Australia and its allies must be 'ruthlessly ready' for war
Australia and its allies must be 'ruthlessly ready' for war



@nacra613 Says:
Agree with readiness, but I doubt China wants hostilities as much as the Democrats do.
@fatwombat2611 Says:
We need swarms of cheap smart drones but for that and other things we need a manufacturing industry.
@MaoriWithAttitude Says:
So you need more weapons to deter war? How's that tactic working out in Ukraine these days?
@matthill2231 Says:
Make love, not war, don't use your teeth fgagot
@matthill2231 Says:
Look at the tits nipples and hair on this mole
@dimitryrostov6482 Says:
The greens can go live in a garbage dump
@yehtun2076 Says:
She is cute
@kkcw6668 Says:
Or we could have a look around a bit and consult with all Sthn Hemisphere stakeholders and come to a Sthn Hemisphere consensus!
@thedreadedsyntholbaby763 Says:
Im so glad I left the army last month, that place SUCKS
@Erebus369 Says:
The US is a failing empire and government. It will fall and drag anyone it can down with it.
@kwiteryabitchin Says:
A country, with a huge coast line and a small population of 26 million people needs a big deterrent.
@StudlyHammer Says:
Or we could free ourselves from the crown & allow domestic firearms again to make the place uninvadeable.
@michaelsaint9181 Says:
What a joke, if the Tranny shock troops we could produce would be effective,.....we are toast.
@dannywebb6709 Says:
Ready for war.... Is this some kind of joke or something
@JeannineCoventon Says:
@petethomas9623 Says:
What,fight for blackrock etc,you can not even give your kid a slug gun in this country anymore....nanny state......the young will not go as there is nothing in it for them,and if they do and get home to be treated like shit by the govt....wake up.
@CorpsCulture Says:
I think we are screwed - just sayin’
@vlatkotemelkov3035 Says:
Australia cant protect itself from spyders and snakes and they talk about war 😅😅😅
@tinabriggs2286 Says:
Nice enough bloke, but really??? We are NOT going to war with China! That would plunge us into a DEPRESSION which would last a generation, possibly two. Deranged US, British and NATO policies drove Russia China Iran etc into an alliance against the west. And for what? So the military industrial complex and Wall Street could earn fabulous profits from the dismembering of Russia. And who is going to lead us in this holy crusade.NOT the US Their record on winning wars is, frankly , &%$@house. They are a fentanyl addicted, leaderless mess ATM. Britain is a joke, except to themselves of course. Im not letting my sons anywhere near a foreign war over money. Let the woke, purple haired transvestites sort this mess out. Why not try diplomacy for a change. The US only understands war. I agree, our military needs a major boost, but holy hell; talking unwinnable wars against Russia and China is just BRAIN DEAD.
@stevejackson1228 Says:
Australia has 72 genders of troops ready for battle China wouldn’t stand a chance
@lappo2534 Says:
Fark off you war mongers
@MrDynasport Says:
Ur kidding, too many they them, him her pansies around now.
@jointherevolution5577 Says:
Lest we forget...
@marylincutes Says:
North Korea has plenty of ammunition, which is why no ones attacks North Korea. So it's ok to have ammunition to scare off other countries.
@dragan3290 Says:
Send the police! ( too many of them anyway)!
@user-de5nr7ho3n Says:
This woman is truely sick in the head ... Drop her frontlines she said she loves the whole thing ruthlessly and all as he says no one wants war... Shes getting excited ... Tell her to go join up or shut up ... She should be fired hes trying to warn us she's literally saying shes excited to join up with anyone who wants to go to war... Anyone she says like its some high school girls club fight in the girls toilets Sign her up before you come around here ... Does she even have any permanent injuries does she have even a permanent scar can she go a day without food Or let alone her mirror and make up
@Eric-jo8uh Says:
Why aren’t there women in the army? Equality, remember? ….or is that only when it’s convenient. Other nations have women.
@user-vu3xp3oz2o Says:
Australia is essentially a vassal state of the US. Aust sole foreign policy imperative is to advance the interests of the usa at all costs
@user-vu3xp3oz2o Says:
Aust continue to be used
@IHG-ou8kd Says:
Will we get enough? gen z etc, will want latte's, fetta cheese, vegan meals, time out rooms where they can run to when offended Didn't our crickets sack Langer because he was harsh in training them Watching a few yt shorts where ppl get scared in a trick ay home, most of the guys, do what Obama did, raised their hands to their mouth, knee raised and squealed.
@apothecarymaybe3402 Says:
Any conflict can be won. Its the lengths you are prepared to go to, to win that war. The west is governed by rules, laws and red tape. Our potential enemies such as Russia, China, North Korea and Iran are not restricted at all. They are playing the long game and are in it to win, not matter the cost to them and no matter how many people they kill, regardless if they wear a uniform or not. These four countries rule the media, they will only air what will benefit them. The west, with it's freedom of speech for most the part, our media only cares about the story, regardless of who it benefits and who it hurts.
