AEMO needs a 'complete restructuring' and must be brought back into the 'real world'
AEMO needs a 'complete restructuring' and must be brought back into the 'real world'



@grantourismo0109 Says:
It will take more than 20 years to build nuclear reactors
@troy6882 Says:
Nucleer 😂. Then run it to home 1:55kwh the 0.05 for poles likely 02.5 well see before @% industry systems O gearing to gas power....
@desking8065 Says:
What sort of expert is that he predicts the weather.
@Lordknty Says:
Rich bastards on TV talking about the cost of living,how pathetic!
@Lordknty Says:
The numbers keep climbing for subscriptions Sky,but not much views and comments,the bots and multiple accounts say otherwise.
@michaellazarevski5614 Says:
very good interview. Finally, we talk to people who know. Commonwealth ownership also, is a massive factor in this proposal. It dramatically sures up own national security.
@ChrisBNisbet Says:
Who will bear responsibility for the upcoming disaster?
@jasonhutcheon5991 Says:
How the hell does a former head of ANSTO not know that despite the projects no-one outside of Russia and China has deployed a SMR?
@aerotuc Says:
Best thing is we need to discuse this inteligently and ad such without bafoons like bowen and albo being present.Tjey can lrance around in a wild union hipe step a Nd jump will Australua bleeds from their continusl destruction
@ronRogers0001 Says:
When people become fanatical and are obsessed with their ideology, it means their is no room for rational thinking - this country is on the brink of collapse, and it won't be the fanatics that will rebuild it.
@mariannejacobson7232 Says:
Tell Dutton to talk to this man
@mariannejacobson7232 Says:
Finally a man with brains
@rodpettet2819 Says:
Forget the renewables. It's the dumb politicians we need to renew. Small modular reactors are the way to go. Look at all the nuclear ships and submarines safely steaming around the world and have been for decades.
@pczarn Says:
We are in that sorry state because Labor politicians are uneducated puppets. We need to vote them out before we all end up in caves.
@graemekeeley4497 Says:
To AEMO's credit it called out Labors' rush to close coal Power Stations. warning that renewables would not be able to cope, issuing warnings of blackout risks this summer in Vic and NSW due to reliability risks because renewable infrastructure has not been built or advanced enough. AEMO plans to bring in if required rotating grid area shutdowns to shore up power NSW and Victoria over summer, with schemes such as such as paying for additional generation from existing coal and gas plants and for large energy users to voluntarily reduce demand.
@user-zk7og4sx4c Says:
Scum news for scumbags, dimwits and russian bots. Scum news commentators are paid for filth.
@rags008 Says:
We should be building new black coal power plants, but we can't as the big green lie has got its claws into the public. Nuclear is the only other option, Labor want to build battery stations, that's their great big plan to keep the lights on at night, a battery. Good luck to the poor if Labor win this debate, and say good by to night life in the next 20 years.
@Luckiestmanalive-bb1mi Says:
I've heard quite a few self-appointed experts tell us over the years that what the power system needs is a cabal of 'real' engineers in charge of planning. When they are asked if we don't already have the best engineers at [insert name of system operator], they say that this cannot be the case because we aren't going in the direction they would have chosen (eg no self-respecting engineer would employ wind turbines). In other words, the engineers in charge cannot be any good if they don't agree with the person making all the noise, usually an old white dude with doctor as a title wanting to take things back to the way we did them in their time (ie nothing new is any good). The only way someone like this gets what he wants is to put him in charge of choosing the people in charge AND of making sure they don't think for themselves...
@thedummyspit8814 Says:
What people are over looking is the fact the next coal station they are planning to shut down is just over 2 years away. Minute they do that, we are stuffed. We need new Coal plants NOW before Australia is really finished.
@glumpy10 Says:
Lets get rid of the real problem, the whole zero emissions, green lie and get back to building good old fashioned coal plants.
@daneisenmenger4615 Says:
Make Australia a power rich country and watch out manufacturing sector flourish and more money in people pockets
@andrewo8356 Says:
When the hail storm comes, the lefties will be already screaming crime mate change 🥴
@sunyata4974 Says:
Even St Greta supports nuclear. Is it sacrilegious for Albo and Bowen to go against her?
@drcolster Says:
Approx figures.. The USA 9million km2- 93 nuclear plants.... Australia 7million km2- 0 nuclear plants....roxby has plenty of Uranium...
