Oklahoma Bible policy prompts First Amendment concerns
Oklahoma Bible policy prompts First Amendment concerns



@atomicluv Says:
Bro even republicans think this is going to far lmao
@RedCulture49 Says:
How about you focus on teaching Oklahoma Kids how to read better so they don’t need some funky preacher.
@Lovejones80inc Says:
Amen 🙏🏾
@Highly-Medicated Says:
Which bible?
@Highly-Medicated Says:
Where does it mention Christian God in the document?
@mr.l5783 Says:
This does not set a good name for Christians. In fact it only highlights some of the stereotypes of these bible thumpers being overbearing and forceful with their teachings. Religion is a choice. Not a mandatory requirement.
@triciahowie3653 Says:
6 of the Justices are Catholic. Is that what OK is going to use as the basis of the bible study?
@JessicaJohnson-mv7lb Says:
These religion nuts remind me of South Africa during apartheid were the five or 10% trying to rule the other 90
@Mike-ik5ei Says:
🤔 I have noticed that a lot of civil rights groups are about their rights, Not your rights.its OK to brainwash our children with woke program and race theory and after school Satanic club But not the words of God. That alone should tell you something
@SubZero-hs9xc Says:
Love how not even Fox News audience agree with this
@SezzzSimon Says:
It's wrong to teach the 10 commandments in school but ok to teach CRT, Transgender LBQ...Rainbow flags! Wake up Libs you can't have it both ways!
@Rah2842 Says:
Read The Fedaralist Papers, The Founding Fathers believed in Prayer to God before Starting their day. They Believed America is under GOD's Grace and GOD is what made America Great.
@hammerandthewrench7924 Says:
Backwards. I hope they enjoy this little stunt. I don’t even believe the Supreme Court will be stupid enough to push this.
@jmcg9822 Says:
“Of all the systems of religion that ever were invented, there is no more derogatory to the Almighty, more unedifying to man, more repugnant to reason, and more contradictory to itself than this thing called Christianity. Too absurd for belief, too impossible to convince, and too inconsistent for practice, it renders the heart torpid or produces only atheists or fanatics. As an engine of power, it serves the purpose of despotism, and as a means of wealth, the avarice of priests, but so far as respects the good of man in general it leads to nothing here or hereafter.” Thomas Paine
@jmcg9822 Says:
“Of all the tyrannies that affect mankind, tyranny in religion is the worst.” Thomas Paine
@Mr.Maret5 Says:
The downfall of the nation began when evil people removed prayer from the classroom.
@jmcg9822 Says:
“I beg you be persuaded that no one would be more zealous than myself to establish effectual barriers against the horrors of spiritual tyranny, and every species of religious persecution.” George Washington
@jmcg9822 Says:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” James Madison
@jmcg9822 Says:
“Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise, every expanded prospect.” James Madison
@jmcg9822 Says:
“The purpose of separation of church and state is to keep forever from these shores the ceaseless strife that has soaked the soil of Europe in blood for centuries.” James Madison.
@junodonatus4906 Says:
Ok class, today we're learning the origin of our solar system...."God did it."
@reneeharagsim4720 Says:
Wonderful thing Oklahoma! The America has gone koo koo cuz they toss out prayers and learning about our Heavenly Father who make us all out of school. God loves you!
@Arizona_Bert Says:
When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross. Ironic that Republicans mandate teaching the Bible in public schools when their leading presidential candidate (Trump) doesn't even follow the teachings of the Bible!
@cristianandfriendz7903 Says:
This is the most anti American thing that could’ve happened, the federal government has to overrule this IMMEDIATELY.
@sandrapotts153 Says:
If this is allowed to happen, more constitutional rights will be lost... They get this going so that people eventually just let them take them. NO NO NO! I believe in the rights of ALL
@Error_404_Account_Deleted Says:
Blatantly unconstitutional revisionist history in plain sight. 😮 Look how excited that priest is to be near more children
@clyde19788 Says:
the christian right will lose big if they think the majority of people want to be under christian tyranny.
