Could the Democrats 'blast' Joe Biden out of the race?
Could the Democrats 'blast' Joe Biden out of the race?



@goatcurry. Says:
Biden Blast?!
@Joe-jd4pn Says:
No pauly!!! Joes had his 18th booster like you!! Hes at least as tough as you. Certainly not a sook!
@williamhuss9778 Says:
Sleepy Joe needs to go
@Eliseo_Monteverde Says:
People in mainstream media SUDDENLY discovered that Joe Biden is in a very bad condition anb unable to run for the second term. We knew it before his first term... For four years we were observing this collapse... The whole world laughed at the United States.
@iamkesha. Says:
Conservatives need to be warned. Trump was used to out biden from office because they know he is not fit for office. When that happens, the same people who ignored and gaslight biden age will start reporting and attacking Trump's age, like what they did to Reagan and McCain.
@gandalfstormcrow8439 Says:
State ballot laws prohibit adding candidates!
@MD-mm1zv Says:
The left aren’t gonna win anyway. To avoid more damage, FJB could finish the term….WITH the proviso that he is no longer a candidate for reelection. The rational part of the country would have to pray hard nothing catastrophic occurs during this time, of course. But, given the unthinkable alternative, and given the despicable position the country has been placed in…it is probably the only practical solution.
@BobPsomiadis Says:
You need a job as a street cleaner ,fatcat Murray.
@d-munn Says:
Zionism, Neoliberalism & Neoconservatism: The True Axis of Evil. 🙏⚖🕊
@d-munn Says:
President Lewy Bodies has succeeded in freeing the world from the US's hegemonic grip. Welcome to a 'Multi-Nodal World'. As long as we survive the neoconservative's panicked meltdown.
@Spitpoole20024 Says:
Sure they could! But, who would step in? None of the dirtbag democrats qualify! They are all tainted…
@toddhansen3468 Says:
Don't matter there policy is the problem not brain dead Joe
@rickc661 Says:
And - you remember , Im sure - but fail to admit the reality ... VP. M. Pence ( no dem liberal ) refused to certify 'alternate electors' that Jan 6 - cooked up in plot to destroy a US. election, from inside the trump White House. this after ALL recounts said J.b. won election. TRAITORS. White House lawyer R.G. GUILTY of threats on election Workers. White House lawyer. k. Chesboro GUILTY of Election Fraud. facts. on and on the most corrupt admin in history. of course the sky / fox owner stated in court his ' talking heads' lie to their viewers. lie to viewers - cost a cool $ 3 /4 Billion.
@kennethblachlyjr3040 Says:
Id argue Jill is the 1 with the ego
@donaldmiller2654 Says:
When did being President of the United States of America become a 10 to 4 job? The power brokers said JOEY does a good job between those hours .
@johnwhite4197 Says:
Australia loves American Politics and no one in America could care less who runs Australia!
@Buddy_Wayne Says:
C’mon y’all You know Joe Biden is the Bernie Sanders as Gavin Newsom is the Hillary for the Democrat Convention in August 19 Kamala will finish the term pardoning the Biden crime family!!! Trump wins with a fair election…
@grantsutherland6798 Says:
No Joe is here for the term Paul. Put your massive weight behind project 2025, with the liar in chief. Have YOU had a health check up recently????
@19brs73 Says:
But he can stay on as pResident?
@MrR3DLOOK Says:
100% Gawn
@buzzaurde42 Says:
FJB...FJB...FJB....MAKE HIM STAY...they need to eat the crow they been cooking....
@jeepowner2675 Says:
Blast? I mean yah technically.
@blackOneTime Says:
Wait Can't Biden use his new King powers to appoint Obama back into office?
@joecolumbia5104 Says:
They rigged an election to get Bozo into office so throwing him out shouldn't be a problem.
@AlanRoehrich9651 Says:
They don't have a viable replacement candidate.
@echobear5228 Says:
Too much weird stuff going on… i think they will find a way to stop the election and the left will continue to rule under the One World Order (AI) that has been ruling for some time now.
@3rdpig Says:
Could they? Hypothetically, yes. Realistically? Probably not because if they did the top of the ticket would be Kamala and she's no more electable at this point than Biden. They might as well let Biden go down in flames and try to find someone electable for 2028. And they also need to deal with the malcontents in their own party, left wing loons like AOC or Jamal Bowman who would promote themselves into the top seats but are as unelectable as Biden/Harris/Newsome, etc, etc.
@RT_today Says:
Jill and Hunter Biden are the only ones keeping Sleepy Joe in the Whitehouse, can't get Joe's thoughts on it, he doesn't even know his own name!
@Capt083 Says:
No, look what they are stuck with (harris)! She aint standing down. A big ruckus in the near future.
