Peter Dutton can't provide 'costings' of nuclear to Australian people: Tanya Plibersek
Peter Dutton can't provide 'costings' of nuclear to Australian people: Tanya Plibersek



@greggoldie2351 Says:
We're going to be a renewable energy SUPERPOWER 😂 How dumb is this woman.
@bryanp4827 Says:
PLIBERSHIT will be gone at the next election also...
@desking8065 Says:
________________________________________ Case Study 1: Hinkley Nuclear Power Station, United Kingdom When this project was first being promoted, the CEO of EDF, the majority owner of the Hinkley Power Station, predicted that the nuclear power station could be switched on in 2017. It is currently slated to open in 2031, almost a decade and a half late. Around the same time, the UK Government priced the project at 4 billion UK pounds. It is now expected to cost between £35 and £46 billion pounds. These enormous cost overruns have even created tension between the UK and French governments, with the political leaders in both countries disagreeing over who is responsible for covering billions in additional costs. Case Study 2: NuScale Power, United States of America Rising project costs forced the only company to have secured regulatory approval in the US for a Small Modular Reactor to cancel its first project. When it launched in 2020, NuScale’s Idaho-based project was expected to cost $3.6 billion US dollars and produce 720 megawatts of electricity. Just three years later, in 2023, the project cost had blown out to $9.3 billion US dollars while capacity had reduced to 496 megawatts. At the time the project was cancelled, NuScale had attracted just 20% of the customers it needed to deliver the project.
@paulwood5738 Says:
Why would a journalist interview a person without a FLICKING CLUE
@VictorPineiro-vv4pd Says:
Gotta love the comments from the potato cheer squad!
@lloydsingline340 Says:
How is Ziggy FORREST going with his green hydrogen pursuits?Has received millions in subsidies from Labor.His scheme to send green power to Singapore via undersea cable,went bust didn't it?No worries,he got more money from the taxpayer!
@Christoph1888 Says:
Power is the oxygen of hospitals roads and schools
@mrjamesedward Says:
Liberal voters that couldn’t finish high school think they can run a nuclear reactor lol
@littletony1764 Says:
Renewable energy does 'not stack up.' Labor is constantly living in a deluded dream world, disseminating misinformation. He fails to mention that renewables are extremely expensive and are entirely funded by taxpayers, as they rob Australians of affordable coal power energy in favour of Chinese solar and turbine power, which will not only need to be replaced on a regular basis but will only provide part-time, temporary power when the wind blows and the sun shines. And you will pay significantly more for an inferior energy option than what we had before.
@graemekeeley4497 Says:
Labor's and the Greens' path to Net Zero via renewables, storage and transmission is an eye-watering cost of $1,500 billion Duttons reactor plan puts a reactor cost built to connect to existing lines at $160 billion and could be half that so we deducted 7 plants will be cost somewhere between $60 billion and $100 billion to be spent between 2025 and 2250 That is about 10% of what the Labor , Greens and Teals Renewables experiment will cost Reactor capital cost recovery time is 75- to 100 years ,Renewable has a maximum lifespan of 25 years Dutton has started the debate and left it to the likes of Tanya Plibersek to make right fools of themselves in the debate
@infidel202 Says:
Pleb by name pleb by nature, whom are you to demand anything from the opposition, shouldn't you be concerned with how much Labor has wasted on green fantasies, the opposition is free to release its plans when it chooses,labor hasn't called an election yet and the coalition will release its election campaign when it decides to, how much money has labor spent in two years
@dpitt1516 Says:
The Liberals would be stupid to release costings right now. It would allow Labor to one up them just before the election. Labor have been caught with their pants down !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@AndrewTencza Says:
Tanya can you provide costings for all this renewable rubbish this includes the cost of transmission line to connect all these power farms, the taxpayer has already spent million of dollars on renewables in the promise of cheap power in the past 15 or so years so where is the cheap power, bring on nuclear.
