'OUT OF TOUCH': Former FBI agent calls out the Biden admin over border
'OUT OF TOUCH': Former FBI agent calls out the Biden admin over border



@EttaPhillips-us2lu Says:
They really messing up. Ew. York that's were they going frist. New. York. Chicago. C.
@ybc7483 Says:
Send them back to Mexico
@davyboy5824 Says:
Joe Biden is a lying bumbling idiot 💯
@lmwlmw4468 Says:
If Americans really want their country back from these woke Marxist traitors, they'd better vote for the ´´convicted felon´´ ...... and massively, because the woke Dems must have something prepared like back in 2020, when mathematical impossibilities and all other sorts of gross manipulations put Joe inside the WH, just like this open border bringing all sorts of criminals inside the US, as this is part of the woke Dems agenda for scorched Earth ........ just like immediately before the 2020 election with the Communists from Antifa and BLM destroying the whole country and being supported by these woke Marxist traitors...!!!
@billy8065 Says:
Clear vetting from Venez uela ?????????? Not at all They are moving and agenda of avenging others countries
@billy8065 Says:
Tren de Aragua vene zue la gangs members has caused terrible lost of life in ALL southamerica last 15 years and to see that people operating in USA??????
@billy8065 Says:
Ven ezu ela country delete criminals backgrounds Ven exue la country do not provide criminal background to any other countries And many prisions has been emptied
@williamsoto4211 Says:
All this talk talk talk....the only way things will change is when something is done to stop this period
@williamsoto4211 Says:
The radical isnt out of touch they know what there doing they just don't care and want to ruin this country
@thingswesaidtoday1478 Says:
How could that be, when there is far more Hispanics, Arabs, Chinese people in the world then any American and they’re all crossing the border?
@kareypope2325 Says:
This is the main issue besides the money that will help mumbles lose u did this and WE FINISHED IT FJB 😡😡😡😡😡
@adoniscourage5714 Says:
The Biden administration is an absolute 'disgrace', and the poor citizens will suffer at the hands of 'illegal immigrants'.
@adriansalas8424 Says:
Worst administration and the most damaging! FJB and all those supporting him!!!
@user-ir1ii3pg5k Says:
Amen on the impact
@user-ir1ii3pg5k Says:
I hear you lady there is already trouble in our way and it's so sad that our president let this happen but apparently he wanted it to happen because it's been going on for 4 years we need to get it stopped like now
@user-ir1ii3pg5k Says:
That is true that's our president for you
@misaelacurda7522 Says:
@ralphyist Says:
Biden has killed more Americans than any other president. The job of the president is to protect the American people , why is our border still open!!!!!!!!!!! Both parties are supporting this invasion it's so obvious !!!!!!!!!
@DoctorWu-sq6un Says:
Remember all democrats yelling their hatred of all us Americans? All democrats are guilty of Treason against the United States of America. There is only one punishment for Treason Against the United States.
@DoctorWu-sq6un Says:
Because of the debate, now the entire world knows Trump is right again, and ALL DEMOCRATS CONTINUOUSLY LIE, ARE ALWAYS CHEATING, AND ARE STEALING FROM US AMERICANS AT ALL TIMES. The rest of the world now knows all democRats can not be trusted and hate all Americans.
@DoctorWu-sq6un Says:
There are over 465,680 missing children in the United States since democrats stole the 2020 Presidential Election. DemocRats do not care and will support biden to the gates of hell.
@DoctorWu-sq6un Says:
There are over 465,680 missing children in the United States since democrats stole the 2020 Presidential Election. DemocRats do not care and will support biden to the gates of hell.
@soylentgreen738 Says:
This game is called "Who is Sane?" To play all it has to do is answer honestly to these simple 5 questions. 1. Does it accept the science and evidence all around ya of its extinction by the year 2060; yes or no? 2. Is supporting a pathological-lying insurrectionist that denies global-warming suicidal behavior; yes or no? 3. Is the word abortion in the _KKKible_ yes or no? 4. Who told ya abortion is wrong and why? 5. Who told it to link anti-abortion to its rejection of the AGW all around ya right now?
