Democratic rep says 2024 election is going to be 'very close'
Democratic rep says 2024 election is going to be 'very close'



@josephsmith7438 Says:
Fine, start deporting ones in jail, ones with warrants, ones on social services, then one that are NOT working .. NUMBER 2 i dont give to sheetz what the economy is in another country.. Harris has promised.. 25K for buyinga house, 50K to people starting a business( humm that would be some ofe the 20 million that just got here, and 6K for having a baby....WHERE ARE THOSE 100'sof BILLIONS coming from....
@Tom.788 Says:
I often vote conservative but Mr Trump is a disgrace. That’s all.
@dfatula Says:
The interviewer keeps trying to find ways to bring Loomer into the interview. Who cares. She just wants clicks.
@tammy9823 Says:
@landshark7684 Says:
This lady’s on crack
@barrydechef7619 Says:
If this man had just been your neighbor with all his idiotic ideas. then you would have called the police a long time ago. That being said, why do you Americans keep harping on the fact that you are so great? I only read that Europe is worried and that Trump is friends with the Hungarian president?? so what? no one in Europe is concerned with Hungarians, it may be bad to hear, but Viktor Orbán is really nothing in Europe, where do you get that from? And Trump is more of a daily soap Haris is news Trump is not, yes in the tabloid press. If Trump thinks he can bully the world. Then you as the "Everyday Americans" will suffer a lot financially. A movie is fun until it gets boring then we turn it off..
@Rock_Opera_Fan Says:
What is the keystone? The answer: Pennsylvania. Q
@KooTrisha Says:
That is a lie to pull wool over people's eyes! 🤥🤥🤥
@roblwsn4802 Says:
I hate Neil. He belongs on CNN.
@christopheraakre8369 Says:
They wish.
@MobyHomer Says:
I live in Washington state, often called the 'State of Intoxication' With careful examination, for Trump to win this state, the way it's set up, he would have to get at least eighty percent of the vote.
@leoXonit Says:
Kamalla is a Catch me if you can liar she's Busted vote TRUMP 2024
@briantneal2925 Says:
Dems haven't done💩 in 4 years to help anyone's wallet.
@u29xy Says:
It is now proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt that Kamala Harris and Joe Biden CHEATED in the 2020 election with mail-in ballots
@homosexualbiologicalmale--3 Says:
voting and personal decision is the opposite of each other
@happy543210 Says:
It is going to be so close that a few democrat faked ballots are going to throw the race for kamala.
@ArdyShufle Says:
0:25 I have posted this so many times I get tired of doing it, Fox News. What polls are you looking at? Harris doesn't even bother going there anymore she's spending time in North Carolina. That should tell you everything you need to know
@slipknot5727 Says:
Already gaslighting for the steal
@5555raymond Says:
Dark matter is the biggest one out there shiva4president
@ShawnCarvin Says:
Number one problem is the election voting. System is not accurate. I don’t believe AI should be handling an election or counting votes for an election. We have all seen how there has been miscounts mailed in ballots not being correctly counted. People, people from other states and the biggest problem, another problem is that is illegal aliens voting When they are not US citizens! Without paper ballots and same-day voting, we do not know what has been sent in! You cannot trust this process!
@Emissary355 Says:
The fact that any Americans would vote for democrats after witnessing all the chaos and destruction they have caused is baffling. You vote for a democrat you are voting against freedom and the controlled destruction of America with a government sponsered illegal invasion.
@ConservativeCE2 Says:
No its not. Its going to be a landslide
@DougTunnler Says:
very close, means they might not be able to steal it this time.
@Christian-cp9hb Says:
The Dems are lying that is very close in order to steal the election again. In reality Trump is leading everywhere!
@stanleyjohnson278 Says:
It will be a landslide for Trump. The corrupt media is lying about the polls and the numbers to try and help Kamala win the election
@bignutz-re8xl Says:
Lady if you are proud of this administration you have brain damage
@jaysonj9327 Says:
The actual vote probably won't be all too close. The reported vote however likely will be extremely close -- perhaps even a redux of 2020. Boxes of mailed in ballots, illegal alien ballots, ballot harvested underclasses, zombie votes, paid operatives voting multiple times in multiple precincts in inner cities, inner city polling places staying open hours past their respective legal deadlines, etc.
@brendadegraw1688 Says:
How in the hell can IT BE a tight election, just Stupid going to ruin our Country. I just can not believe people would elect the Democratic representation. It's just a disgusting disgrace representation. TRUMP 2024🇺🇸👊✅👍
@ctxmason Says:
the election shouldnt be close at all, everyone should know how much of a murderous destructive creed that Communism is. The fact that half of the nation is blind enough to vote for itshould scare the h3ll out of everyone
@PeopleLoveShorts Says:
Meantime we watching *theyre eating the dogs remix* and have a great time😂
@The00Dude Says:
A Reuters/IPSOS poll, which includes responses from 1,405 registered voters between Sept. 1 and Sept. 12, showed Harris leading Trump by five points, with 47% supporting Harris, 42% supporting Trump and 11% either undecided or planning to vote for a third-party candidate. Among those who had said they at least heard something about Tuesday’s debate, roughly 53% believed Harris won, 24% believed Trump won and the remaining respondents believed neither won or declined to answer. About 52% said they believed Trump stumbled and didn’t appear sharp during his performance, including 20% of Republicans, indicating that even some within his own party were underwhelmed by his showing.
