Dozens of boats retire amid wild weather in Sydney to Hobart race

Dozens of boats retire amid wild weather in Sydney to Hobart race


Dozens of boats have retired from the Sydney to Hobart yacht race due to wild weather. The remaining boats are faced with very uncomfortable conditions on the water.




@tanialima9893 Says:
@Lozzie74 Says:
Great footage. Not.
@patrickpatrick9132 Says:
Woke Australia.
@thewantedemceesmitchfreeze6638 Says:
Who went to Epstein’s Island tho?
@james_tiberius_kirk73 Says:
And nothing of value was lost.
@justinsane7128 Says:
Fair weather Woke Blokes.
@edwardgraham8854 Says:
Just like china there controlling the weather fact
@reginaldburnbridge2217 Says:
Wild weather? My god its the weather. A bit of a chop, hard going.
@shillout7270 Says:
Does hoisting a spinnaker count as a Covid Mask for the whole crew or just for the boat itself? Is a Jib the same as a Jab? Having to retire the Maxi yacht Omicron would give anyone the Sheets. It's a sniffling shame. Were the Water Police there to ensure all the hatches were locked-down for 14 days with all crew accounted for? Were they all wearing Face Spinnakers? Do examiners swab the crew's noses or swab the decks? They recon sailors have a Jab waiting in every port, is that true ... ... ? Would they be classified as the Jab-er's or the Jab-ee's ... ...?
@LWT514 Says:
It’s a wonder the virus isn’t to blame?? Oops I forgot it’s climate change this time that’s to blame!!!
@richallen63 Says:
Every year we as tax payers save the sailors on these boats..thank God there are less to worry about
@gigiamoroso8253 Says:
Is this shit news ?
@stenkarasin2091 Says:
It was never intended to be an easy race.
@josephlebard4585 Says:
This is where I got my news on America everything eles is fake . Stay close . Happy new year 🎉🎉🎉
@raygunn1083 Says:
So sick of the news from down under. What hasn't been canceled or retired in Australia lately ? Hoist those sails and start living.
@glennllewellyn7369 Says:
Wild weather my arse. I live here!
@healthrecord508 Says:
Seems "par for the course" in Australia for this year. Tho you called them "retired" from the race, I say they've been "mandated to cease". 🤣😉
@Freetalkfm Says:
Share this hes nailed Jacinda.
@scetchport Says:
Nice to see a few seconds of the actual race ! WAP !
@malcolmbrewer Says:
Why do they continue to do this???
@tonybennett638 Says:
Who gives a shit's a Uber wanker bull shit almost sporting thing ...
@stephengreen7997 Says:
Punching into 20 knot winds and 2 meter seas is considered moderate sailing conditions.
@adrianjohn. Says:
Merry Julian  Assange Christmas :
@truthwillwin8977 Says:
Shut up u mad propaganda pushing twats
@owenbruce4120 Says:
They aren't real sailors then are they...fair weather puff balls 🚸
@scotttee1581 Says:
For any aspiring journalists, some quality reporting, right here.
@twest5418 Says:
Gayland to No-wheresville.
@haroldmclean3755 Says:
Captain Cook is a LEGEND 👍
@MsRDH1988 Says:
@spikeprotein5924 Says:
They can’t all have turned 67.
I thought it was summer over there?
@bobjackson4720 Says:
It's nice to know Australia's elite don't always get everything their own way.
@topcatwarrior Says:
So much for fair winds and following seas! Best of luck to all the hardy sailors out there, I will be tipping a cup in your honor tonight. May the best crew win!
@cherylcallahan5402 Says:
*Sky News Australia Bad Weather boats appreciate your videos Listening from Mass USA TYVM 💙 Sky*
@susanbannister6270 Says:
Hope it puts fires out there if its raining...heard koalas are threatened again.
@susanbannister6270 Says:
Hope it puts fires out there if its raining...heard koalas are threatened again.
@Voodoo4209 Says:
Thats because dozens of them were no bigger than a dinghy ⛵
@cosmic4037 Says:
Georgia is hot
@myearsloveit Says:
ahoy there peeds you will own nothing and you won't be happy🐸🤙WWG1WGAWW🍿HONK!🤡
@carr0302 Says:
I like turtles.
@farangutan6773 Says:
Not very smart this time of the year in cyclonic weather to hold a yacht racing event ? Happens more often than not and on some occasions with tragic consequences .
@Carmen24860 Says:
My worst nightmare! Hope there are no tragedies as a result.

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