'SHOCKING': Biden fact-checked on border patrol endorsement claim
'SHOCKING': Biden fact-checked on border patrol endorsement claim



@rainbowdrive1961 Says:
BP, LEO and military, Republicans support you, democraps won't let you do your jobs.
@spartan150x Says:
Alleged child rapist joe Biden protects other child rapists go figure
@ninteyninenightmares1564 Says:
Lol 🤣🤣🤣 I think we all know that! Biden has always been the biggest liar!
@xmodnaRx Says:
And all the MSM chimed on the new rhetoric, Trump lied and lied blablablaaaa
@loganmichael6099 Says:
Good job on voting and cheating an election for Biden...🤌
@MikeJones-ju4fi Says:
Wake up they know what they are doing. Stop being soft on them
@user-xj5kg5pn1y Says:
It will take years to fix this stupidity ! And, by the way, still to ignorant to close the borders. wow !
@user-xj5kg5pn1y Says:
Fact check , he's been a pathological liar since day one ! Now they act like their surprised! Please !
@tornadochaser1969 Says:
Liar Joe...they think you are the devil...we gotta close border.
@fabiskey4621 Says:
He’s calling his opponent a “LIAR” and he himself JOE BIDEN is the Real Liar
@rustyrichmond4710 Says:
Usually when you see a liar you also see a thief they seem to fall hand in hand
@user-qw7oo1yi8f Says:
瘟疫是来淘汰邪党份子的 2022年12月上旬,中共防疫政策由严厉的动态清零突然转为全面放开后,中国大陆各地不断爆出疫亡潮,多地医疗系统、殡葬系统因染疫和死亡人数太多,不堪超负荷运转而陷入瘫痪。法轮功创始人李洪志大师说,三年多来中共一直在掩盖疫情,中国的疫情已经死了4亿人,这波疫情结束的时候中国会死5亿人。 其实,在疫情爆发之初,李大师于2020年3月份就在《理性》一文中指出,“但是目前‘中共病毒’(武汉肺炎)这样的瘟疫是有目地、有目标而来的。它是来淘汰邪党份子的、与中共邪党走在一起的人的。不信你们看一看,目前最严重的那些国家,都是与邪党走的近的,人也是一样。” 远离中共能平安 针对疫情,李大师在《理性》就开示,“远离中共邪党,不为邪党站队,因为它背后是红色魔鬼,表面行为是流氓,而且无恶不作。神要开始铲除它了,为其站队的都会被淘汰。不信就拭目以待。” “人应该向神真心的忏悔,自己哪里不好,希望给机会改过,这才是办法,这才是灵丹妙药。” 为此,在国内许多义工承担被中共迫害的巨大风险,用各种方式告诉人们真相及解救之法:退出中共党团队组织,诚信敬念九字真言:“法轮大法好,真善忍好”。 在海外,也有许多义工深为中国同胞因中共封锁消息,被中共欺骗、洗脑,对自己的处境浑然不知而担忧,纷纷用各种方式,如打越洋电话等,将疫情的真相和避疫良方及时告诉他们,以期他们平安渡过劫难。 但是即使这样,国内许多民众由于中共的长期洗脑宣传,加上封锁消息,仍然相信中共那套反复无常的假话谎话,被中共挟持、绑架,没有退出中共组织。为此,国内外三退义工都在尽最大努力,进一步传播真相,劝国内同胞三退保平安。 旅居海外的高女士说,“我看到(大陆现况)非常非常着急,就抽出时间,有时候后半夜也在打电话,就是希望他们(大陆同胞)能明白。最近打电话都哭着打完,他们也能感受到我们是真正关心他们,希望大家都能够平安,能够自救,躲过这个劫难。” 海外的汪先生是职业医生,他说,“我直接将大法师父说的话(关于大陆疫情死亡的真实情况)直接告诉大陆同胞,他们基本都能接受,没有提出质疑或反驳的,绝大多数都退了(退党、退团、退队)。 宁可信其有 不可信其无 几年前被迫离开大陆的法轮功学员刘女士表示,想到现在大陆的情形,很容易让人悲愤难抑,自己还有一些既得利益的亲友在大陆被中共蒙蔽,不愿接受真相。