@denise6580 Says:
Everything about Harris is false. She was never middle class. Both her parents had Phd's. She will tax us out of existence.
@leewithey2014 Says:
💁‍♂️ 🤪
@tonewill9407 Says:
what happened to their freedoms?
@spiritualsocratesthegreat Says:
proud of our president? is she smoking meth? TRUMP IS THE BEST PRESIDENT!!! tarrifs make countries pay us more and it fuels and strengthens our economy. inflation is out of this world!!! straight lies!! they are bought and paid for. it's mass deportations of illegal immigrants from around the world that came unchecked through that open border and are flooding and destroying cities and ruining our economy and killing our people!
@spiderswhisper8815 Says:
No, it's not. The election is not close. Nor will it be close.
@michaelthomas366 Says:
We alll know it was going to be close regardless, so this isn't even news.
@spiritualsocratesthegreat Says:
TRUMP 2024 and you must have lost your mind and want this country to be in flames to vote for kamala
@chrislau5052 Says:
@CaptainAmericaUSA25 Says:
Cheating close. TOO BIG TO RIG!!!!! LETS GOOOOOOOOO!!!!! MAGA!!!!!
@bobobricklayer Says:
No way will PA or WI vote for kamalie and she will not pull-off a single upset— so where does that leave her?
@oldmantex374 Says:
LOl boy oh boy you at FAUX NEWS are spinning it like a top!!! SPIN SPIN SPIN LOL!!!! A Vote for Trump is a vote for lies, hate, racism. vitriol, division and chaos.....Trump the most corrupt and despicable man in America
@jaytaka8573 Says:
Funny. Can't imagine close. Thanks to MSM .
@KennethLDocReeferKirk Says:
Stupid, lying, evil, traitorous loser crap, yet again. I'm enjoying the Harris win so much.
@domingoalmada8202 Says:
Republicans voting for HARRIS because she's obviously the better choice! My fellow Republicans please join us and choose Country over Party and if you believe in him a d want to support him buy some Truth Social stock!
@danoalex2977 Says:
@backpacker778 Says:
צריך להבין דבר חשוב -- קמאלה האריס מדקלמת את המניירה הפרוגרסיבית בעימות שלה עם טראמפ כשנשאלה לעניין סוגיית הקונפליקט במזרח התיכון והוא שהפלסטינאים "חפים מפשע" או במילותיה "הרג פלסטינאים חפים מפשע"... שנים הפלסטינאים מחנכים את ילדיהם במסגדים לשנאת יהודים עד שקם לו דור של חמאס שביצע את ה 7 באוקטובר והיום בעימות מול טראמפ קמאלה מתמצתת את הכול במשפט אחד " הרג פלסטינאים חפים מפשע" ללא הפירוט האמיתי. הפירוט האמיתי של מהיכן הגיע החמאס ושהחמאס משתמש באוכלוסיה כמגן אנושי ושהאוכלוסיה הפלסטינאית מעורבת דה פקטו בהסתרת נשקים בבתים ובהסתרת פירי מנהרות ושחלק מהחטופים הוחזקו בקרב האוכלוסיה , בשבי האוכלוסיה... ושהאוכלוסיה היא שכירת חרב של איראן ושבצפון הרצועה כרגע, בימים אלה ממש , החמאס מגייס לשורותיו מהאוכלוסיה...שסן שוב ראיה חותכת נוספת לעניין " חפות הפשע" של האולוסיה לא טוענת קאמלה האריס. זה שפלסטינאי ברצועה מצולם עפ חמור מקללים שניהם את החמאס זה לא אומר שזה באמת מה שקורה בשטח ...זה לא פשוט עד כדי כך. אגב שום דבר מהדברים האלה טראמפ לא פתח לדיון מול האמירה של קאמלה הלקונית שיש להפסיק הרג פלסטינאים "חפים מפשע" ; הוא יכול היה לעקוץ את קאמלה חזק על המילים " חפים מפשע" ולטעון שהנרטיב בפיה של קאמלה הוא אותם מילים של ראשידה טלאיב מראשי הזרם הפרוגרסיבי בקונגרס , בת למשפחת מהגרים פלסטינאים , הנרטיב שהפלסטינאים חפים מפשע , תמימים שנקלעו לפתחה של מלחמה... אז
@TheJames-Edward Says:
I'm worried America has decided they want Kamala. I don't want her to win but the way things are going its looking that way, that's why I tell everyone save your money because you're going to need it.
@ZeeVee-t8g Says:
On ( new York Post) border agent speaks out what he's seeing
@slowplay2u Says:
It’s called cheating Neal, keep up.

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