Scaramucci: Trump 'told a lie every 100 seconds' during debate
Scaramucci: Trump 'told a lie every 100 seconds' during debate



@annapaulino9866 Says:
Lies liar lies thats all comes out of his mouth LIES🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥
@panbandits Says:
these two are as stupid as rest of this country , you dont need to be a good debater to run a country .
@kennomagic Says:
You sully goose, Kaitlin!? It was your network that let his unending lies go unchchecked for 90 minutes.
@kennethboehnen271 Says:
America deserves Trump.
@michaelbear5171 Says:
CNN is fake news
@GreatMindsSeekTruth Says:
Too Big To Rig!!!! TRUMP2024🇺🇸
@Hancockst1 Says:
@trinaduke5278 Says:
CNN do your job and stop with the social media optics. When you say Trump lied then explain each and every one so that independent and undecided voters have the FACTS and can make an intelligent and informed decision on Nov 5. Not happy with your reporting and soooooo tired of Trump being given air time. Voting Biden, Voting Blue
@OrnatChelssy39 Says:
CNN is the new branch paying and supported by the KGB. That is, Crystal clear for any one average IQ level.
@tlovesJesus4ever Says:
🩷🩷🩷🩷💗with love! Why do you lie so much? It’s crazy to see how the media will not talk about the fact that Jack Smith was not even legally appointed to file cases against Donald Trump. And you guys don’t talk about what is happening at the border and the fact that there are thousands of kids missing. Go see interviews on JJ Carrell maybe then you will realize why most people want to vote for Trump.
@ginadv5288 Says:
Jennings is being paid by trump that is all😮
@louiseclark7967 Says:
I thought Tapper had grown a pair, but I guess they got sucked back up...Shame on CNN
@harbosonius Says:
A reminder that CNN lied to you every day for 3 years about Biden's cognitive decline until they couldn't lie any more. What else does CNN lie about?
@cynthiafoster8473 Says:
This clown didn't answer any questions for the people such as what would he do about climate change, child care instead he's talking about ripping babies from the womb in the 9th month. How crazy is that. He lies every time he opens his mouth. He's a convicted felon. What the hell is going on in this country to even consider this person being president again?
@benniecleveland7092 Says:
I'm surprised of cnn news giving felon trump all the credit for lying,vote blue for president biden and gallego ticket 💙
@PaulMcGillTV Says:
Welp, you magaturds have the receipts that prove he lied.
@Craig-jz5jd Says:
Joe Biden has lied continuously since the day he was able to talk.
@adamscott2219 Says:
This wasn’t a debate at all so I’m not sure why they are being so harsh on Joe Biden. He was answering questions whilst Trump barely answered any and just spewed his usual brand of unrelenting verbal diarrhoea. If Biden fact checked him it would have been even more of a waste of time than it already was. There would have been little time left for anything else.
@greenbrain8725 Says:
If Republicans can support a convicted felon, liar, molester and fraudster without shame, I can support an honest, competent man that stutters and mumbles once in a while. I don’t judge a Candidate on their ability to debate… it’s not a job requirement.. once in office, there is no debating. Only one of these men has demonstrated that he respects the constitution and knows how to govern.
@gilbertcasas467 Says:
Why?if CNN cares ALLOW that TREASONOUS TRAITOR ESPIONAGE CRIMINAL LIAR LAWLESS CRIMINAL to continue disobeying the constitution and CNN doesn't call him out on his.
@cgash1 Says:
show me someone, anyone, who hasn't told a lie, pretty rich for cnn.
