Fire authorities remind families to keep fire safe when heating their homes
Fire authorities remind families to keep fire safe when heating their homes



@micphoenix8200 Says:
🤤... warning labels & safety guards have increased the life expectancy in the shallow end of our gene pool and further diminished natural selection. Cost vs Benefit analysis...😐
@AmandaMuu Says:
It's summer in the United States. Our fire hazards are grills for now
@Diponty Says:
I heard you can heat your home if you charge your EV up in the garage next to the house. Did I mention safely? Ahhh NO!
@rapscallion9333 Says:
As energy costs become prohibitive, these house fire stats should drop.
@janwitts2688 Says:
I think iq suddenly dropped again.
@Prognosis__ Says:
It really doesn’t get bitterly cold where I live..An extra layer of clothes works a treat
@GrandpaVince Says:
Vince has lost count the amount of times grandma Shirley has burned our shack down
@ThePresidentOfAustralia Says:
And i still need the external 5 tb for my portal
@ThePresidentOfAustralia Says:
Monday im getting $400 worth of groceries and elden ring.

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