FDA Booted Top Vaccine Reviewers for Raising Safety Alarms Over Rushed COVID Jab | TIPPING POINT 🟧
FDA Booted Top Vaccine Reviewers for Raising Safety Alarms Over Rushed COVID Jab | TIPPING POINT 🟧



@oneolddog8809 Says:
Millions , billions were poisoned,intentionally.
@WolfsBlood44 Says:
Just a few of Biden's lies during the debate: -Only president in a while who didn't have any troops dying anywhere in the world . -$15 per shot cap on insulin in Medicare. -$200 cap on overall drug spending in Medicare. -Border has fewer crossings than when Trump was in office." -Unemployment was at 15% when he took office. -Trump wants to get rid of Social Security. -“The border patrol endorsed me” - Billionaires pay 8.2% in taxes. - Trump said to inject bleach during COVID. ***This was reported by CNN believe it or not.
@boothssi Says:
Where do you think the people at the intellectual bottom of any craft go to work? Where intellectual ability isn't important but they get to talk and appear impressive. Know people by their accomplishments and avoid being sucked in by their talk and titles.
@robertcgage Says:
Happy Birthday!
@EnriqueGarcia-tl1vr Says:
FBI can't be trusted, they've proved that to the American people over and over again, once we're awake we CANT BE UNAWAKENED
@gabereal420 Says:
It was trumps FDA and his vaccine and his fauci his lockdowns
@manpretty5816 Says:
Your birthday? I didn't think internet models were born but created in a lab? *wink*
@daviddavidson7266 Says:
Sounds like my former marriage. If I had anything serious to discuss, I began trying to make sure it was at a restaurant or setting where others were present. Although that did not often work as she was uncomfortable talking about such serious issues when not in private. 🤦‍♂️
@mrrustygray Says:
Diversity is a planned weakness to destroy companies, government and society.
@ChadGpt369 Says:
50 reasons you may wish to reconsider voting for Donald. 1. Impeachment History: Twice impeached by the House of Representatives. 2. Capitol Riot: Incited the January 6th Capitol riot. 3. Election Claims: Promoted false claims of a stolen 2020 election. 4. Business Failures: Multiple bankruptcies in his business ventures. 5. Conflict of Interest: Failed to fully divest from his businesses while in office. 6. Tax Records: Refused to release tax returns, raising transparency concerns. 7. COVID-19 Response: Widely criticized handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. 8. Health Care: Efforts to dismantle the Affordable Care Act without a replacement. 9. Environmental Policies: Rolled back numerous environmental protections. 10. Foreign Relations: Strained alliances with traditional allies. 11. Trade Wars: Engaged in trade wars, notably with China, affecting global markets. 12. Military Decisions: Questionable decisions regarding military strategies. 13. Racial Tensions: Accused of exacerbating racial tensions in the U.S. 14. Immigration Policies: Controversial immigration policies, including family separations. 15. Ethics Violations: Numerous allegations of ethics violations. 16. Legal Issues: Facing multiple legal investigations and lawsuits. 17. Free Press: Attacked and undermined the free press. 18. Education Policy: Criticized for policies impacting public education negatively. 19. Cybersecurity: Questionable handling of cybersecurity threats. 20. Climate Change: Withdrew the U.S. from the Paris Agreement. 21. Economic Inequality: Policies criticized for increasing economic inequality. 22. Veterans Affairs: Mixed record on handling veterans' issues. 23. Police Reform: Lack of substantial police reform policies. 24. International Agreements: Withdrew from several international agreements. 25. National Debt: Increased the national debt significantly. 26. Infrastructure: Failed to deliver on major infrastructure promises. 27. Judiciary: Appointed controversial judges to the federal judiciary. 28. Corruption Allegations: Numerous allegations of corruption within his administration. 29. Science and Research: Undermined scientific research and agencies. 30. Economic Policies: Policies often favored the wealthy over the middle and lower classes. 31. Women's Rights: Rolled back protections for women's rights. 32. LGBTQ+ Rights: Policies seen as harmful to LGBTQ+ rights. 33. Healthcare for Veterans: Criticized for not adequately addressing veterans' healthcare needs. 34. Transparency: Lack of transparency in his administration. 35. Civic Norms: Eroded traditional civic norms and democratic principles. 36. NATO Relations: Strained relations with NATO allies. 37. National Security: Questionable decisions impacting national security. 38. Public Trust: Significant erosion of public trust in government. 39. Public Discourse: Toxic influence on public discourse and civility. 40. Legal Pardons: Controversial use of presidential pardon power. 41. Foreign Interference: Accusations of soliciting foreign interference in elections. 42. Healthcare Policy: Lack of a coherent healthcare policy. 43. Trade Deficits: Increased trade deficits despite protectionist policies. 44. Education Funding: Proposed cuts to public education funding. 45. Judicial Independence: Attacked judicial independence and integrity. 46. Public Health: Undermined public health officials and guidelines. 47. Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric: Harmful anti-immigrant rhetoric. 48. Ethnic and Religious Minorities: Policies and rhetoric harmful to ethnic and religious minorities. 49. Federal Workforce: Criticized treatment of the federal workforce. 50. Global Standing: Decline in the global standing of the U.S. under his leadership.
