Kamala Harris' team 'studied' Trump's triggers
Kamala Harris' team 'studied' Trump's triggers



@0rchy Says:
Donald Trump won't be told what to say or do and often falls into Rat traps. Without the help of honest reporters like Megyn Kelly filling the potholes for Trump, I believe he wouldn't stand a chance of defeating the Democratic sewerage system.
@dreghead Says:
This is why Trump does not get my vote. All of his followers keep saying what he should have done. He can't control himself. Harris can . If she can manipulate him foreign leaders can too
@ssisters4343 Says:
Voting Trump
@justfloat1 Says:
Trump tripped over his own ego, they knew how to do it, they attacked him all through his presidency, they made it almost impossible for him to govern, yet Trump still pulled off one of the best presidencies of modern history. Even i got tired of his voice, Russia, Russia, Russia was all anyone heard. I would stop listening to him. Even though Trump has been vindicated time and time again! I would like him to shut up and do his job, let his success fight his battles. And there was a lot of success’s, still he surrounded himself with people like Pence, traitors that knew how to blind him with whatever drives his ego. I would like to think he has learned from it all, because America has some really hard truths we need to overcome, pray the truly wise Americans guide him beyond dirty politics, America needs enemies from within to be removed, and prosecuted. We dont need his ego!
@wandasanders7557 Says:
Hey Megan, I love you and your Crew at Australia SKY NEWS. THANKS FOR BEING TRUTHFUL. ❤
@dkdonalson9787 Says:
He looked exhausted. How could he not be sometimes?
@ititloga Says:
God bless and protect President Trump!
@mikeh.753 Says:
The debate was compromised by ABC. It was nothing more than a Democrat hit job. 3 vs 1. The moderators were fact checking Trump and not Kamala. How is the fair and unbiased????
@richardhoner7842 Says:
Simple questions that Trump has answered before and he self-destructed in front of 67 million people. His lies were the usual. His rant about people eating dogs showed how easily duped he is and how he turns to race to try to divide us.
@denizachase2537 Says:
Girl that makes so much sense. I do believe they know what buttons to push. They do that because they don't have the mental abilities to speak for themselves
@elizabethrose644 Says:
okay but he rudely insulted her multiple times for no real reason, just made himself look like a jerk
@kathywright6853 Says:
I told my husband at the time that Harris was baiting him and he was taking it,I am a trump supporter but he really got off track
@sharonreed6068 Says:
Look I love our Pres Trump, shall vote for him the 3rd time absolutely But the Dems knew where to get him rattled, his pride Trump was simply not prepared Did he think this was going to be fair? He knew Mauir was against him 100%
@tiffsjourney877 Says:
My vote belongs to Trump. Trump 2024!! 🙏🇺🇲🙏🇺🇲
@Michael-bq8el Says:
Megan is a fox such a beautiful woman ❤
@anthonystokes1316 Says:
Have you any idea what your talking about honey, take chill pill and take a Holiday
@donaldtrumpet3094 Says:
Trump should never accept another debate unless the moderators are neutral. Would be great if Megyn Kelly advise Trump prep for debate. She can see thru n anticipate all of their tricks.
@PInk77W1 Says:
She studied trumps triggers When she could’ve spent her time Trying to help Americans with Inflation and Unemployment and groceries
@miketubbs9575 Says:
No one went to her rallies, they went to a Rock concert and started leaving when she started speaking but the left leaves that little detail out.
@jasminen273 Says:
Well doesn’t matter how she knew how to trick him. I’m not worried! Smart Americans can see through all that. I’m sure ABC must have given her the questions ahead of time , just like Hillary did. Besides, they must have drilled her million times so she talked like an AI . I’m sure smart Americans can see all that. If you notice in another interview she gave exactly the same answer, word by word, like an AI. For example, when asked about her economic plan she said “ well, I was raised in a middle class family, my mother worked very hard, blah blah blah”
@maviarriola3441 Says:
TRUMP 2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
@singatune Says:
Yes Kamala finally set Trump off with trigger points BUT SHE ALSO hot trigger points that angered the viewers. Not just MAGA but independents and some democrats. She never answered if she met Putin. Viewers were never given any substantial answers from her. Left with words of Trump. Why didn't she? 3+/2 years. Why didn't she? Another debate would be a waste of Trump's time. And my time.
@tstdr Says:
Anything that destroys western civilization is viewed as a positive by democrats.
@justjules6975 Says:
Neither are worthy of being president!
@Lori88833 Says:
I’m not sure if this is true but I heard the other day the number is closer to 15M now. We need to start a Republican island or close Texas IDK 🤷🏻‍♀️
@peterk8909 Says:
I tried to warn him about this.
@jennifermelton4193 Says:
The whole debate sucked!!! Nightmare!! 🇺🇸❤President Trump!!! He can make America great again!!
