Peter Dutton has 'done himself a disservice' by trash-talking Anthony Albanese
Peter Dutton has 'done himself a disservice' by trash-talking Anthony Albanese



@Objectiveansthensome Says:
Dutton is WEAK.. So results to acting like a MEAN GIRL cannot explain being the ONLY party in the world that went 9 years with NO energy policy .. COST US ALL MORE FOR POWER RIGHT NOW.. cause the best of the Renewable are cheaper ..YET blocked by Big money Fossil Fuel Donors....Plus his nuclear plan does not add up ... will cost us all more money for the next 15 years
@ginobiondi2 Says:
If you can't take it then don't dish it out, its a two way street.
@petercrone3524 Says:
Oink oink.
@Josma432 Says:
Showing once again Dutton’s more in touch with Australians.
@Dadcandoit007Kevin Says:
This comment section is an absolute mess. Peter Dutton is an idiot, albo has been doing more for Australia so far then the liberals did in all their years in office so far.
@jiminverness Says:
Joe, you're way off the mark here. Albo called Dutton and The Coalition names. _He's_ done all the "trash-talking." Dutton was simply making an accurate observation.
@edwardbec9844 Says:
Albanese and the rest are still acting like University Socialist left Activists .. not acting in the best interests of Australia ..Took months before any comments on the Terrorist attacks that Raped Tortured and Slaughtered Israeli Citizens as wellas Australians, Germans French .. certainly not stepping up to the Celebration of that Barbaric Attack by Hamas Palestinians Hatred Being preached on the steps of the Sydney Opera House Calling for Killing Australians Of Jewish Faith .. in Mosques and Australian Streets attacking a Christian Priest in his Church based on Religion.. A mediocre Man .. caved into the 20 point plan? Labeling Albanese The Puppet Handsome boy Soft on China for a few Crumbs of the Trade The lack of this PM's Voice is Endangering Australian Service Men and Women that are constantly under attack by China , the Former Liberal Government PM Scott Morrison Had the Intestinal Fortitude to Stand Up .
@Shayne-l5l Says:
Can you Trash talk trash I like that one 👌👍
@sierabravo215 Says:
Couldn't agree more. Well said Dutto 👍. Who's that Muppet on the end of the desk grow some balls mate.
@1010Nato1010 Says:
Renwables are the made in China, Ikea flatbacks.😂
@frankcoates4609 Says:
Boofhead is a pig in a pigs body, and Caleb, well I wouldn't like to be impolite.
@lesnorton837 Says:
Alma fudd does it to Dutton every day what are you winging adout.
@bettymarshall2702 Says:
Poor Joe.🤣
@trevorbyrne-pp6lc Says:
Hildabrandt is a dope simple oxy moron
@stephengrocott3917 Says:
Dutton is a cretin
@johnwoodrow8769 Says:
Hilderbrand again just demonstrating his mouth is bigger than his brain.
@helen_3757 Says:
I agree with Joe, Dutton shouldn’t get personal. Leave it to Albo and Labor to disgrace themselves.
@jefftysoutube Says:
AUKUS will probably go out the window along with this other nuclear power fiasco once reality sinks in....there is that to hope for!
@guymorgan4930 Says:
Dutton is a desperate pathetic Lowlife scumbag who is not fit to be PM.
@davidbeard7842 Says:
Hildabrand just showing his true colours. Get him off that program. It’s a disservice to us to have to listen to him
@andrewhinde6048 Says:
Albo is a fool absolute idiot
@santobellomo8775 Says:
Of course Joe only Labor can trash talk
@vincentburrowes9243 Says:
The LNP must have consulted a 17 year old kid about locating Nuclear Reactors in Loy Yang - Victoria, Port Augusta - South Australia and Callide / Gladstone - Queensland as these locations are listed Geological / Earthquake Risk Zones. The location of Lithgow is subject to Low Ground Water concerns. There has been a catastrophic failure of a Nuclear Power Station in Japan called Fukushima which was caused by an Earthquake / Tsunami. The LNP has obviously not performed any form of Risk Assessment - does the LNP have a suitable disaster plan for such an event as the one that occurred in Japan?