@vade137 Says:
I remember whe they did that...I watched when an FDA head said he would not approve a drug he would not give to his children....then he was shuffled out. I knew that was wrong.
@markkosterman3640 Says:
“Free my people from bondage”, JC! FJB and Iran and BO?!
@Blueskytoday Says:
OAN is a terrible one sided low rated network
@GreatDataVideos Says:
No law enforcement officer is ever lax about a pipe bomb like we saw on those videos, such as allowing people to walk right by it. They had to have been tipped off.
@lifeisawesome4740 Says:
🎉happy birthday 🎉🎉
@larrybanta8858 Says:
Wow that's crazy and scary
@bittersweet2253 Says:
Your title has nothing to do with what you're talking about, apparently bidens not the only one not all there 😂
@mikecurliss848 Says:
We under demonic occupation
@farmer9180 Says:
We bought the lies and took the first two jabs . We are not being fooled again . Take the jab and stick it where the sun doesn’t shine.
@funkibloo3811 Says:
@AR-um2nq Says:
Happy Birthday!
@TJB-zt9tx Says:
Yeah so?
@teresa67factoid95 Says:
And then to add insult to injury they post a link to the government’s gaslighting misinformation website
@joem7755 Says:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY and thank you for working at OAN News.. The very few REAL NON-STATE Media.
@dmoon3042 Says:
Happy birthday 🎉
@pauljensen4773 Says:
Happy Birthday!!!
@justanotherguy61 Says:
Any bets biden's doj and fbi were behind this, and blame it Pres Trump? Think about it.
@chuckkuhn3265 Says:
June 27 is also my birthday so happy birthday to me and you
@groopytrooper8772 Says:
Happy belated Birthday!!
@kevinjenner9502 Says:
The US remains the world leader in Covid deaths.
@angelofamillionyears4599 Says:
This headline dos not match the content !!
@corpnupe85 Says:
This video does not match the title. Most likely youtube did this on purpose.
@kathyrogers2065 Says:
The FDA needs removed from America. They approve drugs given for money, just like Hiliary Clinton does.
@anderander5662 Says:
Take a virus that had no pathogenicity in humans, then manipulate it so could infect humans. Definition of GAIN OF FUNCTION
@doughboybellmore2347 Says:
Right on Young Lady, Happy Birthday, Keep up the Fire, America is Our Home.
@juliele3683 Says:
Happy Birthday Kara🎂 🥳 🎉
@AdamosDad Says:
Happy birthday Kara, ❌ ══{'''|'''|'''|''']=[]❌
@juliele3683 Says:
Happy Birthday Kara 🎂 🎉
@BUY_YT_Views_191 Says:
Too good to be true.
@user-bm6xz6pq5z Says:
I'm confused what the video had to do with the title. I thought we were talking about the FDA and vaccines, not homeland security and Janiary 6th?
@vulger11 Says:
It sounds like they wanted a mass casualty false flag event.
@juliagunnells5283 Says:
Happy Birthday!!
@christiaansmit3569 Says:
FDA. Fraud and Deception Association.
@eddysgaming9868 Says:
Happy birthday, Kara.
@demontoya6068 Says:
Wow!!! 💥 Boom!!
@demontoya6068 Says:
Happy!! B'day!! 😆😁
@josephcuriale2293 Says:
This video is not about the FDA.
@robink2563 Says:
Happy birthday Kara.
@tempesttree8839 Says:
Who in their right mind honetly believes that the US government is functioning properly or in accordance with the laws of the constitution they're governed by and should not be removed immediately from their elected and appointed positions? How is it even feasible for a rational, aware American citizen to put theirs and their children's lives in the hands of such an outrageously incompetent group of poorly educated and mentally disturbed people?
@KetoMama777 Says:
Happy birthday 🎉

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