“但不论遇到的是什么样的人,我打电话的时候还是尽力排除情绪的作用,尽量让对方感受到纯善和纯正的力量”。 在电话中,她会提醒对方现在瘟疫在大陆已经全面呈海啸式又爆发了。也许对方会说“我们这边情况还好,我现在很平安。”即使这样,刘女士还会耐心地告诉对方,“您很幸运,希望您今天平安,明天平安,将来也平安。朋友们在传两句话,第一句话是:人无远虑,必有近忧,第二句话是:在生命的关键问题上宁可信其有,不可信其无。” “其实,瘟疫并不可怕,可怕的是我们不明瘟疫的真相,不知道不相信避疫的良方。现在疫情凶猛、情势危急,一批批的高官、名人、专家病亡,他们大多数有同样一个身份或选择,就是:中共组织成员或为中共站台。越来越多的人明白了,瘟疫长眼,就冲着中共来的,海外良心专家分析,现在疫情高峰还没有到来。 “目前,上至高官下至百姓、从国内到国外,越来越多的华人做了同样一件事:不花一分钱的保平安的自救工程——在海外退党网站上声明退党、退团、退队,三退保平安,已经退了4亿7百万人了,真实不虚。希望您也别落下,退党保平安,守住这个福分咱们远离邪恶远离灾险,有个平安美好的未来。 “为此,我想送给您一个吉祥好听的名字帮您退党、退团、退队三退保平安。” 刘女士说,“话到此,明白过来的人就很愿意接受化名三退,并表示感谢。毕竟这么多年,海内外大法弟子坚持不懈的向世人传播真相,已为大陆同胞打下今天做出生命正确选择的基础,疫情中他们至上而下都亲身感受到中共造祸的切肤之痛,再讲三退就顺理成章了。” 大义凛然能驱邪 一天,大陆一位男子接到刘女士的电话,在电话中,刘女士给这位男子讲了法轮大法是正法的真相、中共的本质和其犯下的滔天大罪,讲了贵州“藏字石”天然形成的“中国共产党亡”六个大字,告诉他顺天意而为才是明智的,诚心念诵‘法轮大法好,真善忍好’的九字真言能逢凶化吉、遇难呈祥。 中途他还肯定刘女士说的好,但无论如何就是不说要退党。最后,他才说自己是警察,已经将刘女士的话全程录音了,威胁刘女士说“等着瞧”。 刘女士为这个警察感到心痛和遗憾,但还是怀着良好的愿望对他说,“好,希望你回去再好好听听录音吧,再好好琢磨琢磨,明白了就赶紧做三退,生命可贵,用化名将声明写在钱币上花出去也算数,神佛看人心。” 中途,警察问了两遍刘女士这样做的目的是什么?刘女士回答他说,不是鼓动他去闹革命流血牺牲,不是让他去加入什么组织参与什么政治,只想让他平安走到未来。“我不图任何回报,不要你一分钱一口水。路上骗钱骗色骗吃骗喝的都有,没有骗人平安的。” 警察后来又说,“把你的话都埋肚子里了,(只当)我什么也没说。” 刘女士很感慨地表示,以后还得進一步提升自身的修为,这样才能更好的将生命得救的希望带给人。
@waiotahi52 Says:
I prefer Presidents that are not convicted Felons and adjudicated rapists, don't wear make up, don't cheat on their wives, taxes and contractors, grift off their supporters, smell like a Taco Bell toilet and don't think soldiers killed in action are losers
@littosalgado6788 Says:
It must be a mistake, “Joe doesn’t lie” 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@sawhite27 Says:
Biden is a lying pig.
@gregmullins9278 Says:
Whatever the corrupt liberal leftist have planned for America will happen between now and January if and when Trump becomes President. Everyone should be prepared for just about anything.
@lucyvaldez7515 Says:
@sm6839 Says:
I'm voting for the guy that gave up his wealth for the country, not the guy who gave up his country for the wealth!
@jimmyjones5796 Says:
TRUMP 2024!!!!
@jimmyjones5796 Says:
We have no laws that can remove a sitting president if they go off the rails like Biden has???? This is not a good position to be in
@maria1marie Says:
@philipflorie405 Says:
Lying clown!