@artistickevful Says:
I’m a veteran of the RAA like my father and grandfather and I can tell you straight up, there is no way I would consider joining the military today with the dangerous woke element that has entered the defence force. One example was the ability to pick up a wounded soldier and their rifle and webbing and cover 100 metres in a specific time. Just one test to ensure the soldier’s ability to be in a field force unit. Nowadays these efficiency tests are dropped to include the weak. In the theatre of war today, Australia is stuffed.
@gruntworx5955 Says:
Our firearm laws and the police have left us weak and with nothing. All good for them . However our laws have destroyed an entire industry.
@TimBrianTufuga Says:
OCEAN 2024 400 warships, is the entire Russian Navy alongside the Chinese Navy, the largest Navy in the world. Trust me, the Russian and Chinese are prepping for war with NATO, QUAD and AUKUS. For the US military they will at long last have a peer on peer adversary to fight both China and Russia at the same time. Trust me, the odds are not in AUKUS, QUAD and NATO favour, the Sino Russo missile systems and especially their thermonuclear preparation is by far more advanced than the US and NATO Forces.
@Smackdaddy79 Says:
EASY Our biggest threat is internal! It's the radical left! Phobic Wokism agenda & crazy socialists! DIDNT THE TERRORISTS IN MELBOURNE THIS WEEKEND PROVE THAT!?
@Smackdaddy79 Says:
We have Wokism while our enemies have missiles & gunships! Thanks for the protection progressive socialism counter culture👎🏽
@CarolJorgensen-oj8tz Says:
America isn't the 'World Police ' ,more like the 'World Mafia '.Australia just follows in their shadow as a wannabe hitman. We would be better off looking after our own interests.
@mirkeggiante Says:
War against China will destroy Australia: 1 billion people against 28 milion... The only thing Australia can do is stop foreign investor, stop importing their stuff and rebuild every industry here and be self sufficient in everything, there are all the resources to do so.
@malcolmfletcher7295 Says:
We need to be ruthlessly ready to disengage from the U.S. Their current global posture and influence is entirely pernicious and Australia would do well to get as far away as possible from these warmongers.
@gartjone1846 Says:
Fear fear fear and more fear. Turn off the news. Beware the industrial military complex and petroleum fossil fuel fascists and the main stream media
@adzmc6681 Says:
Stop being Americas bitch and join Bricks.
@geoffsheppard8267 Says:
The Albonochio government strips honours from dead soldiers on the hearsay of the Taliban while flooding the country with Hamas. Yeah he's a real leader Mr 38%..
@davidotoole4250 Says:
10 Nuclear weapons exploded over Australian cities and major population centres would produce an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) that would destroy the power grid and all electronic devices (computers, radios, TV,), all unprotected cars and trucks (99%). No power, no communications, no transport - back to the 1800s - food would run out very quickly, resulting in death by starvation for 95% of the population within 3 months. The buildings and infrastructure would be undamaged (although not working) - but the country would be easy pickings for China. Point being is that a beef up military would not prevent this without a missile defense system (S500 or similar) which Australia does not have (except for the Pollies in Canberra ?). There is no point in beefing up the military if Australia can't defend against Nuclear weapons plus have Nuclear weapons to retaliate as the primary deterrent. Unfortunately Nuclear WW3 is almost here (currently USA is pushing Russia & China into this as we speak) and Australia is literally defenseless.
@BrianThomas-i5f Says:
The WEF is our biggest threat currently
@pieinher67 Says:
How can this woman say she 'likes' the slogan? Only gullible imbeciles think in terms of war. Grow up and start thinking for yourselves for Pity's sake.
@vincentcacciola7161 Says:
American warmongering at its finest, everybody knows anerica wants to use Australia as a proxy against China, hows Ukraine working out for you 🤡
@shahramtorki560 Says:
@drwinklepecker9298 Says:
Danger on our Doorstep should be compulsary reading for every Australian, of any age.
@colc7707 Says:
Military industrial comlex at its finest
@sl_torana7486 Says:
At a time when Australia has ended up in this situation, we have the Veterans Suicide RC coming to a close where we learn that the ADF and DVA are so bad, over 1600 veterans have taken their own lives in 20 years, over 1500 more deaths than from all of our adversaries combined in the same time period. Politicians who are quick to get photo ops with warriors are absent when those warriors are broken. The lesson here, if you join the ADF to fight for corporate interests, the Govt through their agent, DVA will ensure you suffer for your service. The RC will change nothing. None of the politicians or CEOs children will fight for their country, but they'll all benefit from the sacrifices of the same dumb poor souls who will fight for Santos to extract wealth from Australia.

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