@Susie-d6w Says:
She studied for tricks, to deceive...& lies.. That's Not a Good Credit . Trump knew what he was doing, how to answer. He DIDNT Fall for her attempts to stir him up. He didn't give her any opportunity. He's better than that. He knows where he stands. He's been clear, evident to his word. How can anyone forget where we were, the progress & freedoms we were able to live our life with abundance filled with hope. Standing with integrity & pride & peace & order, a sound mind , as a nation. Under Biden & Harris look at what has been taken from us, even the children & innocent in the womb. USA under Biden and Harris goal from day 1 was never for the people. From day 1 their eyes were fixed on & seared with hate towards PRESIDENT TRUMP Doing everything they can to harm him, keep him down and out of their way for their personal agenda, not for we the people. Maybe give it thought about ever saying she can be given credit. God bless & keep
@carolynsearle8760 Says:
These candidates have 2 different goals. Trump is to make America great again. To show his policies and why they work and point out why hers will not and have not worked. Kamala’s is to trick the American people to vote for her long enough to get in. Hide what her actual policies are. She has to derail, lie. Gas-light and use projection, etc. I was surprised how blatant this 3:1 propaganda session for the left was. It kinda shows how desperate the Dems are that they would change the whole meaning of what a political debate is and actually ruin the debate process while they’re at it. Very sad and I pray it backfires. And btw, Trump won the debate by a lot!!!!
@ubaldoarodriguez6202 Says:
An eighth year old kid has more common sense than Kamala Harris.
@CarolB-lu6ko Says:
I agree. I think he is tired, and stressed, despite what he is saying. Getting shot at is not cool, and he is rallying his butt off.
@reesemonserrat1099 Says:
God bless Donald Trump 🙏
@joyedwards3423 Says:
Before we judge Trump too harshly, let's remember that these people have been going after him with everything possible for over eight years now. Who could hold up to it as well as he has. I get mad that he loses his cool too but the truth is, we have to look at it from a side that none of us feel. Yeah we get the mean people on social media and the occasional person in public but this man is getting it nonstop. It would get to any of us. I wish he would've never done that debate. We knew they were not gonna play fair and they didn't. It got to him. He's a human being. He is still who I want for president because he is the best person for the job.
@artymunoz5060 Says:
“Do you have an answer for the border crisis?” Oh you mean the one she started? Ask her that she’s sitting presidency
@nolashiver9564 Says:
If people want a female president, get Candace Owens or Kayleigh MacEnany to run. Either one would kick Kamala's ass.
@nolashiver9564 Says:
They need to have another debate with impartial moderators. ABC was clearly on Kamala's side. Why did they not fact check her ? Did they think no one would notice?
@paulettabrown6700 Says:
People know at President Trumps Rallies, you are never Bored, and you don’t leave, because you want to hear everything he has to say, unlike Kamala Harris Rallies, she is lucky if anyone shows up
@robertdecca1240 Says:
ABC sucks
@NessieT Says:
Harris is sly and sinister. We’ve got one of those running our country, now look at the mess we are in. BE WARNED 🇬🇧
@bwoutchannel6356 Says:
wrong. He destroyed her at whatever level and on whatever topic came up.
@chrishemsworth5150 Says:
Megan did the right thing voting for Donald J Trump I always knew she was a good person.
@alvincarganilla1169 Says:
He had to have prepared for his buttons to be pushed...it's literally all she's got. When I hear sKamala's voice, I immediately get hit with an overwhelming stench of fakeness and disingenuousness.
@truckerray7533 Says:
@bassclefjef1887 Says:
Most beautiful woman in this world
@YtheG Says:
She showed that he's insane! He lies! He's Narcissistic. If she can do it imagine what Putin , Xi and Kim does to him. It's scary
@joannealexander9379 Says:
I agree Meghan. I kept yelling at the TV so I turned it off a few times cause I couldn’t take it anymore. It was so clear they ganged up on him, interrupted, hosted him and stifled his ability to focus. You know what It’s like they do this stuff on The View…they gang up on people who do not share their outlandish beliefs and opinions. They are completely and purposely antagonistic, bullies, and obtuse; what I refer to as double-minded, shifty, hypocritical reverse prejudice maniacal frenzy sharks feeding on their prey’s carcasses. They attack, insult, accuse others of whilst they are the ones doing it or when they do the same it’s ok because they’re the ones who are doing it or they completely do what’s 10 times worse. That show is the worst. A bunch of overly entitled, opinionated bozos with way too much time on their hands. The view is las bad as Jerry Springer, Martin Downey Jr. and Howard Stern have too much nonsense to impart to the world. They all have to much time on their hands to stir up trouble rather than do something meaningful with their lives they flap their gums. I think I’ve seen more of the view in the past few months only because of controversial YouTube clips than I ever watched.
@terrylearn4393 Says:
Vote for Trump ❤️🤍💙🇺🇸❤️🤍💙🇺🇸❤️🤍💙🇺🇸❤️🤍💙🇺🇸
@maximumoverload5134 Says:
Help spread the word ! Kamalatoe Harris isn't qualified for the American presidency !no one chose her she was placed by the people who bought her , she is owned by the elite who want to own you ! They will try to make us slaves again ,don't fall for there B.S ! FJB and Kamalatoe Harris too ! Trump 2024 MAGA Trump the real MVP ( MOST VALUABLE PRESIDENT )
@robertstewart3964 Says:
Really? He got another debate out of over confidence ( think about it)
@francescastillo8243 Says:
The 12-year-old who was murdered by two Venezuelan monsters was from Houston, Texas. Houston is not a bordertown.

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