
Their testing it now on Joe Zombiden.
@Super_Mario128 Says:
Is it “Safe and effective”? 🤔
@Barney_Rubble247 Says:
Just stop it. ✋️

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