NSW records first Omicron-related death

NSW records first Omicron-related death


New South Wales has recorded its first Omicron-related death. Authorities have confirmed the death of a man in his 80s who was infected with the variant, having contracted the virus at the Uniting Lilian Wells aged care facility in North Parramatta. He was fully vaccinated but had underlying health conditions. He was one of three deaths reported in the past 24 hours in the state, although the other two did not have the Omicron variant.




@Soul-Taker Says:
Hmm and how exactly do they determine which "variant" someone has using the faulty PCR test which can't even differentiate between one flu or another or a wide range of illnesses? Sounds like more BS propaganda.
@eliwosalie9965 Says:
Must have been the penguins from Omicron Island in Antartica that waddled up onto the shores of the Victorian coastline that brought the Omicron Variant to Australia. 2022? Covid and Delta started to lose its momentum within the shifting of the narrative, so they needed a lighter approach for the festive season minus the lockdowns as of course, the Federal Election is on the horizon, you know, we need to take a softer approach and open the borders and give the people a bit of freedom but with strings attached so we will release a lighter variant, not as bad as Covid or Delta but all of a sudden Omicron has become so dangerous according to health advice so they introduced mandatory masks during the Christmas/New Year season, what a load of hogwash. As soon as the festivities including Easter and the Federal Elections are over, what about next Christmas, and the next and into what future? This Pandemic is a smokescreen, blind Freddy can see this.
@waynebateman1664 Says:
Palaszczuk finally woke up to scrap PCR testing to get into Queensland from January one.
@TheMaoTao Says:
Where the other two deaths fully vaccinated also? 🤔
@dd7aa Says:
I guess that means restrictions for millions because of one death
@joybuckman8795 Says:
So how did he catch it again double jab not working, where do you get off politicizing someones death. Pos
@wealllovemikehunt8398 Says:
Fully vaccinated wasn’t that meant to stop death ?
@humandread Says:
80 years, underlying health conditions........a good cold flipt his coin. As it always used to be
@duncansunrise Says:
If you unscramble "Omicron Delta" it becomes "Media Control" - Is this just a coincidence? Hey, if omicron is so transmissible, maybe we should vaccinate our cats and dogs and parrots. After all, Covid did come from bats in the first place, right? If my parrot dies "with" omicron, I'll never forgive myself. What a load of utter codswallop is emanating from Australian media and government. I am not a risk-averse, narcissistic, pseudo-empowered, acquiescent, smartphone carrying automaton. Therefore, the media and governments will have to work much harder at the fear mongering and psychological & behavioural conditioning. Some of us are not nearly as stupid as you like to think we are. My contempt for government is complete. The collective noun for weasels should be government: a pride of lions, a tower of giraffes, a herd of elephants, and a government of weasels.
@chrisjensen9051 Says:
At least they don't have smoke stacks in the Aussie Auschwitz. Got to look for the silver lining.
@stevenbrown2401 Says:
I always thought if I lived to 80 I would be a lucky man, perhaps they died from old age
@thomasmcewen5493 Says:
The landing at Galib
@carlv1379 Says:
Of course, the poor guy also had a plastic bag over his head and was eaten by a shark, but unless it was a false positive result, he had it, for sure.
@RobertHarr1son Says:
"Elderly person dies after contracting a disease" How shocking and unusual
@jstadtler1999 Says:
@thewantedemceesmitchfreeze6638 Says:
Who went to Epstein’s Island??
@jwseibert1059 Says:
Big ass difference between dying while having koof and dying from koof
@conner.9262 Says:
First OMICRON DEATH ……. CAR CRASH ? Carrying the virus ….??? Going into hospital with other conditions…. That’s what hospital is for ?? Pathetic ….. let’s shut down the WORLD BECAUSE OF ONE BLOODY DEATH ??DON’T FORGET YOR MASK NOW ?? Hahaha
@gsly6585 Says:
In his 80s. Fully vaccinated. With not of. I'm shitting myself.
@electricshrapnel4368 Says:
In what way exactly was his death 'related' to the Omicron variant?
@tonyboz9218 Says:
Scamdemic of the Vaxxed.....
@tedchandran Says:
Jai Hinduja. Now Omicron can also be a killer of oldies.
@peartree460 Says:
Why does every country phrase the link of omicron and death very clumsily. Its like they are on a script meant to deceive.
@tylerdurden1848 Says:
So he got hit by a car, huh.
@-SlipperyWhenWet- Says:
What they don’t say is that he died of omicron. It’s just omicron related. The dude was 80 years old with previous health conditions. This omicron is a load of trash.
@BudoReflex Says:
666 comments?! . I am saving the day here 667. Your welcome.
@WorldView22 Says:
“Ethics” and “media” are highly incompatible terms.
@edvardlehotski4644 Says:
@justincady6563 Says:
Omicron “related” means the person had terminal cancer as well.
@chocomalk Says:
How often do you hear about a "heart attack related death"?
@jessicaharvey7446 Says:
I demand the total deaths of flu as well. This is ridiculous.
@happyguilmore4253 Says:
Related so it wasn’t from omi CON
@duncansunrise Says:
"Omicron Delta" = "Media Control" - Just a coincidence? Hey, if omicron is so transmissible, maybe we should vaccinate our cats and dogs and parrots. After all, Covid did come from bats in the first place, right? 🙂 If my parrot dies "with" omicron, I'll never forgive myself. What a load of utter codswallop is emanating from Australian media. I am not a risk-averse, narcissistic, pseudo-empowered, smartphone carrying automaton. Therefore, the Australian media and government will have to work much harder at the fear mongering and psychological conditioning. Some of us are not as stupid as you like to think we are.
@Md-jv2pw Says:
Poor man, fully vaxed and in his eighties. RIP
@John-hu2gv Says:
@John-hu2gv Says:
@mrdee2454 Says:
Most likely died from something else but caught Omicron in hospital
@tryandremovemeyoutube5155 Says:
🐑 Bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhboring.
@aussie5468 Says:
Hit by a train, autopsy found they had covid. Therefore, "Omicron related death".
@flametreehill Says:
Omicron related death🤣🤣🤣Media BS again!!!
@scorpiuswireless1 Says:
@rogerguyot7830 Says:
If they lose the scare they lose the power don't believe them boycott the msm
@geekay269 Says:
theres a recking coming for the lying mouth pieces. people are lining up to pull the level on them. nuremberg 2.0, and dont think you were just doing what you were told, media included.
@chewypretzel308 Says:
Anyone who dies with covid is a covid death regardless of the cause of death tells you everything you need to know.
@alexo2675 Says:
Easily the dumbest Covid hospital policy on the planet - furlough any staff member with close contact with patients and visitors with Covid virus. Actually it's not a health related policy but a sinister political agenda
@peterburke8650 Says:
Are you kidding me .. all these cases and 1 dead ….in his eighties.. condolences to the family.
@alexo2675 Says:
It's most likely that the poor sod died from fright on learning that he caught the terrifying Omicron
@lindamcwilliam8501 Says:
Cut down in his youth Know one cares. Let's get on with life
@lucentindex4048 Says:
@zoom777 Says:
Was so young, just started a family and was training for Olympics. Nothing mentioned about those losing their houses, jobs etc.

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