@MarkOSing Says:
More scare tactics from the wacky left & he does trust the Australian public but your lot don't even let us have a say & as for your batteries sa had the world's biggest battery & it caught fire & burnt for nearly a month burning toxic waste into the atmosphere so much for your renewables
@pedromac0741 Says:
Cheap, clean, efficient, will outlast more than twenty prime ministers. And most of all will accomodate what's on the table from manufacturing and industries, service and hospitality, homes, agri, pretty much.
@garyjohnstone6422 Says:
We must have base load to prosper. SMR reactors are the trend globally & are specifically designed to burn waste to near 100% completion. 2/3rds of Americans are in favour of nuclear power and 20% of the power is already ex nuclear. Nuclear does have an especially valuable trait in that it produces a steady stream of electrons without emitting greenhouse gasses, providing reliable baseload power. Safety is an overblown issue. How many deaths, a couple. Unlike conventional reactors, they don’t require any integration to the grid for safety, Nuclear is the largest source of clean power in the United States, generating more than 800 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity each year and producing more than half of the nation's emissions-free electricity. This avoids more than 470 million metric tons of carbon each year, which is the equivalent of removing 100 million cars off of the road. In 2019, nuclear plants operated at full power more than 93% of the time, making it the most reliable energy source on the power grid. SMR`s are specifically designed to burn waste to near 100% completion. Opposition to nuclear is ill informed and always from the Left. A leftover of the Cold War when they did Mother Russia`s bidding.
@Objectiveansthensome Says:
One thing we all agree on is for sure .. Dutton will need HUGE HUGE migration for this.. we have no nuclear guys here now .. 7 plants is a massive build ...he did promise record migration if elected with ScoMo just 2 years ago and a record debit for Australia ..
@redreuben5260 Says:
Dumbest idea since Barnet’s canal
@aussienscale Says:
And Labor has provided none !!
@BronwynMichelle Says:
Labor are in a state of panic. Too bad.
@andrewferguson887 Says:
Its too expensive 😂 what ! and solar and wind isn't. You're grasping Tanya.
@levan2436 Says:
I don't trust labor-xi's puppies.
@LizVENVILLE-ti8mp Says:
The cleanliness of nuclear power compared to solar and wind energy is a complex topic with several considerations: Carbon Emissions: Nuclear power generation itself produces virtually no direct carbon emissions during operation, similar to wind and solar energy. Land Use: Nuclear power requires significantly less land area compared to large-scale solar and wind installations for the same power output. Resource Intensity: The mining and processing of uranium for nuclear fuel do have environmental impacts, though generally different from those associated with solar panel or wind turbine production. Waste Management: Nuclear power generates radioactive waste that requires careful management for long periods. While technically challenging, modern solutions exist for safe storage and disposal. Safety Concerns: Safety considerations, including the potential for accidents and their environmental and health impacts, are critical factors in evaluating nuclear power's overall environmental impact. Ultimately, the comparison of nuclear power to solar and wind energy depends on specific environmental metrics and factors. Each energy source has distinct advantages and challenges, and decisions should consider a balanced approach to meet energy demands while minimizing environmental impacts. ChatGPT can make mistakes. Check impor
@Ernst12 Says:
Labor is missing the point entirely and the costing argument is a red-herring at this stage. What Labor needs to understand is that their crap renewable mess won't do the job of providing reliable electricity for an economy like Australia's. What a lot of dribble and nonsense from Labor at present. It might be a good idea to stop arguing with Labor and just let them get on whatever makes them happy. Labor keep pushing the myth of batteries. They will not do the job at the scale required and green H2 has a long way to go before it can even be used for a power grid.
@FindAReason-mi7go Says:
Just stick to making scones, lady.
@poidaaussie5239 Says:
Isn't it hipocritical of Labor to say this, when this is "Exactly: what Labor did in regards to costings on their pipe dream of wind and solar! Also at the end in a decade the solar and wind will be off to land fill where as Nuclear will be still good for another 50 to 70 years...