@ccya157 Says:
@sagebrushcraftco.351 Says:
Stop using the words “out of touch”! THEY ARE NOT OUT OF TOUCH, THEY WANT THIS THEY DO NOT CARE!
@JohnEllis-qp9fz Says:
Biden is a traitor
@timothyjenkin4365 Says:
But it will be Jill his wife? That will push the.... button!!!
@timothyjenkin4365 Says:
@DinkinFlicka11 Says:
Get these subhuman animals out of our country. Libs are gross
@yourfate2221 Says:
The news articles that follow prove that the extinction by the year 2060 runaway-AGW that -America- *Republicabortions are causing.* Creates the *climate-refugees* and homelessness within -America- AmurderKKKguna, *at the southern border,* _and all over the world._ *QMAGAt-Fascists who read My comments can no longer fool themselves into believing that runaway-AGW is a hoax.*
@yourfate2221 Says:
*Paragraph 1 of 4* _Carbon dioxide levels hit landmark at 415 ppm, highest in human history_ May 13, 2019 This news article is from _Fox News._ Carbon dioxide levels in Earth's atmosphere hit a stunning milestone over the weekend. Data from the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii showed that carbon dioxide levels surpassed 415 parts per million Friday. "We don't know a planet like this," Eric Holthaus, a meteorologist and writer at Grist, an online environmental magazine, posted on _Twitter._
@yourfate2221 Says:
*Paragraph 2 of 4* _Carbon dioxide levels hit landmark at 415 ppm_ *Carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations have skyrocketed far higher than any levels in more than 800,000 years,* according to data from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California-San Diego, and levels have not been this high for millions of years, Holthaus said. "This is the first time in human history our planet's atmosphere has had more than 415 ppm CO2," Holthaus tweeted. "Not just in recorded history, not just since the invention of agriculture 10,000 years ago. Since before modern humans existed millions of years ago."
@yourfate2221 Says:
*Paragraph 3 of 4* _Carbon dioxide at 415 ppm, highest in human history_ Carbon dioxide levels millions of years ago were higher than 2019 levels, but Earth's temperatures were also far higher. In the 800,000 years before the Industrial Revolution, CO2 levels didn't surpass 300 parts per million. Homosapiens didn't emerge until about 300,000 years ago, and some of their predecessors were around about 2 million years ago. CO2 is the greenhouse g@s scientists say is most responsible for global warming. When fossil fuels such as coal, oil and g@s are burned to power our world, they release CO2 and other greenhouse g@ses such as methane. These g@ses trap solar radiation in the atmosphere.
@yourfate2221 Says:
*Paragraph 4 of 4* _CO2 at 415 ppm, highest in human history_ *There is widespread scientific consensus that humans caused the recent warming in Earth's atmosphere.* _The temperature rise cannot be explained by natural factors, scientists said._ In the past 20 years, the world's temperature has risen about two-thirds of a degree Fahrenheit, the _National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration_ said. Using computer simulations along with paleoclimatic data, a study this year from the _Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research_ reported that *carbon dioxide has reached levels in our atmosphere not seen in 3 million years.*
@pattimartin859 Says:
Anyone who doesn't see that this nation is being set up....NEEDS TO OPEN THEIR EYES
@Eric-tc5zq Says:
TRUMPS WORDS: The immigrants are taking Black and Hispanic jobs. Here we thought our Jobs were Doctors, CEO's, Engineers, Lawyers etc etc etc. We found out that our jobs are McDonald's, ditch diggers, security guards.
@bobbyk3469 Says:
Fentanyl detection machines? Fentanyl doesn't cross the border on it's own. It comes in on the backs of illegal immigrants!