@mehrsam4938 Says:
Let's assum Trump lied evey 100 second, but Biden lied evey 5 second. This guy is the reason of the war between Russia and Ukrain. He deliberetly detorate the relationship between Russia and Ukraine in order to cover up for his son's fraudulent act regarding the gas company. When things got out of hand, he created a distraction. He handed out money to the terrorist regim of Iran, as a result, Iran got finacial strength and start the attack on Israel and Israel - Gaza war started. Donald Trump was the one whom have been labeled that if he become a president, the 3rd world war will start. On the contrary, there was no war during Trump's presidency. The only war that Trump has to deal with, it was the witch hunt of crocked politicians which to this day has continued. After the rigged 2020 election, more people are out the in Trump side to prove that counting of the votes were not right number in favor of Trump. It doesn't make sense that thousands of people participate in Trump's rally and few people showed up for sleepy Joe and at the end Biden gets the majority of the votes. This is insulting people's intelegence. Democrats are delusional becase they have no moral, and they lie so much that they began to believe their own lies. Biden is just a puppet and everybody knows. He gets all his order and idea of running as a scarecrow of those 16 people who worked on him for 5 days in cam david and the result was the desaster. If they were training a monkey in those 5 days they could have better result in the circus of this election campeign. I perefer the so criminal Trump over innocet joe.
@anitacicora2779 Says:
OMG is that Kaitlin Colins? What is with those eyebrows????? But anyway, will not watch CNN any more..Would have expected more from Jake Tapper & Danna Bash…
@my98-ot7jj Says:
@rogerpierce8200 Says:
CNN has become a total joke. Bye, bye.
@rogerpierce8200 Says:
30 plus lies and Tapper and Bash did nothing. Pathetic!
@jonvertnik2454 Says:
No lies from Trump, just cnn lies.
@cowboy930 Says:
What did Biden lie about Scott ? Would like to know I didn't think but if so please tell .
@cowboy930 Says:
Fact checking is not Bidens job the the job of the cnn moderators and call em out .
@kerrib1000 Says:
Yea, the lies you guys allowed him to tell…..
@chadcollins1916 Says:
TRUMP 2024
Victory Lap for Lies? This 🌍 is really stupid now. 🤦🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️🙅🏿‍♂️🚶🏿‍♂️🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
@dorothylavin5108 Says:
Shame on CNN why didn't you speak up during his lies. Obviously you too are scared of this lying treacherous person.
@kennyryan625 Says:
Ah Scaramucci. The scumbag who dumped his wife while she was in the hospital giving birth to their child. With him on Biden’s team, Biden is toast!
@ItsVideos Says:
Wow. Only one lie every 100 seconds. He must have been restraining himself.
@TruckerEssentials Says:
CNN allowed their platform to be used to scam America. Trump told the kind of lies in succession that a real network would correct in real time. Poor job.
@vickyhanson7307 Says:
I heard Biden say very important things even if his voice was horse. I also heard tRump not answering questions.
@TruckerEssentials Says:
CNN is a disgrace
@Jessicavargas-ig1zm Says:
At the end of the day, Im voting for Biden and all democrats up and down the ticket!! I'd rather have Joe Biden walking and talking slower than an unhinged wannabe dictator that lies as a first language!!
@orlandoofarrill8760 Says:
Why do they keep paying this grifter affiliate Scott jennings
@user-zr5xs7xm4y Says:
Funny how they don't count the Biden lies. Number one lie was no soldier died while he was in office. I guess Afghanistan was just a dream.
@kristihall174 Says:
Trump lied, Biden lied, and Biden couldn't coherently answer a question. Ill be voting for the president without cognitive issues.
@danbieller7485 Says:
How about Joe's score?
@user-sp9zt1wv5s Says:
Who wants to listen to Scaramucci who is an opportunist times 20 & has lower credibility than Hunter Biden. If Trump is soo bad, why did he work for him? To write a book? Stop calling this idiot.
@beyouforyou7142 Says:
as long as the disgraceful ex-president. opens his stupid mouth he is telling a lie. to me. the one who told the truth on the debate is the winner. and we all know that the disgraceful ex-president lied his ass off. through the whole debate.
@Defcon1-VoteBiden Says:
Kind Biden is trending and we are all rallied behind him.
@glennmorgan937 Says:
Trump was also just full of hot air
@Defcon1-VoteBiden Says:
Cnn is pro - Trump. Cnn agreed to give trump his request for not fac tvhrcking him.
@paularowe3489 Says:
My president is Joe Biden he has my vote. Not the criminal Trump
@carloscharles9127 Says:
Blame in part your colleagues they never corrected him, CNN host was horrible!

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