@ronaldmusk4996 Says:
When did the CSIRO get involved with estimating costs in both major Civil and Industral Construction?
@ketonmorris3507 Says:
I work in solar all panels these days are rated to withstand up to 5cm hail
@jamiemcguire9245 Says:
Albo needs to listen to this bloke inside of that useless Bobo
@gregcooks-qr9wk Says:
The labour government have never had a clue typical union leaders.
@creditelectric Says:
At least he is honest about one thing, it is complex, therefore keep it away from Rita, Rowan, Murray & the barfly audience & Sky in general.
@evil17 Says:
Labor is killing our natural forests, protected plant & animal species and farmland with their (Twiggy Forests) solar & wind farms all down the Qld coast. These projects get fast tracked through govt body’s with no considerations for the environmental impacts or erosion control, decommissioning or recycling of old or damaged components given any consideration.
@philiprachtman1217 Says:
There is a business idea produce a roof top solar shield which automatically covers the panels when rain is detected and every night
@seandillon6402 Says:
It's a war on capitalism.
@wikindog Says:
Australia is flush with yellow cake. SMRs are great but still not up to spec for all purpose. Two thirds of Australia is uninhabitable. FNQ flushes 3 meters of torrential rain per year in the dry county which just runs away and then disappears. FNQ could host a large scale nuclear reactor because everything is available. Except the workforce, but we are close to India. If politics was eliminated, FNQ could be nuclear powered silicon valley. We have, food, water, space and resources. Just need more people to build a new city West of Cairns. The only stopping block is political interference. 🤠
@littletony1764 Says:
I anticipate that in the not-too-distant future, a vast number of unused Chinese solar panels and wind turbines, valued at trillions of dollars, will be dismantled and dumped soon, resulting in environmental damage and chemical pollution on a scale that Australia has never seen before. This is because renewable energy sources will prove to be ineffective, and nuclear power will ultimately become the primary source of reliable and affordable power. Renewable energy sources will be rendered obsolete because they will be exposed as the expensive hoax they really are.
@Birch37 Says:
CSRIO needs a Senate Enquiry as to their incompetence and statements
@brucescott8116 Says:
If you vote for voldemort your voting for mudoch the real power be hind the throne
@Birch37 Says:
The negative comments are halarious. Even ANSTO agrees and coal-fired power stations need to be upgraded or replaced in 20 years anyway. Upgrading or replacing a coal-fired power station also costs billions $$$$
@kevincrouch3956 Says:
Well that's a coincidence, the constant biased nonsensical far right drivel spewing forth from Sky confirms that it needs to be 'completely restructured'.
@connorduke4619 Says:
Good on Adi for calling out the Far Left Fascism, because that certainly lies at the heart of the ALP/Greens/Teals.
@kevonmason6140 Says:
France charges their consumers A$0.32 per kWh from electricity that is generated from reactors, that represent 70% of their generation. Meanwhile Australia charges between $0.25 and $0.45 cents per kWh depending which state we live in. Now try and tell me that nuclear is too expensive. There are currently 300 plus reactors being planned for countries worldwide. China is planning to build 10 per year. China just finished one from start to switched online in just seven years. Do not listen to all the lefty bullshit
@olddog-fv2ox Says:
The biggest farce with green energy is that their made in China using our coking coal for electricity to manufacture them, then leasing them to us to give us a first world environmental orgasm
@tassied12 Says:
It is Sky News that aren't in the real world. The IAEA reactor database shows just ONE new reactor construction start outside China last year and only TWO so far this year. Nuclear is going nowhere.
@jezza4193 Says:
What gas shortage? Australia is the 2nd largest exporter of LNG in the world.
@owenroberts1168 Says:
Australia listen to Dr Paterson he knows what he is talking about. Stop listening to lies that the useless Labor government is dishing out.
@primi22 Says:
Who exactly thinks solar panels are new?
@helen_3757 Says:
This guy ids brilliant!!!
@jennymills3147 Says:
GO!!! PETER DUTTON. the country is watching.
@mawhim Says:
Big hail storm?Big hail storm taking out all solar panels? C'mon dude , how many SMR will we need 30? They won't be cheap, no one has done them to budget yet.
@carlososic4783 Says:
listen to the dr, not stupid Bowen
@ianenglish123 Says:
Yeh right, first the whole scientific community then the climatologists, now its AEMO. In fact it's anyone that's disagrees with the ideology these fools stand for.

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