@sandrapotts153 Says:
And to think when i was a ChristiAn as a kid i was taught that the Christians are always persecuted. Ummmm certainly looks the other way around to me. I believe EVERYONE has the right to believe as they will and apparently so did the founders of this country
@trollgeneral6624 Says:
I like the comments sections. This is whatvyou republicans asked for lol
@brebre2798 Says:
This isn’t about teaching the role of Christianity in US history. Teachers already address that fact. It’s about shoehorning a white Christian nationalist narrative that posits Christianity as the sole religion of “civilization”—thereby indoctrinating students.
@auburnjewels2 Says:
If you are allowed to disrupt school to pray 5 times a day then why is the Bible not allowed?
@GCSablan876 Says:
No man on earth has authority over the Word of our merciful God; The Ten Commandments is true law over every human creature under God. May God almighty creator of heaven and earth reveal in the coming days His wrath for any soul who is against His love for His faithful children. May God bless Superintendent R. Walters for his courage and may God bless America once again!
@elissetteg58 Says:
For several years now the transgender “movement” has been pushing their perverted lifestyle even in schools, so my question is what is so wrong with teaching the young about morals? And keeping their bodies clean and undefiled?
@craigszwed Says:
Schools must be allowed, not forced, to use the Bible in their study of history. That said, human history, without the Bible, is meaningless. From childhood through college, history never made any sense to me until I began to read the Bible for myself. As a 36 year old secularly college-educated man, I had never previously read it for myself. That book IS and has been the record and progenitor of countless laws and cultures ...for many thousands of years. Denial means that one ignores, deliberately neglects, or avoids truth. If this were a court proceeding, the Bible would be the evidence in the trial of historical and archeological world views and research. For centuries, archeologists have gone to the Bible to look for evidence of where to find ancient cultures. When one has omitted the Bible, one has omitted facts that bear heavily upon one's perspective of how we got to where we are in history. Denial like that, of facts, is still denial. Those who reject the historicity of the Bible are in denial of historically germane facts of history. That denial impacts severely upon people's decisions, for without those facts they base their views and actions on incomplete and insufficient information that is otherwise essential to a proper understanding of where we've been and where we are headed.
@DanielVazquez Says:
The United State in decaying real fast.
@luisellamanesco1896 Says:
@luisellamanesco1896 Says:
@tinyginger Says:
If no one likes this, they can move! 😃
@jarrodmelson7802 Says:
What a nut. Oklahoma is 49/50 in education and now they’re going to teach the Bible? Turning schools into Christian madrassas.
@stevenbloom5470 Says:
@Scharpy1 Says:
Hmmm...this has to be a bad idea in every way. Suppose a theist sharing his Bible bias at a public school vs. an athiest sharing his Bible bias at a Catholic school. Possibly it could work as a elective class on 'The Origins And History Of World Religions' I suppose.
@rosemariestevens9893 Says:
Why the Ukraine colors?😢
@mimixchan9982 Says:
First Louisiana and now this. Freedom of religion and the first amendment is under attack.
@markwilliams5606 Says:
Put The Lord Jesus Christ First. Then have enough Faith to let Him work. For There's Power in the Blood of Jesus Christ 💪
@goaheadmakemyday7126 Says:
The Bible is literally a book of fables and allegories.
@beetoven8193 Says:
So, math teachers have to teach the Bible? Ridiculous.
@adventist77 Says:
Teach the 10 commandments? What sabbath are you going to teach? Because sunday is not the commandment, the 7th day is the day of rest to the Lord and the sign on which god we serve. Sunday is a construct of the RC. so lets make sure we teach the true commandments and not ones made up. also the RC took out the 2nd commandment that has to do with with idols, we going to teach that one? I'd sure like to ask this jesuit priest this.
@user-kl8hn8mz1u Says:
It should be in schools in all states
@jdizzle8412 Says:
this is gonna divide republicans
@arnoldanthonyjohnson3662 Says:

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