'I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED': Obama adviser reacts to Biden's debate performance
'I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED': Obama adviser reacts to Biden's debate performance



@user-si5dn5gf8b Says:
I believe Biden was over- medicated , which would explain his incoherent speech !!!
@brettalan3209 Says:
teleprompters is the difference maker. He needs puppeteers and teleprompter.
@matttrafton2725 Says:
Biden is determined to go down in flames. i guess
@welcomeranch Says:
Unbelievable! This man does not care for our country.
@sandrabarnette5996 Says:
Did Biden have an ear bud in his right ear during the Debate. He put his finger in his ear. Was he adjusting it? What about the drug test. What’s he afraid of?
@dinavereecke192 Says:
You don’t know what happened do you people live under a rock this man should have never been allowed in office and now he has declined to the point he is no longer in charge and a wife that is in charge that should terrify you
@markduncan6690 Says:
Biden has His Party’s Faithful! That won’t save him though!
@SemisiTuineau Says:
Biden is non coherent and sold America too China because China has got documents about Biden
@gailmcbride6333 Says:
This is a guy who doesn’t care anything about our Country, this guy is in lala land, Biden is the same bumbling guy he has been through out his Presidency, where has this guy been.?
@AA-USAF Says:
People like Robert Wolf are responsible for the destruction of our country. Two party system sucks and think that Biden controls our nuclear arsenal
@mrazyone Says:
I am sorry this guy is a bed wetter. Rhetoric y It's pretending nothing happened in this debate. All is well nothing to see here
@user-ef1nq2fd7p Says:
This guy is not for America. He will vote for any democrat.
@usethetools Says:
@JohnDoe-ex5en Says:
Biden was simply intimidated by being on the same stage with Trump, he melted like a popsicle, did you see how fast he recovered after he left the stage?
@SB-ju8ki Says:
Wolf is crazy…he knows Biden is incapable of running this country!
@tornadochaser1969 Says:
Liars.trump 2024 maga
@stevelyons2744 Says:
What are those people smoking? They would vote for a bowl of pudding if it were democRAT. Can you say "cult", boys and girls?
@billanderson2217 Says:
Biden has singlehandedly Collapsed the entire Democrat Party. They are living in futal denial.
@fredtorns5632 Says:
Now that Jack Smith is unemployed the RNC should hire him to go after Joe and everybody in the White House LOL
@jimtruscott5670 Says:
The same person was present in both events: one appearance drugged,one not.
@williamfiederlein790 Says:
Fox, you forgot about Tower 22, Jordan, ( 28 January 2024) (3 U.S. soldiers Killed, many injuries 20+. They were not added with Afghanistan withdrawal 13 killed Biden said none on his watch in debate and Biden and you forgot about the three on Tower 22. Ty
@pamelasuzetterogers9908 Says:
Why should they have to be prepped for a debate President Trump wasn’t
@robertunterzuberii8122 Says:
This guy is delusional
@maC2much459 Says:
This is just wrong. We see what happened when the Supreme Justice didn’t step away while Obama was in Office. So we have a sad Supreme Court. Now we see Joe as an old, decrepit man will continue to fade out. Dr. Jill needs to stop being so selfish and tell Joe the truth. Step down, think of the country not yourself.
@SIBk11228 Says:
so full of BS!! Wake up people!!!
@aleksandarskular6760 Says:
You are in denial, not disbelief!
@gayleholmes9081 Says:
I wish Wa. politicians would realize, that retiring from a job is not the effin end of the world. You gotta either die in office or have a scandal to be removed. The insanity is just beyond. Joe is so convinced that only He and He alone can beat Trump, is just pure insanity. At this point, ANYBODY THE RNC PUTS UP CAN BEAT TRUMP, ANYBODY...I WISH THEY WOULD CONSIDER THAT
@DrTimWhatleyDDS Says:
TDS is real.
