Growing support for nuclear power in rural Australia
Growing support for nuclear power in rural Australia



@paulchilds9137 Says:
Does rural australia really support nuclear. I doubt it. Give them a few nuclear leaks, nuclear taking huge amounts of water and no new jobs at all and the windfarms will be looking great to them. Windfarms can be removed without effect, toxic nuclear pollution never goes away.
@paulchilds9137 Says:
When i buy a steak next, a bottle of wine or milk, there are seven places where i wont want it to come from.
@John-ul4hv Says:
Duopoly strikes again, don't fall for it
@allisonmcinerney6232 Says:
Not solar panel farms
@allisonmcinerney6232 Says:
Yes I support nuclear energy
@KJSvitko Says:
Nuclear energy is a waste of time and money. Wind and solar energy are safer, cleaner and CHEAPER than fossil fuels or nuclear power. Fukushima and Chernobyl are still spewing poisons into the environment decades after their disasters. Who will pay to store nuclear waste FOREVER.
@redreuben5260 Says:
Dumbest idea since Barnet’s Canal.
@alastairgair7504 Says:
That means Nuclear , will be cheaper than Labors plan! By far bring Nuclear on NOW !!! A
@ptcosmos Says:
2:02 Look I bet this comment won't get pinned or like but if replied I'll do 10 push ups which won't happen I hope.
@Retiredroamers Says:
Bring it on, I’ll have one 3.5 km from my place when Yallourn W Station shuts down.
@BigFerg-hf6uv Says:
Go Dutts
@doogssmee9742 Says:
If the next election was a referendum for/against nuclear power libs would win hands down ...... this "climate change" bs is much more than cleaning our act up (and we should) its about being told by a group of elites that haven't been voted in in any way what's so ever ...... look at the way farmers are being treated world wide, add to that the land that is being ruined to put up "green energy" solutions, add to that we are being told that meat is so terrible for us and we need to eat bugs or lab grown meat and the lab grown meat is so much healthier for us and at the same time we are bring told processed foods are bad for our health ...... now wake up and start joining the dots together ... ah yes then there is the way guns have been taken away from us .... even in the country that has gun ownership in there constitution are up against it
@lenametera3604 Says:
have you people even asked the owners of the land if you can do that? What a Fucken Joke
@travisline Says:
Just do it most crunchy has it already
@Marcus-cz5uu Says:
Question..What figure has the Labor government offered for renewables? Yeah thought so!
@roygane4810 Says:
GABOT is the Oz equivalent of MAGA.
@leonie563 Says:
Sorry, who "hosts" said they want a bomb in the backyard and no water to shower with?
@imeagleeye1 Says:
No one We have asked that understands Radioactive waste wants anything to do with Nuclear energy.
@patriciocordova449 Says:
Without nuclear we are children amongst adults.
@ricochet2977 Says:
If we can’t have cheap coal and gas then nuclear is the next best option.
@BarbaraHambleton Says:
Our next pm and a winner
@graemeschubert6162 Says:
Wanting to be targets how weirds that😅
@n057828 Says:
Dude you have so much coal China 🇨🇳 has so many plants they need to be forced to close many not us! Rethink what you say or else Labour CCP will win again bud. Say Clean coal not nuclear!!!
@BozoTheclown-cs9mk Says:
You don't actually think the LNP are planning on delivering nuclear power do you? This is all about keeping coal. They want all that fossil fuel lobby money.
@stephenbrickwood1602 Says:
Customer daily cost reality. Fossil fueled 25gW = 400gWh avg. = 400,000,000kWh. 50cents kWh rate. 400,000,000 x 50cents = $ 200 million 400,000,000 x 30cents = $ 120 million Nuclear = Fossil fueled in 20years time. 20million rooftop PV 6.6kW 660,000,000 x 5cents = $33million Dirt cheap electricity for the customers home and building. With 20million battery vehicles FREE nightly. And parked 23hrs every day. Long drive battery capacity is FREE to be fully UTILISED daily and NIGHTLY. Rooftop is dirt cheap with no grid costs. Rooftop is cheaper than windows $/m2. Rooftop can self supply. Rooftop can easily energise the entire grid. Auto manufacturers know this. Ford knows this. Tesla knows this. Grid owners know this. Fossil fuel knows this. Nuclear promoters know this. Technology developers know this. Politicians know this. Lithium miners know this. Battery manufacturers know this. We all should know this. I think Tony Abbott did Australia a favour by hanging onto fossil fuels when he said technology evolution will be important to Australia and the world.
@ronaldwhite5670 Says:
Its source is just over there, we dig it out of the ground, we’ve got that industry, we can put it onto trains to where ever, we have designated sites in more than several sites, connected to our established power lines, connected to our industries, our businesses, our social infrastructure. No need to denigrate our community, our animals, our Australian societies, no need to depend on the weather……just do it, but……we do it, no foreign ownership involvement……all Aussie made/owned. We did the Snowy Power Scheme, this is easier, it’s all above ground and useing existing infrastructure. Oye😊
@jennymills3147 Says:
Go!! Peter Dutton. The country is watching.
@cheekybare Says:
@patriot388 Says:
There are 440 nuclear power plants in the world today! Albo's scare campaign is ridiculous! His rejection is not based on science but leftist ideology!
@andrewwarwick1305 Says:
Well a few of these state premiers will be voted out soon. The right of politics is rising.
