Publications accuse Donald Trump of being a 'Russian Manchurian candidate'
Publications accuse Donald Trump of being a 'Russian Manchurian candidate'



@AlbertErb-zv8hl Says:
Lol that's why during Trump administration Russia was under control and not causing wars. But during Budens there was war. This guy is nothing but a lefty democratic puppet spreading the Russua, Russia, Russia.
@0Lu.Lu0 Says:
Right, and how xan Trump be the "Russian Manchurian Candidate" when he has been with us here in the States, homegrown for decades and could have been doing the dictatorial things of which KH et al. accuse him, when SHE is the one whom The American People did not choose and was INSTALLED! SHE is the one who refuses to put herself in situations without a script or teleprompter, where The American People can talk policy WITH HER, ASK HER QUESTIONS!! Her campaign surrogates hace done more interviews than her!! Plus they are gaslighty as fucc (gaslighting is a form of abuse) whenever we asked for interviews and town halls and even a proper page with policy platform, which after 55+ days of pressure they put up one that is said to be 70+% a copy-and-paste from what Joe Biden was running on!! Everything else but her opening us up to domestic invasion, our fuccd up economy, and us now being closer to a devastating war than ever before in our lifetime--EVERYTHING ELSE BUT THAT IS A DISTRACTION!!! What difference does it make how much money she promises (which she & Biden skipped over you these 4 years to promise at the SAME TIME millions of new mouths to feed are come in here) if you have that money & prosperity as a temptation and incentive to rob, *ape, xill you??? In terms of immigrants, America has been branded "The Land of Opportunity" for decades, PLEASE JUST THINK!! This woman is a dictator in waiting and will go even further to destroy this country for us all!!
@jeffro221 Says:
Andrew Mccabe disgraced himself and the FBI by becoming a political operative for the democratic party in his attempting to bring down a sitting American president. He did that while abdicating his duty to investigate crimes to pursue his twisted political liberal interests.
@walshy1952 Says:
Hmm, sounds bout right to me... Americas wannabe dictator....
@ronniegarza3298 Says:
Crooked ass mainstream media flooding the news with lies because there will always be uninformed people who dont question the agenda/motives of media outlets that are owned by people who will benefit financially when crooked democrats stay in office
@Anormaldude192 Says:
McCabe was employed continuously by the FBI from July 1996 until he retired on March 19, 2018 as the FBI Deputy Director" in "good standing," restore his pension and other benefits, pay his legal fees and expunge any record of having been fired. Shut up! You are fired!
@VK6AB- Says:
Putin endorsed Harris.
@sallymathews5315 Says:
Trump won!
@mitchell-uk9up Says:
Russia Russia Russia
@colonelklink9911 Says:
Chump dreams of being Vlad.
@timareehansen3950 Says:
Even though Putin wants Kamala in office
@Ashley-wm7ix Says:
Internationally and strategically, Trump is on the opposite side of reality from Ronald Reagan.
@ProudAussie23 Says:
So a clickbait headline about a clickbait headline ..anyone else think the Dems are flogging a dead horse ? They are really desperate now ...I hope Trumps Secret Service protection has its act together now .
@bobhawke7373 Says:
Will defund NATO Will defund Ukraine Will allow Putin to do whatever he likes. Refuses to condemn any action of Putin and only praises him. That's a Russian asset
@bobhawke7373 Says:
FBI agent has an opinion on a podcast and it's OMG. But a Facebook post about dogs getting eaten is credible
@helenowen5408 Says:
For fcksake come up with something original. I know thats asking alot from the leftards but they could at least try🤦🤦🤦🤦🤣🍺🇦🇺
@Ray-dv1md Says:
So, if Trump is the Russian puppet, how come Putin waited till biden was in office before invading Ukraine, just like when he invaded Crimea when Obama was president. Puter sure does love those democrats.
@johnstevens1575 Says:
Harris betrays herself as a Marxist through her speeches, pronouncements, and voting record. Walz betrays himself as a Maoist with his admiration for China, political record, speeches, and pronouncements. Putin was a KGB agent, possibly doing "wet work". Xi is the head of the CCP and a member of the communist aristocracy descended from Mao's companions. I think we are all aware of the communists in this election and Trump is not among them.
@davepowelldrumz Says:
hey Kamala , have you met mr putin ? i've met zelensky 5 times. ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION.
@davepowelldrumz Says:
the old '' russia '' chestnut AGAIN = FAIL.
@_wokeweaklingscryoverwords_ Says:
The FBI lost it's Fidelity, Bravery and Integrity after being used as Deep State tools by Obama and Company.
