Analysts discuss whether Biden should drop out of race after debate performance
Analysts discuss whether Biden should drop out of race after debate performance



@KateLopez-wr6nx Says:
How quickly were some news outlets to expelled the President. The Far right has been trying to do that for 4 years. It has found a method to accomplish that and more. Many news outlets new the outcome of the debate. Even the owner of the building were I live and commands his militia to rape old ladies new the outcome. He also is very familiar what kind of undetectable weapon the cowardly and abominable Far right is utilizing to neutralize unsuspected victims. You can believe whatever you want, this are the facts
@lindagarner295 Says:
Meanwhile Trump is talking about electric boats sinking because the battery is too heavy, and then choosing between sharks and getting electrocuted. And now he's going on about electric planes falling out of the sky when it's cloudy. Crickets from CNN
@anandaadidevi2339 Says:
CNN, Tapper and Bash will go down in well-deserved infamy. They should resign before they further enbarrass and disgrace themselves. And you all should be spending 24/7 apologizing to the people of this nation for your network's egregious dereliction of duty instead of fomenting more nonsense. The only other thing you should be talking about is all the reasons the GOP should demand that Trump withdraw his candidacy. Otherwise, just shut up!
@iancoles1349 Says:
Analysts 😂😂😂 wtf u dont need them to tell u what's going on 😂😂😂😂
@tobypetzold4540 Says:
Lookit these progs just blowing STRAIGHT past the idea of Kamala Harris succeeding Biden! LOL What else do you need to know? They MUST put her in the Oval Office. America deserves President Harris.
@JJG86 Says:
Dbag Wallace is a puppet of the DNC. He’s never had an original thought.
@JulioCesar_Gonzalez06 Says:
Why everyone on this show look like a woke liberal/democrats idiots 😂😂😂😂
@ElcinQuluzad-yn8yj Says:
The Beznau nuclear power plant in Switzerland, Меtsamor Plant in Armenia and Fessenheim Plant in France was chosen as the most dangerous reactors in the world due to its design in the 1960s and 1970s. The nuclear reactor should have been shut down a long time ago. Because it spreads radiation to Europe and other continents. Radioactive and chemical wastes of the Меtsamor NucIear Power Plant enter the Саspian Sea through rivers and then into the oceans through other rivers. The NPP is located in a seismic country and a strong earthquake can oćcur at any time. Armenia should be sanctioned and embargoed to close this reactor. This environmental terrorism must be stopped. The number of cancer patients in the world is increasing rapidly due to nuclear power plants. The Аrmenian government, which is a military-econоmic ally of the invading Russia and receives financial and military support from it, should think about the health of the peoples of Europe. The Prime Minister of Japan said that the chemical and radioactive waste of nuclear power plants in Japan will be discharged into the ocean. As a result of water circulation and rainfall, plants will absorb toxic water. There will be radiation in drinking water and cancer patients will increase. Russia's political and military leadership is planning armed sabotage at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. Mines are buried in the territory of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant from all sides. Explosives are placed inside the reactors. World leaders must stop this ecological disaster
@johntipeti4597 Says:
i listen to these ppl talk and i know based on their positions that biden will lose to trump
@OmarKhaled-pm1qj Says:
11 look at the news channels like Al Jazeera, the United Agency, and Onora, and do not listen to the channels of the Israeli Zionist lobby, which controls the administrations in your state and appoints with money the People’s Assembly, Congress, and the president. How can you not have a mind to think about? 40,000 Palestinians killed, 18,000 children, body parts from American, German, and French weapons. Think, occupy your minds before you You kill children with the child killers of Israel. Do you not have children and women? Do you not have humanity?
@25STB2 Says:
Usa Taking family members hostage
@Dierkenzee Says:
CNN is all Lefty propaganda. Its disgusting.
@mr.bigsquid8422 Says:
Behind closed doors Biden is still doing Calculus for fun
@bobsamuel1567 Says:
The Biden family, a perfect example of psychopathy: A psychopath is a narcissist that is completely indifferent to people who are suffering—even when it's a close friend or family member, or country.
@johanlandman4097 Says:
Biden was such a bad President.
@KindyKing-kd3jc Says:
Joe and Jill went up on the hill Voted leader of the free world. Joes memory and health declined refused to leave the presidency behind Now the dictators’ coming after us!
@Vorname_Nachnahme Says:
There's a Vize-President?
@Emraz Says:
From outside USA. It seems like very few are voting FOR anyone rather voting AGAINST the other side. You could have 2 blocks of wood at this point and it wouldnt change most peoples way of voting.
@getreadytotube Says:
Lulu with the green suit looking like Sue Bird! 🟩
@wrx2hot4u Says:
Democracy isn’t safe under Trump… let’s turf out the democratically elected candidate…. righttttt Democrats (see above)
@RetrieverTrainingAlone Says:
A shame after 52 years of public service, he appeared so much older than Trump, old man shuffle, frail voice and posture, senile open mouth stare, painful watching him struggle to come up with words, confusing beating COVID with "beating Medicare," leaving the public with the perception of early stages of dementia. Trump likely will cancel all future debates and Biden would not be able to recover after the first debate. Biden should step down for the good of the country. Any other moderate democrat CAN BEAT Trump, Biden would lose the swing states.