@rentechpad Says:
Thus does broker the question, the last time there could have been an issue like this with a President facing disabling health issues at the end of a first term who was being covered up for by the elite of his party, and a media that really had been sold on him during his first campaign, and probably fairly so at that time. I speak, of course, of JFK. The problem with someone who may have some underlying health concerns but is showing no ill health when elected, the job of President id gruelling. We know now that even as a senstor JFK had physical health issues from war injuries, but they were well managed during his senatorial career. As President his chronic pain and back issues, probably really made worse by the stress of the cold war and other political crisis he had to deal with including the domestic problems of tge cigil rights era, which slammed head on into common medical practices of the 1960's where few physicians saw a down side to narcotics for pain relief therapy and poorly understood addiction and understood even less hiw long term narcotic use could alter brain chemistry, cognitive ability and moods as well as the inability to self control of everything from anger to libido. JFK functioned well even up to where he launched into his canpaign for his second term, as long as he was mainly shut in the oval office, just with vlose advisors that knew how to manage his behavior and judge how his narcotic use was at any given time. He was a great performer and could deliever a well written political speech, but as the campaign moved towards the convention there just were less and less spontaneous interviews, press conferences ir anything but the reading of a prewritten speech. Jackie was relied on more and more for public appearences even though she did not deliever political speeches, her appesrence, clothing choices, waving, and smiling were a distraction away from seeing Jack less and less. And the press corp and media was urged not to reflect on tge fact that it was not the President they were gearing from but cabinet members, high level staff and advisors to tell them what the President was doing. No one wanted LBJ as the next president but it was becoming clear, many said that everyone knew JFK could not manage a second term but he did not see it that way and refused to even allow it to be broached although the democrats really wanted him yo announce he would not run again before too much was locked in and they were stuck with LBJ. JFK would not give in and that may have led to how history played out. LBJ probably had a clear idea of what happened and when he was broached about not running again gracefully ptotected himself by not doing so. Jackie also probably knew way more than anyone may ever have bedn aware and why she availed herself of living outside the US for the length of time she did.
@tomskoutelas3432 Says:
I love watching you guys ..I get some real news from you, And that what is missing in USA
@MrMovieflash Says:
i want to see Joe's more gaffe.. so he will lose big!
@Wythaneye Says:
To the Democrats that want Joe out All you have to do is open an investigation against Jill Biden for elder abuse. All the truth will have to come out about Joe's failing health, she can rest peacefully in prison, and Joe can get the proper retirement care that he needs.
@bobsmithbobsmith2878 Says:
The Democrats are guilty of the terrible policies they have pushed on America... Joe is a puppet .. Dems will LIE and cheat and do ANYTHING TO REMAIN IN POWER ..... VOTE THE ALL OUT
@johnskelton5683 Says:
Think like a Communist! Think like a Communist and you will have answers to many questions. Remember, the STRONGMAN RULES! Old Joey is going on vacation sooner rather than later, like it was done in the old Soviet Union. Off on vacation to never return to power. For Joey, the beach perhaps to live out his last days. Those who know where the skeletons are buried will rule! They will be the ones making the choices, those would be the Obama's and the Clinton's. Top of the ticket goes to either Killary Clinton or the Hackler. Killary runs the show if chosen and Obama by proxy for a forth term should it be the Hackler. Obama and the Clinton's are now ... Again, think STRONGMAN, think like a COMMUNIST! 😮
@enjoywatching5081 Says:
Trump needs to start campaigning against kamala
@sunshine7340 Says:
All jokes aside they absolutely did do it in ‘63. But since your Julian Assange’s countrymen I can’t blame you for pretending to be joking when telling the truth about the US government
@danielmackay8099 Says:
Hide the suspicious activity reports at all cost .
@kennyporterfield9630 Says:
Joe Biden and the democratic party’s lying have awoken The MASTER.Thank you GOD.
TRUMP 2024
@charleshales1437 Says:
As some have said he would have the keys to the car taken away from him but running the USA is ok.
@indianasunsets5738 Says:
The Biden's are NOT going to go quietly. The $200 million they've raised would have to be returned to donors.
@ktswandering Says:
The info I am getting is that the majority of Americans don't want either of the clowns on offer.....
@franklinjohn5067 Says:
The only thing worse than those words and actions worse than those of Donald; "Are the recent words and actions of Supreme court Justices "
@keithbarnhart6952 Says:
Why is Trump, who is absolutely sure (or at the very least, tells everyone) he is 100% innocent, so desperate for immunity? Innocent people don't need immunity. Fact is, Trump is ONLY running for president to escape legal prosecution. If you honestly think in your heart Trump cares about you or this country, then congratulations, you are part of a cult and have been effectively brainwashed.
@conradpfalzgraf Says:
As an American, I do wonder if JB will be charged with FRAUD for accepting donations to a "campaign fund" , which will actually be Jill's retirement fund
@fordpopular8792 Says:
If BIDEN is not mentally acute to be charged with document offences, how come he is acute to stand as President ?
@RogueElementMkII Says:
Why would any of you even want Biden gone? By November he'll probably be using a walking frame.
@gwwasham Says:
Stay in the race Joey! Fight on! All you have to do is imagine...what can what has been!!
@honigtrailapiary4341 Says:

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