@stephenbrickwood1602 Says:
Both sides are using slogans and fears. The economics of the grid itself is the biggest problem. The $TRILLIONS national electrical grid infrastructure investment needs cash flow. Let's just deal with facts. Both say no CO2 emissions. Then both get mixed up with different ways to keep the grid energised. The grid is too valuable to be f...ked up, 😮 by wasting limited resources, including financing. Grid energy is incredibly expensive. Coal generated electricity is dirt cheap. Gas fired generated electricity is dirt cheap. Hydro generated electricity is dirt cheap. Nuclear generated electricity is dirt cheap after 20 years. The grid makes electricity expensive. Rooftop PV and battery vehicles will have to be made illegal if the grid is to keep its cash flows. 15% to 100% electric energy is x7 more grid, and its dirt cheap central generated electricity. $TRILLIONS x 7 = FMD. 😮😮😮😮😮
@mclanaford2957 Says:
We can truely se why the CCP call Albo a Handsome BOY. He is child like in his mind and mannerism. WE NEED NUCLEAR POWER TO SURVIVE AS A NATION . Stay strong. Peter.
@mikehansell7262 Says:
Just makes perfect sense! Use the current infrastructure, renewables are a scare on the landscape.
@TheGrouch2000 Says:
Sounding very statesman like isn't he?
@jonathoncalabrese2035 Says:
Reality starting to hit that they don’t want transmission lines through their land?
@philiprachtman1217 Says:
What Dutton needs to do is sell off 40% of the nuclear as a share Float. That will find out how popular nuclear is I would buy some
@BuckJoFiden Says:
Albo is like if vomit was a person.
@wasilisalewski969 Says:
What a lot of rubbish, has Murdoch no shame. You are offensive to the news sector.
@PhillipMcCallum Says:
No one asked me in Qld if i want nuclear, cost probably no more then Labours plan in the long run
@maybehuman4 Says:
Nuclear is reliable, clean, and green energy. If you're serious about decarbonizing, Nuclear is the only way to go. Solar and wind are a joke.
@wollondillyargyle281 Says:
While Germany and others are getting out of nuclear Dutton wants Australia to get into nuclear. A retrograde step. The unsolvable problem of nuclear waste remains. And nuclear wouldn't be cheap. Dutton's talk is all hype and BS.
@broll7805 Says:
Albo's woke Labor party are ruining Australia! They need to change their party to the WEF party!
@newman653 Says:
The support for Dutton is because people want a future for their kids & grandkids .
@kentaitchison889 Says:
ALBO has no come back labor are gone
@DarrenUtz Says:
Dutton is proving over & over again, just how he is growing into the role, and very impressive at the core issues effecting this Country!!
@wilbur1884 Says:
@stephenbrickwood1602 Says:
Nuclear power was introduced in large quantities in France following the 1973 oil crisis according to the Messmer plan named for then prime minister Pierre Messmer. This was based on projections that large amounts of electric power would be required. 30 years earlier France had been in WW2. France had got its WW2 defence wrong then. Wrong technology and millions died. Nuclear and no fossil fuels was their only option as they wanted nuclear weapons as well. No CO2 emissions so nuclear, but it is a half solution. Like breathing in and holding your breath. No CO2 emissions. Happy days. 50 years later and technology has continued to evolve, battery vehicles are the newest technology. And growing in popularity and availability. No CO2 emissions, and nuclear electricity. Happy days. But breath holding can not last and the reality of building more grid capacity, like the Snowy 2.0 with its exploding budgets, $billions exploding all over economy and tax payers. The Australian national electrical grid is a $TRILLIONS infrastructure investment in electricity and it is too small. It was too small for Snowy 2.0, We are lucky to have this LNP economic failure as a guide and wake up call to breath holding technology and economics. $TRILLIONS national grid is too small and too fragile and Dutton is too limited to understand. 😮 If you think Snowy 2.0 is an economic failure you ain't seen nothing yet. $TRILLIONS national grid to 20million buildings and customers who pay $BILLIONS for expensive grid electricity. The grid is the $TRILLIONs investment and will cost $1TRILLIONs to expand in a no CO2 emissions Australia. Breath holding will become breathtaking budget explosions. Nuclear in France was because their back was against the wall. The newest technology then is not today's newest technology.
@sandfish63 Says:
There is growing support for support at the LNP as well..... This is the channel of choice for bigots racists and general right wing morons ...... enjoy your echo chamber of stupidity.
@JoeyBlogs007 Says:
Nuclear power wont necessarily lower electricirty prices. If anything they could likely increase. Anything that further centralises the power grid will increase prices over time. Rooftop solar with electricity and hot water along with battery storage can address 90% of domestic power requirements. One is better off going off grid if possible. That then leaves industrial scale solar, wind and hydro and tidal energy, along with gird scale battery storage cover industry needs. These technologies are evolving so rapidly along with rapidly falling costs per kWh generated, that nuclear simply won't be able to keep pace. There's simply zero evidence to support brown outs since grid scale battery storage has been implemented and that is being rapidly increased also. I doubt Aust will have nuclear within the next 20 years. Beyond that time period is a wait and see. Much depends on population growth.
@johncoupland6359 Says:
Peter Dutton is the only one in our Government that’s made any sense on how to fix the Albo Governments ridiculous Green Energy power supply problems. Albo would rather appease China by selling our valuable resources, like coal and iron ore, rather than fixing our energy problems with the only thing that makes any sense and that is Nuclear power. Peter Dutton will be our next PM , because he’s actually listening to what Australians are concerned about and Albo only wants to spend taxpayers money on useless ideas that don’t do anything for the majority of Australians. It’s time to get our country back to being the lucky country again and Albo and his Parliamentary Muppets have already proven to us that they don’t have any ideas on how to achieve this goal. Albo’s told one lie after another and he’s got to go.

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