@resonance3486 Says:
How about considering the fact that there is a 3rd candidate that has been actively cancelled my main stream media? Robert Kennedy Jr. should be consider as a valid alternative v/s two disasters
@BlackDragonCrusader Says:
I like Joe Biden but his time is done. With what's at stake this is no time to spare hurt feelings. Even if Joe gets another 4 years, I'm not convinced he will finish a second term given the stressors of the job. This needs to involve Dr. Jill as well. I'm putting this on the current FLOTUS as well. If she can't see what she needs to do then she's just another status hungry spouse like her predecessor. Otherwise people will think Dr. Jill loves being POTUS. Of course this assumes preventing the re-election of the Orange Imbecile Felon from taking a second term. Everyone seems to be missing the point that Biden and the Democrats have been handed the opportunity to demonstrate that they are absolutely different from the MAGA Republicans. Joe can go in front of the American people by declaring that he is putting the country ahead of ego, party, and wife to step down at this critical time in American history. If done correctly then Biden will be revered as the man that prevented Trump from another term. Otherwise he risks his legacy if Trump wins.
@hangten1904 Says:
This is what cognitive dissonance looks like.
@user-nw5hb8mj2f Says:
I do not see any one from the politicians good enough to beating Trump The best chance of Democratic party winning the presidency is only one person Mitchell Obama If she ever run for the presidency as Democratic party 100% she is going to defeat Trump
@matthewwright3930 Says:
Yes, he sure fucking should…
@sylviaalfonso7202 Says:
Dana and Jake were horrible. I thought about them highly but the allowed to let Trump lie and lie without interrupting him. Everyone took notes about how unprofessional they were as journalists. Shocking to such senior experienced journalists. 😬😬😬😬😬😬🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
@SisterREIGN Says:
Why isn't anyone talking about the Putin and Trump's planes being seen side by side on the tarmac in Virginia this Friday? That's a big deal!!! The major news outlets aren't mentioning it at all.
@mrddcass6540 Says:
@detroit12870 Says:
If people knew Gretchen Whitmer she wouldn't even poll at five percent! She's a joke
@timmartin7664 Says:
We can all agree on both sides that Biden had a debate that was less than stellar but Donald Trump has a corrupt political resume that on a historical scale, is impossible to match. I challenge anyone reading this post, to name one political canidate, Democtrat or Republican, mayor or governor, and yes president, in American history that can match Donald Trump's corrupt political resume. Twice impeached, convicted felon, held liable on bank fraud and sexual abuse, 4 state and federal indictment, 34 criminal convictions. What politcian can match Trump fully comprehensive corrupt resume?
@detroit12870 Says:
There's no such thing as a "never Trump Republican" That's called a RINO and/or a NeoCon
@AnnaMathea Says:
Of course Republican owned CNN wants Biden to drop out. Let the narcissistic, pathological liar, convicted felon, traitor insurrectionist DROP OUT!!! Biden clearly didn't know there was a split screen and that there was a camera on him at ALL times. They also kept his mic volume low when he was obviously recovering from a cold. CNN would like nothing more than to make a mountain out of a mole hill to sabotage Biden's running as an incumbent. Trump has little to NO CHANCE of winning this, and they're grasping at straws to create chaos to help him. Disgusting.
@CB-vg1wq Says:
Unfortunately, what will happen is there are these double haters, who will determine the outcome off the election. They do not see Trump as a risk to democracy. They may vote for Trump now because of this debate.
@karlkolmetz5052 Says:
By far the biggest lie was that Joe Biden was ok mentally
@orinhickman1721 Says:
You folks should worry less about whether or not Biden is fit to be president and more on why or, better yet, how a guy with 34 felony convictions is beating him in the polls. Otherwise, American democracy is doomed!
@THollandcunt Says:
@vincentmcnabb939 Says:
Orange Man worst. 😂
@Yourlifedontmatter69 Says:
Biden doesn’t need to drop out he just makes Trump look better it’s like a girl taking their ugly friend to the club so they can stand beside them 😂😂😂
@SuperCelliott Says:
Joe Biden has cognitively declined. It isn’t safe for him to be president now much less for the next 4 years. Democrats I would demand a new candidate
@worldmusicnashvillepodcast8280 Says:
This is madness. The two ladies are unbelievable. Seriously they have lost all credibility with me . Wow wow wow.
@clintchard7540 Says:
Cnn has nothing component to say. Nothing they say means anything FAKE NEWS
@SKeletor99999 Says:
No one is going to drop out of the race because of this meaningless debate. This is just CNN pretending they are important
@spnfirearms Says:
Keep supporting Biden, see what happens before the end of the year :) it’s over guys. He’s not winning. No matter how delusional these people are on the screen and no matter what they tell you. It’s over guys.
@inek3136 Says:
Another reason why some of these talking heads are talking nonsense. Do they think they smarter than average folks. Biden will stay and fight Don Felon and win. How did a liar win a debate and a guy tried his best to answer lost?
@Bumeism Says:
These people are delusional
@commandermomida-je8ny Says:
I'd rather have a president who quietly achieves rather than a president who loudly does nothing.
@steveleee5499 Says:
Cnn did a good job. Liar liar liar Trump . He said he got all the border patrol on his side. He said economy was a disaster, inflation was high in 2020. No military died under his watch! These are proven lies! ( Ooops my bad someone just corrected me, Biden said that)
@neinschlomo Says:
Lol that dirty communist Swisher said he was excellent at the waffle house!!! Waffles anyone!!!
@1lorijb Says:
Eelder abuse is alive and well in the Democrat white house!!!!!!!!! Jill how can you do this to your husband?

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