'Do not let this happen': Rowan Dean warns against government's online regulation
'Do not let this happen': Rowan Dean warns against government's online regulation



@Chrisbryant-q1j Says:
Albosleezy has to go ge just liars liars
@rods6405 Says:
Stopping this might get ugly the Liberals wont stop it!
@alancotterell9207 Says:
It is the government's role to promote COMMON DECENCY. I WILL NOT have my intelligence insulted by LIARS, - Courts decide what is the truth EVERY DAY !
@Brett-gb7tf Says:
ABC doctored evidence against our military and they are the Labor left green activist mouthpiece let that sink in Australia πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί
@Keizer_Soze Says:
sorry australia, you guys act like you have free speech. reality check: you do *not* have free speech. you never have, unless you explicitly have it in your constitution...which you dont. (the world is starting to understand/rediscover the importance of free speech *and* the genius of the american founding fathers' creation of the 1st amendment -which i believe [i speak under correction] is the only country that explicitly states it so.)
@garyemerson9310 Says:
@garyemerson9310 Says:
@nikolastsatsaronis5544 Says:
Comrades Dean, Panahi and Morrow! Central Committee determines what is true!
@cunningstuntinc Says:
Labour follow weird sexual perversions and deviances, including reducing sexual consent to 9 years old. In the uk over 200 labour politicians were prosecued in less than 12 months for a whole range of offences. Mis or dis? No the truth
@cunningstuntinc Says:
Agriculturally speaking - as much use as tits on a bull!
@hairylittlewombat Says:
More left wing garbage designed to control any dissenting thought.
@jenzag7621 Says:
Haven't Albo's promises, all been disinformation? Each time he's opened his mouth, he's lied to us.
@John-p7i5g Says:
The power imbalance is so glaring it would be a comedy if it wasn't so terrifying. All Australians are censored, except the MSM and government. How on earth is that a balance of power? How on earth would that not be used by a future dictatorship?
@enfredlindstrom6763 Says:
dems in the usa are like ? hamas all ? party of Hate ?
@enfredlindstrom6763 Says:
truth is ? u can not change your sex ? men can not have babys ?
@enfredlindstrom6763 Says:
abo just dosnt want me to tell u all hes evil ?
@enfredlindstrom6763 Says:
took your guns now truth ? truth is a human right all. abo is a creep all a real clown all. ?
@leanneverrier2124 Says:
good summary.
@davidtewhakaara6660 Says:
Oh let them it will fail like everything else they've tried vote every single labour cronies out of parliament for good
@ivansultanoff6719 Says:
Labor just has no idea what actual communism - fascism is
@adrianking322 Says:
Well said . we don't live in communism. Its what our forefathers fought in World wars against
@kevinmoor6408 Says:
When things get tough, Luigi and Fang go on another international buffet raid. Last time they were in the USA, Dr. Jill had to put Navy Seals on dining room doors and issue waiting staff with elbow length butcher's steel mesh gloves.
@aliceclayton1914 Says:
STOP STOP, Stop pretending or assuming the LNP are our saviours , they ARE NOT, they are the grave diggers for the Victims of the Labor Party tyranny. LNP will be no different.
@aliceclayton1914 Says:
If these social media platforms give in to the factious e-safety mis- disinformation, they will eventually dry up. It may be a good thing, we might actually go back to a better more cohesive life and actually go out, get away from the computer screens and start using mobile phones as just that, a TELEPHONE. Maybe we should just do that anyway, if we talk in person, have parties, go to concerts, and the public for a meal, a drink, and GID FORBID, a person to person exchange of opinions and ideas!!!
@seriousmonkey5654 Says:
Australia. Ho hum.
@petertalbot7261 Says:
People like the United Nations like they Leprocy Or they like auto-correct which is not all that bright. Like Bill gates with a brain that actually works.
@petertalbot7261 Says:
It is the worst form of Fascism, the worst accusing people of exercising their fundamental rights. It is time the Australian government extricated themselves from very bad organisations like the United Nations. That won't happen under a Labor Government. So the next one.
@tamimrktz6966 Says:
This bill is the END of Australia as a free society. The year is 1984.
@radambrose7571 Says:
Albo is showing his true colour and it is communist red.
@peterremkes9376 Says:
So do we let Elon Musk tell us how we should think or let him get away with calling the Australian government fascists. Or let him get away with 'asking" Taylor Swift to give her a baby. Is that what you want of social media? When social media started it was fantastic or at least the idea was. But just have a look at what people and media in general made of it. As with so many things it needs regulation. Self regulation will not work. We definitely do not want the likes of Musk or anybody else tell us what's right or wrong. Governments have a role to play here but with some restrictions. Left or right wing should not be allowed to use social media to their advantage.
@DavidLockett-x4b Says:
Politicians have always lied, there is nothing new in that. Plus, even Churchill said that democracy is the worst form of government apart from all the others that had been tried at that time.
@SherylSchrantz Says:
Discusting Albosleezy again!!
@gail9906 Says:
How Dare this putrid Govt tell us what we can or cannot say! πŸ€¬β€οΈπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ¦˜
@landcruiser11rum Says:
Thanks Labor, Albo will love enforcing control of dissenters using his new billion dollar computer with its Digital ID and a social scoring system like China, UK & Canada, so he can play havoc with our public services and bank accounts as well as the rest of the country. Bring on the elections. Bye Bye Labor.
@JamesMoore-t7i Says:
Criss bowen will be the end off the leftist green labour party. Albanesy is just putting the nails in the coffin.
@petermcdougall5291 Says:
Fight western communism…..
@KarenWest-x8t Says:
I am a 70 yrs old and I will not be told by this PM what i can or can't do.He is not my father...I will do what I want to do
@peterjames174 Says:
@rinzler9775 Says:
The citizens did not vote for this.
@stevenhamilton9790 Says:
Eleats will fall like most of the politicians that corrupt is there middle name
@Kingdom70X7Ministrie Says:
Public debate is now misinformation and disinformation but not our information na we wouldn’t lie to you we’re from the government What a Joke!
@mickrussell-t3t Says:
so much for the albosleasy gruberment transparent their lies are as clear as dog shit lying dogs
@edmurks236 Says:
The thought police are coming for YOU!
@ShirleyYAJOKIN-cx3ro Says:
Misinformation and disinformation are useful words to frame opposing views as unreliable or malicious, regardless of their actual veracity. It's amazing, you should try it. It's a bit like conspiracy theory, but more effective, studies and experts agree. Very intelligent and clever. Win any argument.
@leicesterdewsbury7890 Says:
This must be nipped in the bud and if we have a change of government they need to repeal it
@questioneverythingalways820 Says:
Blockade parliament - they are terrorists occupying it.
@triniandahalf Says:
Lord have mercy on Jamaica and on us all.
@pattodox Says:
Vote one nation
@peterjackson5225 Says:
Power mad fool ....worst prime minister ever...dose not care about people.....vote Labor out
@peterbeaumont7619 Says:
Rowan Dean's and Co,Great narrative keep it up.This is the WEF,abunch of bloody Fascists.

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