Emergency funding worries amid US extreme weather
Emergency funding worries amid US extreme weather



@XxTheAwokenOnexX Says:
Are Sky News finally admitting climate change is real, and happening 🤔
@redmouse1967 Says:
It’s because we’re cutting down all the trees. Replant trees to fix the problem.
@ivannikcevski8362 Says:
If government agencies stop 1:39 spraying toxic chemicals above the sky ( chemtrails) and not using the haarp weather weapons will be no extreme weather! Who controls the weather controls the world
@MrPopo-nn7kp Says:
Plenty of money to fund wars tho
@joshuarkristof80 Says:
Give more to Ukraine and wind why no money for the US. FJB.
@Doc_Holiday Says:
What are you talking about? ??? I live in South Mississippi.And it's been the mildest hurricane season.I can remember w t f????
@maureen1820 Says:
CLAW BACK 1.7B from Ukraine Funding.
@keithgraham8515 Says:
What about the billions that was spent on feeding, housing and healthcare for the illegal immigrants?? 😢 This regime that is supposed to be looking out for the American people is f’ing pathetic🤬🤬
@maureen1820 Says:
SHAME ON SKY NEWS for PANDERING to the WOKE ADMINISTRATION!! SUMMER IS SUMMER ... You never paid attention before-- so now it's all news. ??? We need to close our borders and stop funding Ukraine. Stop diverting attention with distractions of weather.
@maureen1820 Says:
@donotcomply665 Says:
"Extreme weather" ? According to the cult, weather has nothing to do with climate
@timothy8426 Says:
We can borrow some of our money back from Ukraine.
@Bud-m1e Says:
No News on Clive Palmer and Tucker Carlson are you hiding it Sky 😮😮
@Paradoxisthefingerprintofgod Says:
Who cares I hate the US.
@dner75-xh9le Says:
Biden sent it all to Ukraine. But not to worry...he'll just print more.
@rjvincent9245 Says:
Yet we have billions for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan.
@Genesis-007 Says:
And yet they can waste hundreds of BILLION$ on Iran, Israel and The Ukraine, well shit go figure huh?
@bobbyk3469 Says:
Not just low funds. Biden has also depleted the Strategic Petroleum Reserve which was created for emergencies, not price reductions to sway elections.
@oldnutta7611 Says:
The wording of these reports is phucking priceless. 😆😅🤣😂
@jameslawrencejr6417 Says:
Might b ON 2 sumt tin
@PeterA-r8x Says:
more fake news from Sky News
@wyatthurts1729 Says:
Joe Biden had hurricane vaccines in 2021 as the best thing to do for a hurricane was to get vaccinated (quote/unquote) 😂😂

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