@agivens061 Says:
The new democrat ploy now by People l normon Solomon is anyone qho wants closed borders areneofasist Republicans
@theabandonmentoftruth5896 Says:
This historical account is from the syllabus of your 5 unit -Floriduh- Whorida *Advanced College Placement* course titled _"Critical Race Theory"_ [CRT] Lecture 19: _Red Summer The Race Riots of 1919._
@theabandonmentoftruth5896 Says:
That explains why QMAGAt-Fascist Ku Dunce Qlan inbred racist sadistic Naz!s. Keep saying Barack Obama is controlling president Joe Biden. And insult Michele Obama by calling her a man as the Ku Klux Klan has been known to due. Since the year 1865 when the Klan called itself a Democrat.
@theabandonmentoftruth5896 Says:
*Paragraphs 1-7* *Lecture 19* _Red Summer The Race Riots of 1919_ This historical account is from _The National WWI Museum and Memorial._ American servicemen returned from the First World War only to find a new type of violent conflict waiting for them at home. An outbreak of racial violence known as the _“Red Summer”_ occurred in 1919, an event that affected at least 26 cities across the United States.
@theabandonmentoftruth5896 Says:
P2 _Red Summer The 1919 WASP-Skinned Massacres_ Racial tensions across the U.S. were exacerbated by the discharge of millions of military personnel back to their homes and domestic lives following the end of the war. Competition for opportunities in postwar America combined with a radically changed social landscape _p l a c e d_ *W h i t e s* a n d *B l a c k s* _i n_ *c o n f l i c t* with one another, leading to tragic results. World War I intensified the Great Migration, the mass emigration of African Americans from the rural South to the industrial North and Midwest in hopes of escaping the poverty and discrimination of Jim Crow laws. By the summer of 1919, approximately 500,000 African Americans had resettled in northern cities. In many cases, northern Whites— *many of them newly arrived immigrants themselves* —did not welcome Black newcomers. Black and white photograph of three white men in National Guard uniform holding rifles surrounding a Black man in civilian clothing. Two Black men in civilian clothing observe off to the side. A Black man in military uniform also observes. National Guard during the 1919 Chicago Race Riots. Photograph by Jun Fujita, courtesy of _Chicago History Museum.
@theabandonmentoftruth5896 Says:
P3 _Red Summer_ When the war ended many returning servicemen resented that their vacated jobs had been taken, particularly by African Americans. Black laborers already suffered from a negative reputation in the White working community for their use as low wage-earning strike breakers, or “scabs,” who would keep factories in operation while the employees went on strike. The situation was made worse in the aftermath of the Russian Revolution of 1917. Many officials and others, with little or no evidence, suspected Black workers of being pawns of Bolsheviks and anarchists. Many Whites feared that the return of tens of thousands of Black veterans, with experience living abroad and, more significantly, having received military training, would be unwilling to resubmit to traditional political and social subjugation in the U.S. Many Black leaders encouraged returning servicemen to assert themselves and fight for the dignity and respect they had earned through their military service. W.E.B. Du Bois famously called upon Black veterans to not simply “return from fighting” but to “return fighting.”
@theabandonmentoftruth5896 Says:
P4 _The Race Riots of 1919_ Many Black veterans were mistreated, and in some cases, attacked while in uniform. *Lynchings increased from 64 in 1918 to 83 in 1919.* Membership in the revived Ku Klux Klan, reborn after D.W. Griffith’s 1915 film _The Birth of a Nation,_ skyrocketed into the millions by the early 1920s. Black and white photograph of a house across the street. The front yard and porch are full of white children. Papers and debris are scattered around the scene. Neighborhood children raiding an African American family's house after they were forced out during the *1919 Chicago Race Riots.* Photograph by Jun Fujita, courtesy of Chicago History Museum, ICHi-40052. Most violent incidents during _The Red Summer of 1919_ were not initiated by fringe white supremacist terror groups. Ordinary white civilians and veterans, unaffiliated with the Ku Klux Klan or any other racist organization, formed most of the mobs. Many of the dozens of incidents that occurred over the course of the year were made far worse because local, state and federal officials hesitated in taking action or turned a blind eye to the violence. Racial violence broke out in some of the nation’s most populous cities. A four-day riot in Washington, D.C. began on July 19 when a rumor that Black men had assaulted a white woman incited mobs to attack local Black neighborhoods and assault random African American individuals on the streets.