@gayleholmes9081 Says:
Biden was overly prepared, tired and not well....I wish he was wise enough, strong enough to see that his base doesn't want him as president anymore. Who ever is advising the guy, needs to be replaced and this bull crap that his family wants him to stay in the race??? 6 Biden's voting this Nov. does not get you the white house.
@bentleydog100 Says:
Biden is doing a fantastic job, Robert your delusional I know it's hard to leave a party but your guy is literally destroying this country day by day it gets worse with higher crime and drugs coming in. Biden has blood on his hands for sure
@gunngangsta Says:
These people are pure evil. This man cannot be POTUS!
@williambuffington1940 Says:
They keep saying Trump lied all night but I didn't hear any lies from Trump but I did from Biden. He said no military personnel had died during his presidency and that was a lie. Did he forget about the Afghanistan withdrawal? And Biden lied about the economy and he lied about the Border. It seems like the liar was the decrepit old man that claims to be our president even though we all know Obama is running the show
@bagfam7 Says:
Spin, spin, spin! What the conservatives have been saying about the mental status of Biden for years has been proven correct. Maybe everything else they are saying is true too.
@stephengibson3944 Says:
The news media is upset because the whole world now knows that the fake video aren't fake and all the lies they told are coming back to bite them on the as#
@rickirizarry5079 Says:
So who is running the country and do liberals even care?
@ericjaynes7150 Says:
He said “over the last 3.5 years I think Biden has done an OUTSTANDING job”. That is an absolutely insane statement to make considering how hard it’s been for most families since he took office. Get this clown out of office asap so we can get our country back to where it was.
@NeverkissThering Says:
And they call us radical occultist. This guy was an obumba guy so im not surprised. LGB has been going down for over 2 years. They walk around with eyes wide open but cant see a thing. MAGA TRUMP 24 for we the people.
@Argonaut121 Says:
You have two really old candidates, One has been convicted of 34 crimes, incited an armed attack on the Capitol, boasts of his sexual assaults, calls US soldiers "suckers and losers", dodged the draft, defrauded American taxpayers, was responsible for the highest federal deficit in American history, and the needless deaths of hundreds of thousands of American during the pandemic. And is in cognitive decline and lies incessantly. The other is increasingly feeble and had a terrible debate, but led America to economic recovery, restored international respect, energy independence, lessening crime rates and a massive rebuild of a America's deteriorating infrastructure. Yet it is the second candidate that people want to see quit. As a Canadian, someone is going to have to explain to me why this makes any sense.
@georgebrennan2576 Says:
He's been fumbling his words forever....time to retire ...scene in sopranos couldn't fkjn retire in trunk lol..for God's sake billy u know me
@joyce7892 Says:
good grief.
@machinistbytrade Says:
Well... maybe..just maybe...there's 2 different Joe Biden people... literally
@denniskeller8691 Says:
They juiced Joe to close to the event and his brilliance didn’t kick in.
@ohforgodsake8486 Says:
What lies did Trump say? Nobody can tell me 🤷‍♂️ yet everybody can tell me the lies from Biden.
@pieterprinsloo007 Says:
This guy is talkin crazy man, candidate Biden vs White house Biden are two different people, really? Sounds like there's an alien Biden now.
@michaeltamares7974 Says:
Weekend at Bernies...biden is auditioning for remake of bernie
@k.s.mountakis170 Says:
"I can't explain it!" he exclaims. Well, let me explain it for you in a few words: Biden reading from a teleprompter vss actual Biden.
@Rick-nz5hh Says:
Biden was always just a puppet, we already know he's not running the country, his puppet master is the one pulling the strings and writing the script.
@benjaminfisher750 Says:
What falsehoods?
@brianjames3849 Says:
Im an englishman watching 3 election campaigns, the uk, france, and the usa ! my opinion is that if biden wins a second term the usa will be finished , no longer a world power ,it appears behind the scenes the obamas are the new Kennedy s . Trump is not a likeable person but gets the job done . The world needs a strong united states president, just look at whats happened during bidens term throughout the world with rogue leaders .
@seth4321 Says:
Robert Wolf would be a great case study in tribalism.

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