@dominicgalante9753 Says:
Plebasick your destroying our land habits and our sea shore …..Labor our Nuclear in
@dominicgalante9753 Says:
She is all over the place and shit scared and rightly so
@perpelflameandcompany Says:
fake, fake woman
@Samael_Monasteriis Says:
Renewable energy superpower? 😆 Hell No! Replacing power generation for a country of 25million people every 10-20 years will cripple the Australian economy every decade. Super-consuming is not a superpower. Renewables is the stupidest idea our country has made this century, and this is coming from someone who lives off-grid using renewables. If people think they can power a city 24/7 they are drastically mistaken. Imagine how much better off we would be today if we switched to nuclear in the 90's? We wouldn't even be worrying about carbon emissions today. We need more politicians that are thinking 100 years ahead - beyond their term in office.
@christownsend2399 Says:
Why does no one ask Labour how much their doomed to fail green energy agenda going to cost? Is the $1.5 trillion an accurate number, if so $20 billion per Nuclear Power Plant is a drop in the ocean!
@christownsend2399 Says:
She says Germany is closing a nuclear power station, but failed to say Germany have opened 5 coal mines one would you believe where they pulled down a wind farm because it was built on good coal!
@pw3111 Says:
Labor can’t/won’t supply the cost of disposing of the waste from wind turbine blades, solar panels etc.etc. You still haven’t managed to get the wiring out from the National grid to these wind and solar farms and what js the cost of that compared to nuclear power stations? Germany is going back to coal and gas fired power stations which you are getting rid of. Where in the World is green hydrogen working! How can you rely on gas when we have a National shortage because it’s all being sold overseas?
@Marcus-cz5uu Says:
Where are the costings for renewables from these Labor hypocrites?
@drivinman100 Says:
Labour = much a do about nada
@neilstammers8366 Says:
She is just not talking credibly and clearly struggling
@MrMe-z1n Says:
Tanya Plibersek is an ALP joke, has she heard the writing on the wall for Labor. I left this comment on Sky. "Mr Littleproud, you and Dutton reminded me of the speech JFK gave on reaching the moon, not that you are both JFK but you both made me proud. I can hear you saying "We choose to go Nuclear in the next ten years and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard". Come on Australia get behind this far seeing Mr Dutton / Littleproud and vote for LNP both in the Senate and The House of Representatives or the ALP, Greens and loopy Teals will forever stop us moving forward and bankrupt Australia with the cost of renewables, which have to be replaced and disposed of in 15yrs".
@robertcunningham35 Says:
where is labors costings for renewables as for bring down power prices ours have gone up 1000 dollars and were is Albo $275
@PeoplesGovernments Says:
@blownvalleygaskets Says:
Imminently out of her depth.
@hairylittlewombat Says:
Go away, Tanya, you're full of 💩Still waiting for our $275 reduction, instead of our $800 increase. The CSIRO are just as corrupt as the government.
@jellyonaplate1026 Says:
She struggled with these answers. Germany is re-opening nuclear power stations, btw.
@Subby888-i9n Says:
She already knows they've lost the next election.
@DavidWright-k6p Says:
It's already known 0.07c per kWh Do not try and build them ourselves The US have safe developed technology over a decade of research
@timwilson4684 Says:
Plumberscrack at her grinning deceiving best - yes we do want relief from the cost of power NOW - it will not come from Labor's renewables ideology.
@kpopandotherplaylists2518 Says:
Question; Being that coal is our largest export.... How dafuk do we become " Net zero " again..? ..ill wait..... 😐。。。。 Still waiting .....
@lyleessex4631 Says:
Pliebersek i don't recall your government disclosing the cost of your renewables either so stop lying to the people, we are not fools.
@kpopandotherplaylists2518 Says:
Double the grid, double the transmissions losses... plus build costs.... Show us YOUR COSTINGS please.

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