Trump will inherit a 'very bad situation' from Biden: Former Trump senior advisor
Trump will inherit a 'very bad situation' from Biden: Former Trump senior advisor



@user-mo7zv1ty4k Says:
Joe was handed a silver plater when he took over and started ruining it from the very beginning to the ruin we see nowšŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬ You need to be held responsible for what you have down to America šŸ¤¬
@user-vp6lf3qo3p Says:
Trump has a mountain of mess that biden obama etc have made to clean up once he back in white house.
@RaikenXion Says:
If Trump gets back in, if he can get some way better Advisors this time, the one's he had before were a joke (most of them).
@chrisd_man2156 Says:
biden has destroyed many aspects of Americas credibility, economy, and seriously increased national debt,....while at the same time building nothing, but tearing down society in many ways. BIDEN HAS INFLICTED SERIOUS DAMAGE ON AMERICA.
@gerarddevita-xl5ji Says:
And the vegetable will blame everything on Trump
@kensweetser6901 Says:
Now we know hunter laptops are real and the 51 intell agents are lieing about hunter laptops and Joe lied about Hunter laptop at the presidents debate
@Nick-bh5bk Says:
I live in a swing state that leans democrat and I can say that I have seen only one Biden lawn sign to about 5 Trump signs in my neighborhood. I'm not saying that is the actual voting margins, but I do think it shows the enthusiasm gap between the two sides. Most people have already chosen their side and the rest will just refuse to vote for anyone - they will either stay home or they will vote their senator/congress person and local offices and just ignore the presidential part of the ballot. I don't think the polls will change much from now until November, unless something major happens.
@walterdaems57 Says:
Trump will inherit Jack shit because no real American will ever vote for a corrupt convicted criminal clown who would grab his daughter by the pussy, calls his fallen son in Irak a loser and brags about his friendship with a war criminal like Putin. Itā€™s just not gonna happen.
@LarryaproudU.S.citizen Says:
It's repairable. So much has been exposed we can make laws that will prevent this from happening again. We will gain respect and be stronger as the result.
@XrayMike17plus1 Says:
The question is, do New York voter hate FJB more than DJT
@LearnMadSkillsSigma Says:
Biden has started 3 new wars and is the most incompetent POTUS America has had in 60 years, bar none. Goodbye Old Poo Butt, chop a farewell line of magic powder in the Situation Room. Ā  TRUMP 2024. šŸ‘ˆšŸ‘ˆšŸ‘ˆ
@lindasimpson6768 Says:
Trump will have a huge job bringing America back to prosperity as demorats have taken us down to bottom of the barrelā¤šŸ˜¢
@user-zc4lc2dr7k Says:
Biden is the one who going to have a bad situation if he does this debate with trump, Biden is going to make a complete clown out of himself with or without prescription uppers. I don't understand why any American people want a pill popping president who needs to take prescription speed to function, and even then it turns biden into a bumbling idiot. Pathetic. Trump 2024ā¤.
@williamnelson8578 Says:
Beware CONVICTED FELON TRUMP AND Maga Republicans lying-lying-lying about the economy and inflation, the border and immigration, crime and Biden supposed being senile. which is a 100% lie. Biden has good solid reasons for boasting about things under his watch. The economy is now in goldilocks territory with full employment at higher wages outpacing inflation which has now stopped. Only .01% inflation this month. The only slight inflation left is wage growth and services, what people are being paid. Stats now prove we are all better off now that 2020 or even 2019 and the inflation spike from reopening and Putin was a global reality in every country, and the US has fared the best. Regarding the border, illegal crossings are down 45% this year and Biden's border security is the toughest ever and would pass easily if Johnson bucked trump and let them vote. On crime, it is down 15% this year and the worst year ever was 2020 under trump. Trump also ushered four years of gun violence and mayhem from his own Maga supporters. Crime is now down two years in a row under Biden and was down 15% under Obama-Biden then back up 15% under trump-Putin. (I mean Pence). Maga trumpists keep lying that Biden is "ruining" the country. No, that was Trump. he left the country ruined when he left office, the economy crashed and 1500 per day dying of covid. Biden rescued us from all that. and the record stock market highs prove it. So, be happy America. We now have a goldilocks economy. And remember that Biden inherited a crashed economy, 1500 per day dying of covid and a fascist coup attempt staged by Trump and Putin. The US is now setting domestic oil and natural gas production records in 2023, wages are up, employment is historically low, the DOW is at record highs and so be happy with Biden.
@williamnelson8578 Says:
LIARS just the opposite. trump inherited a perfect economy in 2017 and left it in ruins plus the foundations of our great country badly damaged too and 1500/day dying of covid with no plan for hos to stop covid.
@jeads21 Says:
The democrats always try to set the next guy up for failure especially when they put up such a flawed candidate. They donā€™t care about the American people just gaining power over them.
@erickriebel4366 Says:
We got to start somewhere this idiot's got to go everyday it gets worse we're having mass shootings everywhere we just had the Mad Butcher shut up in Arkansas you don't hear nothing from Biden not a word
@letthedeedshaw7541 Says:
The leftists will destroy everything before they accept losing to Trump... They are like children...
@jebbohanan2626 Says:
If the Left allows Trump a second termā€¦which is not what will happenā€¦then of course he will have to deal with the horrible consequences of the Lefts Agendas. But, the Left will not allow Trump a second term. They will remove him in the last few weeks before the election and cause the Conservative Vote to be dividedā€¦which will guarantee the Left can put their nominee in office easilyā€¦and that nominee will not be Biden
@vincequinn8120 Says:
Remember the Democrats got away with election and voter fraud in 2020, mail in ballots and dominion voting machines, no way Biden got 81 million votes
@2011leoc Says:
I think President Trump's lead will to big for them to steal like last time! Biden is basically a brain dead toddler. He cant talk or walk. The idiot walks around filling his diaper!