@vincentburrowes9243 Says:
Currently in the USA, the decommissioning of a Nuclear Power Station has to be completed 60 years after the cessation of operations. It can be longer if the process is required to protect Public Health or safety. A 50 year break is required for radioactive decay and 10 years is required to dismantle the facility. This is a very costly exercise. A renewable power station does not require a complicated process such as this for decommissioning.
@gsd4me00 Says:
Dutton's description of the man-child could not be more apt.
@KT-bb1tb Says:
I can remember the Boof Head (Albozzo) calling Dutton a Boof Head ! It's Seems that's Ok with the Left......But then again Albozzo is an Expert ?
@BigFerg-hf6uv Says:
Albo is an out of control dumpster fire !!!! So the majority of the developed world has got it wrong on Nuclear and Albonzo and Crazy Chris are right ?? Labor are peeing in the wind again 😅
@bettymarshall2702 Says:
This is the best description of Albo I have heard . Great term for us to keep using.
@BrettEdward-s1t Says:
Dutton has said we are all thinking.
@John-ul4hv Says:
LNP/Labor have destroyed Australia the GREENS incite hate Albo is a globalist with LNP in support we are in trouble. Digital ID rammed through Senate with NO democratic argument by Labor supported by LNP, sub section 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8 future mandated, Misinformation Bill exempting protecting politicians lies and silencing the People what they read and say on the Internet E-Safety Commissioner coming after you and U-Tube, Identity Identification Bill giving gov't the right to hold your information and share it with greedy corporations globalism, authoritarian totalitarian vote the ONE Party who opposed these Bills ONE Nation give the Duopoly a clear message
@johnmurray8267 Says:
Peter Dutton was stating a fact “ Chinas Handsome Little Boy “ filthy Albanese.
@NHL4740 Says:
Hildebrandt needs to seperate his ego and allegiance from his commentary.
@prescientselector3784 Says:
Joe Joe Joe !!! You obviously haven’t heard Albo address Dutton in question time !!!
@mellowman1020 Says:
Pretty much impossible not to trash Albo the guy is a stammering, slurring clown
@travstar5447 Says:
Hildebrand is a woke stooge! Dutton is on point, & was only stating facts..... Joey is an ideologically floored peanut.
@Dont_Gnaw_on_the_Kitty_1 Says:
All Dutton and the Libs have is trash talk. They have no policies, no ideas and nothing constructive. But by God they blame Labor.
@larrylongprong5219 Says:
Dutton will never be PM.
@famousamoss Says:
I disagree. Well done Peter Dutton on having the courage to “nail your colours to the mast” and telling the truth…that every Australian needs to know before it’s too late.
@alanw8552 Says:
I thought Dutton was actually polite & accurate in his comments about Albanese. Many Australians would say much worse about wimpy Albanese.
@albozo2dustbin Says:
👎Joe Hildebrand
@ralphmogridge8364 Says:
Dutton the dim-witted and brain deads Champion!!!
@ThatGuy-ze5kk Says:
joe is actually right on this one. this is probably the most important election we will see in our lifetime, the result will shape this country's future for a generation, and as such, we cannot allow it to degenerate into a smart arse meme war!
@jimdavid7710 Says:
Spicy but not an own-goal
@kellyduncan4810 Says:
Good job Dutton Pinocchio Albosleezy has been doing it for so long. About time he got his own medicine back
@garrysecuramot Says:
Hildebrand is a moron
@TrickyBoy1517. Says:
**"Dismas"** A petulant child in a "man's" body ;)
@St.Thomas-er9iu Says:
Can the Australian population trust Government Bureaucrat criminals and media? ... St.Thomas
@jimhowlett5365 Says:
Joe's right ear is blocked he only hears from the left
@dominicgalante7501 Says:
@damiengoss8382 Says:
Joe you are full of it , take a good look at all the snide remarks from your so called leader in the past. Ok and since when has the PM given details of anything he does, your a hypocrite.

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