@_wokeweaklingscryoverwords_ Says:
It's known as Projection.
@thumbob Says:
That’s pretty rich considering the 3.5 million the Biden family laundered from the mayor of moscows wife. This isn’t even in dispute.
@kensweetser6901 Says:
More lies from the dems. Just like Hillary lies Russian and Russian
@CraigHopwood Says:
I have conservative values but trump needs to talk policy instead of he says she says less talk of the Como and more talk on policy
@fotemms1078 Says:
Russia again 😂
@whytemanvictor Says:
Just like the Russian collusion hoax. So what else is new?
@kerriwilliams1503 Says:
It doesn't work....nobody believes them!
@robertburgos7912 Says:
More bs. I think the ppl can see thru this sack of green shit
@ridleyclayburn4599 Says:
They are really getting desperate. More fake news that the MSM will run with.
@tooltime9260 Says:
What's really annoying is that these "experts" who blather on about things they know nothing about, do not have any idea what it's like to hold meetings with foreign leaders and how the total game is played. To me, this only shows the typical and expected extreme ignorance of what schools are and are not teaching students today. When I was in school a long time ago, we had debate sessions where we learned many of the practices necessary when it came time to sit down and have meaningful and productive talks. I just don't see this anymore. Everything is surface knowledge and superficial dialog. These complainers have the IQ and intelligence of a turnip, but pass themselves as high level critics that I wouldn't trust in a vote for street sweeper. The level of people's communication and inter-relational skills these days is so low, it's almost non-existent. Almost always, I see kindergarten level speech, kindergarten level word choice and a severe lack of depth in any venue requiring critical thinking. In the most literal definition, all I see today is a sea of morons. No country can stand when it's filled with and run by morons. People in media, if they can, need to expose this severe deficiency with gusto. Our Government and leaders in other situations are getting to be so inept in doing their jobs that expecting rational and capable outcomes of their duties is getting highly questionable. The public is the most to blame. With a low IQ public, they expect little and that's what's delivered. There's an old saying, "People are too stupid to know they're too stupid". We're there.
@hannacook859 Says:
National Socialist German Workers' Party Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei This is far left. Check what it stands for.
@seymourbutts9364 Says:
And "No Balls Walz" Hates the Chinese...yea right.
@MyIOnU Says:
LOL here we go again. Sound more like FBI is working for the Russia :D
@MercNov2011 Says:
President Trump should sue him for slander
@i_am_nature11 Says:
WARNING: Donald Trump will let PUTIN invade Europe. Do NOT give this dangerous dictator-loving con man and felon your vote
@i_am_nature11 Says:
Trump repeatedly claims that he has "nothing to do" with *Project 2025*. This is Bulls*it (of course). There are CLEAR ties between Trump/Vance and the Heritage Foundation’s fascist blueprint for the next Republican administration. Don’t believe me? Look it up. Please folks, don’t be suckers. Don’t fall for this con man’s lies.
@garygolfer3243 Says:
Well, the Guardian is lower than the Enquirer which means the left couldn’t find anyone else to publish this guys babbling.
@BigMikeRuinedBarry Says:
If anyone is a manchurian, its been all libs starting with obama.
@KalS-te5md Says:
Some of these claims are bogus and unprofessional. Where is the historical source and due process of that section? An interview is a little view into the spiritualism of a white soul of non-violence and protest to keep to yourself and your own familiar legacy.
@marco2930 Says:
Democrats propaganda machines at full throttle, realized they're running out of time. Expect worse to come.
@matheusmelisguerrapeixe2330 Says:
Putin endorsed Kamala, not Trump.
@grantsapain Says:
Only the propaganda rags are running with this BS...
@mikee4639 Says:
Oh come on Another RussiaGate BS attempt to discredit Trump. How low will they go and how many more lies and deceptions will these people attempt. IMO
@kamerons76 Says:
Back to the 2016 lies. Democrats have perfected the skill of deflection.
@LoriWaldo-o1j Says:
I believe that of Kamala. Except she’s a Chinese Manchurian candidate. Remember that Russia is a democracy and our country is being infiltrated by communist propaganda. That’s coming from China friends.
@bobsmith284 Says:
@b.louise9091 Says:
These leftists are bloodthirsty and care nothing for the country or our future.
@eb2505 Says:
Then tell me how a 18 month multi million dollar investigation run by Robert Mueller (who broke a number of rules in the process as determined by John Ratcliffe), and staffed with rabid democrat lawyers, found no evidence of Russian collusion.
@ThePoehladian Says:
Good, we love Putin too !!

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