@leonhue722 Says:
Democrats control the software of the vote counting machines so the election result is already decided
@GTDandNee Says:
Typical of demorats to trash the economy and country on their way out. Just like FAA and his grubby LIEBOR party grubs
@jeffreywright4656 Says:
Biden knows he's losing so is now deliberately attempting to 'queer thr pitch' to make it difficult for thr incoming administration. eg his recent executive orders on immigration and student loans.
@cousinvinnie2180 Says:
Anything and everything any democrat touches turns to crap quickly. Biden is the king democrat that has been a failure all his life. Amazingly, there are people that will still vote for Biden and the democrat party. Mental illness is running rampant in America.....
@user-ho4nj4bw1g Says:
šŸ˜… good news bad news MS reader first the good news I found somebody two people dumber than a cartoon characters Beavis and butt-head bad news is that a president and vice president God bless I hope you enjoyed a joke and remember to Lefty's in America remember to call like AOC and Biden racist since they say and do the racist things God knows to call you are racist
@dobby4139 Says:
Who would vote for democraps like seriously šŸ˜¢
@ronaldlittle9041 Says:
President Donald Trump left this dumb a** sitting very well in the White House. Look how the democRATs like to leave the other party with a country that is completely destroyed and upside down.
@Patriottoo2 Says:
There are none so blind, as those who refuse to see what the reprobate with no virtue has done to the country in the last 3.5 years... Traitor Joe.
@indrajfonseka8293 Says:
What has "History" taught us from the times of Babylon, Mede-Persia, Grecia, Rome, Ottoman, and lately British empires that rule over the tiny real estate called "Canaan"? They have all come and gone! Who keeps "Canaan" without being runover today? Absolutely the America, the sitting super power! Fate of American Empire also now written in their walls just as those who came before it! This is an undeniable fact we all have to live with.
@XxTheAwokenOnexX Says:
Trump is getting his excuses ready for when he does another bad job, and can't deliver, as president šŸ˜‚
@genuineirishmale8084 Says:
More Fox Murdoch false propganda to boot lick Trump šŸ„±
@thetechman143 Says:
Australia could be a target if he wins, are any of you aware of that?..
@runnyhunny786 Says:
Wrecking ball Biden. šŸ˜
@davidcleveland-yv6my Says:
yea....let's hear about the non existent coalition. haha.
@user-if8ew8nd7k Says:
A chocolate cake
@fullspeedaheadbarcelona6502 Says:
Biden has got such a smug face.
@leebarber8045 Says:
110 percent But trump is the man to get shit in order 110 percent Everything biden touches turns to shit Thats how fithy crooks role The hole family is criminal And joe welm hes in love with his own dorter ,the pedophile šŸ˜®
@anthonymartinez4307 Says:
No sh*t.
@user-es1yn1ct2u Says:
The Bronx It wasnt a rally it was a staged false event with all his idiot usual followers experience with trump BS he has no experience how to be a decent person and act like a president when he claimed the democrats stole the election he was very unstable he had a general following him around who was afraid because he had the nuclear codes he would start pushing buttons he had a good run with china didnā€™t his daughter make 400 million out of china corona virus trump handled that badly making all sorts of ridiculous decisions and suggestions you could inject disenfectant to kill it ivamectin which dewormed you plus one million people died on his watch Chaos can you imagine this vengeful vindictive hate ridden man not causing chaos he wont be worried about the economy crime helping people nothing he will be to busy wanting POWER with all his crooked cronies arresting people and charging them for getting in his way Ronald Regan even his son said he would be horrified with what trump has done so many people Trump wants to put in the White House have been charged with various crimes since when in a good society when people are crooks haters and liars are accepted please you are only passing on lies from fox inform Aussie with the truth
@Opinionsrnotfacts574 Says:
I was wondering when this would start - Trump has promised the impossible, to bring down inflation and consumer prices. He won't be able to deliver on this promise and will no doubt blame Biden and claim things are much worse than he thought.
@johnanderson1245 Says:
The concept of peace through strength is nothing new. The Romans came up with it a long time ago. ā€œSi vis pacem, para bellumā€.
@anatrejo7340 Says:
Oh please!! Don't you see this is not Biden..this is an actor using a ugly mask. They have different tape of mask šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…
@TheFrogfeeder Says:
Trump already cleaned up o bummers mess, hopefully the damage Joe has done can even be fixed at this pointā€¦.
@cielitagarcia6489 Says:
Not sure if even President Trump can fix the horrible mess that Jelly Bean has done. He has killed America on the world stage, made it a laughing stock. I hope that President Trump wins but is not blamed for the all the failures of the current guy. I am just praying that he doesn't get us in a massive conflict (w@r). Also, I pray the people he is flying in and letting come here do not cause domestic acts or chaos. It seems like Jelly Bean would rather burn the country down than to loose fair and square. The talk about loosing our democracy because of Trump when they are the biggest villains of all.
@buzz5969 Says:
Trumpy will be lucky to get a SECURITY CLEARANCE as a CONVICTED FELON. Ponder that amigos.šŸ˜ŠšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ»
@chairmandan1794 Says:
Kids don't do drugs, unless your name is Hiden.
@ronsmith8434 Says:
If biden wins. They cheated again
@josephmora7720 Says:
It wasnā€™t that great with Obama. Nothing is as bad as Joe though.
@ivansultanoff6719 Says:
Who could possibly vote for cadiva Biden-seriously

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