@theabandonmentoftruth5896 Says:
P5 _Summer Race Riots 1919_ Off-duty sailors and recently discharged Army veterans led the mobs. When the local police were overwhelmed by the mayhem, Washington’s Black community banded together to fight back, arming themselves with bats, clubs, pistols and knives. In nearby Norfolk, Virginia, a parade celebrating the return of a unit of African American troops from Europe turned into a bloody melee and two Black servicemen were k!lled. Ultimately, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson had to order troops to secure the streets. Photograph of a street outside several apartment buildings. A group of white men run down the street away from the viewer. Some of them are in mid-throw. Mob running with bricks during the *Chicago Race Riots of 1919.* Photograph by Jun Fujita, courtesy of Chicago History Museum. Washington was closely followed by a massive race riot in Chicago. Rioting erupted on July 27 when a Black teenager drowned after being hit with stones when he and friends drifted near a de facto whites-only beach. Violent rioting across Chicago’s South and West sides and into the downtown lasted days.
@theabandonmentoftruth5896 Says:
P6 _Riots of 1919_ Eventually the state militia was deployed to restore order. Though records vary, the final Chicago casualty count listed 38 fatalities (23 Black, 15 White), 537 injured and upwards of 1,000 Black families made homeless by the burning and rampant destruction of African American neighborhoods. Black and white photograph of a residential street. A Black woman and a Black man walk down the street. The woman is carrying a broom and a valise. The man is pulling a cart with a large trunk and other objects in it. They are accompanied by a white man dressed in law enforcement uniform. Couple moving during the 1919 Chicago Race Riots. Photograph by Jun Fujita, courtesy of Chicago History Museum, ICHi-65492. Likely the single deadliest incident of the Red Summer occurred in and around Elaine, Ark., on Sept. 30 and Oct. 1, after a white law officer was k!lled in a sh00tout outside a Black sharecropper gathering. Gov. Charles Brough ordered 500 Army soldiers from nearby Camp Pike to march on Elaine and put down what was labeled an “insurrection” among the Black sharecroppers. Estimates vary as to how many African Americans were k!lled, but upwards of 200 are believed to have lost their lives.
@theabandonmentoftruth5896 Says:
P7 _RepubliKlan Riots of 1919_ It’s impossible to say exactly how many people were k!lled or injured in the race riots and lynchings of the Red Summer of 1919—official records for some incidents were poor or never documented. We know that hundreds of people lost their lives, thousands were injured and many more were forced to flee their homes. Yet one legacy of 1919 was the growing confidence and desire to fight back—in the streets, in the courts and in the voting booth—for African American communities across the country. _The Red Summer_ saw Black populations fight back aggressively against racial violence and intimidation in ways that were not typical before. *The Red Summer of 1919* did not intimidate African Americans into submission, as their tormentors had hoped. Instead, African Americans emerged from the violence of that bloody year with a greater sense of shared purpose, identity and pride, which served as a vital foundation for the civil rights movement to come.
@theabandonmentoftruth5896 Says:
The only things that say that are lead-poisoned cowards the refuse to protect its family and not answer with the only correct response. When asked if it accepts the science and evidence of its extinction by the year 2060. Due to its greenhouse g@s emissions; causing the global-warming-refugee, all of whom are legally, here seeking asylum from the conditions it is creating at the southern border, housing and food inflation?
@entrthedragon Says:
Biden, the serial killer
@Saved-by-Zero Says:
After his debate, the following day he was at a North Carolina rally... And his voters absolutely love him there. FJB

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