'Little boy in a toy shop': Albanese's behaviour in his first term revealed
'Little boy in a toy shop': Albanese's behaviour in his first term revealed



@RosemaryHorvath Says:
Little boy is right.What a fool.
@NateMcCarthy-d4b Says:
AnAl even denied giving a young girl tickets to Taylor Swift so he could go ๐Ÿฅด๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@garyemerson9310 Says:
@garyemerson9310 Says:
@johnlovett6704 Says:
Joe is an insult to all Sky News watchers. Please ditch him BIG TIME. If he is on the panel in future, I will switch off immediately.
@ElarMack-ci1of Says:
Not only a Little Boy in the ToyShop. He wrecks the Leggo.masterpieces, laughs at others misfortune, hides the good presents and even makes the lights go out in the shop, while calling it Progressive and our future. The children will suffer with this deranged hopeless Lad.
@johnhaines8752 Says:
Joe whereโ€™s the lie? Woo!
@KathyLoughnan Says:
What a Labor sheep on the panel if Albo sold Australia to China heโ€™d still stick with Albo itโ€™s about time they all grow up
@markb7898 Says:
Albanese is out of his depth and has no empathy for the rest of the people. He is in this for himself.
@susankafe8337 Says:
I so love that, what Dutton said, a child in a man's body! Well said Peter Dutton ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
@MarkForbes-dr4ie Says:
Albanese is weak and incompetent.
@robertsutton3439 Says:
When this dumbass is 1:06 thrown out very soon very against much this idiot receiving any payout when he is booted out on his lying arse this Joe is a stupid labour licker shut your big mouth cockhead
@GeoffBrewer-z5u Says:
wake up Joe, has not labour used personal attacks all the time
@aerotuc Says:
Little boy revealed himself latter as a callus uncaring gutless tyrant dictator who can't take no as an answer .Albanese behaving as though he is in charge of a marfia family .Correction he is in fact in reality causing all Aussies severe trauma in our bank balances in every aspect of our lives now and decades or centuries to come One word thoughtfully chosen and not rude in his case is he is a "Bastard"
@BarbaraMacDonald-bq1lb Says:
@tonynicholson3328 Says:
Joe got his nose in the ๐Ÿฉ...
@patrickjohnson8741 Says:
He's trying to nick every toy in the shop.
@michaelmarshall3672 Says:
So the truth hurts. He is a petulant child. Dutton doesnโ€™t have to disclose anything heโ€™s in opposition. Does LNP have to continue to tell Labour how to run the country. Simply look at the detainee debacle, which is again nothing to see here no one sacked for incompetence. Australian voters will remember.
@andrewmckay2118 Says:
Albo is a child in a mans body
@DavidYule-c4l Says:
Albogreasy, more like a monkey than even a child.
@rayhanna7433 Says:
What about the labour insults to Dutton Joe you are dumb and dishonest!
@pkd6369 Says:
better a little toy ! in a big boys shop!
@billybobb7252 Says:
Looks like little Joe is card carrying commie. He seems to be in love with the idiot prime mincer. Get back to The Project, Joe ya leftie loser.
@dancinguy99 Says:
Pathetic little boy lost amongst realities of the 21st century, with his manifesto sewer of shite
@paulabetts-z1d Says:
Why is it that "Prime Minister," Albanese is in now? Stoopid peeple votird him in. What qualifies him to be he'd honcho. His resume wouldn't qualify for a position as an Australian Prime Minister. ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž Yet here he is. โ˜น๏ธ
@RosaCulhane Says:
Yeah the game is up we all have had enough of this weak woke leftist government who have taken advantage their power to push their woke policies they have no Australian values no allegiance to this once proud nation or to the people this bunch along with the unhinged Green party disgust me they are not fit to run a piggery
@happyforgoodkaren2411 Says:
Both the ALP & the LNP need to go. Collectively both parties are responsible for destroying our Country. Look at the Great Australian Party and other alternatives.
@stuartthompson7102 Says:
Stop being a D ICK Jo.
@stancraigie601 Says:
Hey Joe, there's no detail or costings on Labor's renewables debacle!
@lesleyosborne9319 Says:
Joes got issues
@MoonWhoOx Says:
Albo is just a a disgrace, his ministers, yes, that's all his ministers are a laughing stock, just as their leader. Alborigine is stuck in his University days, a Trotskyite Socialist, with no clue or plan. Dutton is a shining light at the end of the tunnel. No more needs to be said.
@CherieDemicz Says:
He is a disgrace and a embarassment,a total free loader
@pkd6369 Says:
bet he hasnt changed since first term at school!"any of Albo -regional ex teachers out there?
@michaellim8601 Says:
Vile albanese.
@johnkauppi7078 Says:
Albanese is just the wrong guy to have as Prime minister. He is a crying little girlyman. Doesn't the Labour party have any men that are leadership material? From what I've seen they are all pretty dismal.
@mark83865 Says:
Shut up Joe!
@rhyno1740 Says:
Man child Albo.
@darrenhunt9049 Says:
Joe is just an absolute commo wanker. Opinionated idiot with a Uni degree and zero real life experiences.
@kevinmoor6408 Says:
Hildebrand waves his hands and head around like a leftist poof. Oh.
@iconsaustraliaproductions4991 Says:
Do we all remember "Mr Pants on Fire Fake PM of PR" & everything he had to say about Scott Morrison ??? Now we are supposed to make an exception for Labor/Greens-Teals set of collective dreaming out of control bungling misfits with a track record of failures making history...
@pkd6369 Says:
HILDA the brand ......"labor plant on SKY"
@chonnyfan123100 Says:
Its alright joe mum will give you cuddle when you get home
@leeclews7731 Says:
Why does anybody ask Joe Hildebrand his opinions. The guy is a total flog!
@vmura Says:
handsome little boy needs a dummy
@graemeschubert6162 Says:
Personal political science Didn't think liberals were like that. ๐Ÿ˜…
@holdenbrougham1056 Says:
Why is it that men with the name Joe are silly?
@maxfish4770 Says:
Get off the gear Joe
@mrbanjopete Says:
Why isnโ€™t that soy muppet hilderbrand on the gaybc?
@stevenflynn4127 Says:
What a load of shit, it's the same old reteric that comes up before an election. Labor & liberal are both the same just different names. Childish bullshit and Australia has had enough of these entitled arsewipes. Until the two part system is abolished nothing will change. But you can bet your life Dutton has already been selected to fuck us over some more.vote no to all major parties
@peterjackson5225 Says:
Canberra fool ...

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