@lukebeamer181 Says:
I realized telling a dog faced pony solider lie is Joe’s strength because no one lies the way he does in public
@ayokac Says:
SSI Congress imposed its harshest restrictions on immigrant seniors and immigrants with disabilities who seek assistance under the SSI program.[41]Although advocacy efforts in the two years following the welfare law’s passage achieved a partial restoration of these benefits, significant gaps in eligibility remain. For example, SSI continues to exclude not-qualified immigrants who were not receiving the benefits, on August 22, 1996, as well as most qualified immigrants who entered the country after the welfare law passed and seniors without disabilities who were in the U.S. before that date.[42] “Humanitarian” immigrants (including refugees, people granted asylum or withholding of deportation/removal, Amerasian immigrants, Cuban and Haitian entrants, Iraqi and Afghan Special Immigrants, and survivors of trafficking) can receive SSI, but only during the first seven years after having obtained the relevant status. The main rationale for the seven-year time limit was that it was intended to provide a sufficient opportunity for humanitarian immigrant seniors and those with disabilities to naturalize and retain their eligibility for SSI as U.S. citizens. However, a combination of factors, including immigration backlogs, processing delays, former statutory caps on the number of asylees who can adjust their immigration status, language barriers, and other obstacles, made it impossible for many of these individuals to naturalize within seven years. Although Congress enacted an extension of eligibility for refugees who faced a loss of benefits due to the seven-year time limit in 2008, that extension expired in 2011.[43] Subsequent attempts to reauthorize the extension were unsuccessful, and the exclusion from SSI of thousands of seniors and people with disabilities continues. In March 2024, Congress removed the restrictions on access to SSI for COFA migrants. Six states — California, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, New Hampshire, and Washington — provide cash assistance to certain immigrant seniors and people with disabilities who are ineligible for SSI; some others provide much smaller general assistance grants to these immigrants.
@bottomofthemap696 Says:
This country can't survive another 4 years under this regime
@bottomofthemap696 Says:
Dude was blatantly lying left and right but Democrats claim Trump was lying. What are they saying Trump actually lied about
@jodyporter9282 Says:
I would have said excuse me mister president but do you have to continue calling me names and acting like a kindergartener
@jodyporter9282 Says:
@andrewcarr2416 Says:
Biden called Trump a liar all night, when in fact Biden is the worst liar! 🤥 🤥 President Joe”Pinocchio” Biden!!!
@larrygreen4324 Says:
How did all 29 fact checkers supplied by New York Times miss that?
@biollantegojiwhaley3178 Says:
😂😂😂😂 What a clown Biden is.
@pamelagetz4550 Says:
Gotta laugh when he calls Trump a liar. When in reality he's the liar then caught in them and doesn't care. 😢
@ronmitchell5644 Says:
FJB For he IS a Liar. TRUMP 24-28
@kenb2018 Says:
It also shows who the judges pockets are lined from the Bidens and the Demarcates. No one who cares about people or the American people should never vote Demarcate ever again.
@danstubbs5032 Says:
No matter how pathetic the dimocrat party gets it's followers are to brainwashed/braindead to admit it. Sad really. Fk Jozo
@lindabennett1978 Says:
Joe is delusional 😂
@fortuneubani5791 Says:
This guy has been lying since kindergarten he still has the audacity to call trump a liar come-on Joe we ain't voting you this time and am black
@gonzaloventura924 Says:
He's a lying and a traitor to the American people. people who still support Joe are delusional
@jeanmarywooderson8277 Says:
500$ bail
@richardlahan7068 Says:
This problem will haunt the US for decades. Long after Joe and his "swamp" enablers are gone.
@RioGrandeficher Says:
Lmao he called Trump a liar but he was the one who was lying.
@eugenerichards3977 Says:
Without fact checking Joey told COUNTLESS LIES during the debate 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
@dfire351 Says:
How about castration with no anesthetic?
@remnazario1372 Says:
how many times Biden said lies on stage during the debate and after the debate Jill Biden said the same word LIES? indeed same feather flocks together
@troyprice531 Says:
The entire country has been desecrated by the Obamas and now Joe Biden! They are the most corrupt individuals to ever hold office! Every single time Joe Biden opens his mouth it’s a fabrication!! Absolutely a pathological liar
@nancystravato6980 Says:
He who protests the most is usually the problem...Joe Biden is the liar
@spider-man910 Says:
he can't stop lying
@CeeOlleab388 Says:
Biden LIED and continually LIES. He invents stories and believes them to be true.
@antenna69 Says:
Who was the Judge that let that scumbag walk on $500 bond that needs to be looked into
@maureensymmonds5243 Says:

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