Lefties losing it: Rita Panahi reacts to Gwen Walz's 'deranged' Trump rant
Lefties losing it: Rita Panahi reacts to Gwen Walz's 'deranged' Trump rant



@Esterpaisley Says:
It is ludicrous to tell us that Trump's golf game was unplanned & off the books and an assassin set up in the bushes 12 hours in advance having snuk an AK in, obliterated the S/N, traveled from another state etc. It sounds like Trump was "set up" to cross paths with the shooter. Who encouraged Trump to play golf there at that time?
@jacktheaviator4938 Says:
Gwen Walz has big "I need to speak to your manager" energy.
@ladyhawkNone Says:
Facial hair? Ur instantly a man lololol what idjits
@ladyhawkNone Says:
But according to KJP they're not doing anything right?
@VictoriaHigh-jrk68 Says:
Turning the page to what? They already have the page.
@chafedbm Says:
Holy shit she is certifiable
@lindatamir2852 Says:
She is still not over losing to him, bad woman … (Hilary I mean) of all these delusional ‘woman’
@pamelakerr405 Says:
That Gwen is a deranged halfwit.
@m.coldren9328 Says:
The far left calls Trump a Hitler and then says maga Republicans should be put into re-education camps😐
@mr.johnrandall8676 Says:
Who the hell votes for these loons?
@Revelator2025 Says:
The corrupt criminals paint Trump as Hitler. They want him dead, erased. We’re dealing with a VERY dangerous situation. Evil bastards. Drunk on power and control. BRING IN THE WHITE HATS. LETS GO.
@samgrant4663 Says:
Who is Gwen and why is she turning the page?
@dean9327 Says:
1:04 clinton body count
@dean9327 Says:
@cheyenneblankenship8179 Says:
Anyone who wants to smell burning tires from riots is deranged. That’s that crazy lady.
@wolfpack8275 Says:
Coo coo
@erosionhead420 Says:
I’m starting to think Rita is pretty Hot 😘
@marysmith9954 Says:
Is she drunk
16:30--- Christians understand precisely what's going on! If you don't have the Holy Spirit you will not have the grace to discern why Democrats are so blatantly Godless. The Bible prophecies precisely what's going on!
@williestreiff9314 Says:
I wonder how many times Hilary has been ticketed for double parking her broom
@proudTXgal Says:
Walzes wife? Weird! Hillary Billary ? sick in her uppers. These women and other demrats have not looked into the mirror lately: they are talking about themselves! Every word they say reflects on them!
@degen83 Says:
How is the US media soft on Trump in any way? Just more proof these lefties do not have the facts and do not live in objective reality. They keep calling Trump dangerous yet he was the victim of 2 assassination attempts so far and Kamala and Biden have had 0. The media is biased against Trump and is simply just Democrat party propaganda today.
@ruthenutter Says:
E don’t want her fed! We just want her to shut the hell up!
@moralesmike76 Says:
Her husband is such a wus
@lemonon7149 Says:
Do you think they’re missing? They’re doing their job like they’re told they’re told to let these guys kill Trump but they can’t make it 100% obvious day or part of the plot.
@Michigander-m2p Says:
What does 🐫 ahahaha mean by 3900? What's that code word for?
@Michigander-m2p Says:
Not the socks😢
@Michigander-m2p Says:
Key words
@Michigander-m2p Says:
Her call to do more her way
@Michigander-m2p Says:
Turn her page bye bye
@alpinotti3241 Says:
Rita we love you from Quebec Canada. Amazing how you can see clearly what's going on over here! Keep uo the good work !!
@alpinotti3241 Says:
Crazy Karen !!!!😅😅
@marilynnkingsley1191 Says:
This is a spiritual warfare. Things are not going to look ‘ normal’ and nor are they going to go according to the moral compass of most people.
@kpsaxon1 Says:
What they think of Trump is what they think of his voters , is why it's a power struggle, not an actual election choice , there are simply more people for Trump than any other candidate, This is why they hate America , because America loves Trump 😢
@danmacdonald8829 Says:
Walz's intelligence is comparable to a small, potted house plant🪴
@marilynnkingsley1191 Says:
Journalist these days, don’t have any morals or integrity. They are completely one-sided, not on bias . It really baffles me that Hillary Clinton can call us out as Republicans, when it’s definitely the Democrats…… everything she says about Donald she can look in the mirror.
@walterritter3409 Says:
I would like to see everyone that's been saying this crap held fully accountable for their treasonous actions towards a Presidential candidate. This is to include yet not without due process those who are on the View, every single actor, commentator on the news, his political adversaries in full, and those who are responsible for the rhetoric that's been posted online. Period. Without question. That means everyone involved in this atrocious actions towards him.
@alisaandersen8441 Says:
I love that these people forget that Trump has already been president! If he was a danger, then WHY didn’t we have any wars? Why was the economy much stronger? So many Whys
@vafdgh Says:
The Clinton's are also CRIMINALS
@vafdgh Says:
What an absolute MORON!!!!!!
@bernadettebento1419 Says:
Killary thinks the press does NOT have a UNIFORM rhetoric????? Word for word, every day, the same garbage is being spewed by them.
@rhettcorbett3346 Says:
Birds of a feather stick together. Deranged weirdo.
@jamesmoore8796 Says:
trump is only dangerous to Hillary way of life
@jerrychurch9011 Says:
OMG 😂😂😂 Advanced Stupidity
@MimiDidi121 Says:
And they call us weird! 🤦‍♀️
@Thomas.3698 Says:
How is democracy on the ballot? What a load of shi
@sheripoole489 Says:
She reminds me of Hillary…complete nut job! Please people….do. To vote for these dangers to our Country!
@starlite33 Says:
Hillary still has not recovered from Trump's "because you would be in jail" slam dunk.
@youloser386 Says:
Turn the page simply means... im lying & got caught but dont want to talk about it!
@jeremywrolstad4678 Says:

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