Pride jersey debate 'doesn't end Thursday night'

Pride jersey debate 'doesn't end Thursday night'


Ian Roberts, a former Manly legend and rugby league's first openly gay man, says the debate about the Manly Sea Eagles' pride jersey 'doesn't end Thursday night' when they face the Sydney Roosters. He said the conversation surrounding the issue is 'moving forward' and has 'got people talking'. 'This is now an ongoing thing, this is a positive thing,' he told Sky News Australia.




@RickSuaz Says:
He talks about inclusion and diversity, but everything is about the Gay Pride rubbish. If it was truly about diversity than those straight players would have been respected and not removed from the Game. Forcing people to wear such Jersey and punishing them if they dont, is not being inclusive at all.
@petergouvignon8048 Says:
This is coming from the right place im sick and tired of these people and their view and their inclusive crap
@colleeninprayer1498 Says:
Excluding other players because they don’t share your particular beliefs is very inclusive isn’t it? What a hypocrite lol. Bullied coerced and EXCLUDED is exactly what happened to these men. The very things he is saying they promote? If wasn’t such a serious deprivation of their humans rights it would laughable. Beyond words how hypocritical and selfish this situation is!
@jamesglenn4266 Says:
What frustrates me with this stuff is that NO-ONE is complaining about or is stopping people who are gay from playing Rugby ! This need to be recognised is only going to back fire on them.
@jest3167 Says:
Mr Roberts has clearly taken way too many head knocks needs to be taken for a HIA
@jest3167 Says:
I respect their decision but I don't respect that decision WTF kind of logic is that from his own mouth he doesn't respect other peoples decisions all about acceptance as long as its their beliefs being accepted and no one elses
@Nikkibl0m Says:
I am glad the players dont just follow the fascist left and rainbow methods. good on them
@kouta43210 Says:
You are right. It doesn't end here. It ends with the coming of Christ destroying the Anti-Christ.
@Bobalina-ei3fx Says:
Can this guy stop talking. No offence his stuttering pissing me off more than his alphabet ppl shit
@zebinmarais4697 Says:
That’s the point mate, the community don’t welcome you! Build a bridge and get over it.
@meebee33 Says:
Being inclusive according to Ian Roberts, means you are forced to promote his agenda and beliefs. The word "Inclusive" means not excluding any of the parties or groups involved in something.
@wayneberiman297 Says:
All I was hearing was we are forcing this and f my religion.
@credenza1 Says:
I am gay. I have been a gay activist all my adult life. I do not support the bullying of people to say things they don't mean and to pretend to be something they are not. Many gays do not support the LGBTQ2+ movement as it has now become. It is no longer about gays having access to the institutions of society. That has been achieved. It is now about demolishing those institutions. Sport, in various ways, seems to be one of them. Any LGBTQ person who feels better knowing that others have been forced to lie or to damage their livelihoods for standing up for their beliefs would be a first class hypocrite. However, I believe the impetus for the jersey charade comes from corporate advisors who have no idea what the average gay person thinks of all this.
@credenza1 Says:
Had this been a group of caucasian players protesting wearing the insignia, the reaction would have been very different.
@carsyah6836 Says:
inclusive of everyone..... except if you're straight
@roydenstanley1386 Says:
Sports is becoming so politically motivated. Am not a manly fan. No more manly fan.
@staywhite6332 Says:
There is no debate. Simply show up ready to play in your proper, NORMAL uniform. If they cancel the game, that's on the organizers, once the stadium is packed and it's game time.
@yashamaga13 Says:
This clown is a stuttering mess of a corporate puppet.
@jimmurihiku8009 Says:
Now you know what clubs support perverts
@Koala63211 Says:
Rugby League was chugging along quite nicely, with no one knowing or caring what the person sitting next to them did sexually. Then Manly RLFC came along and stuffed it up.
@daveross1638 Says:
Damn Ian Roberts is a fucking bigot trying to force straight players to wear a gay flag fuck him. I dont know one gay person who wasnt molested as a kid so yeah thats what this shit is pushing. Fucken Groomer
@dannypope1860 Says:
Why are you “celebrating” people being gay? What does this have to do with sports??!?
@dannypope1860 Says:
It’s disgusting that ideologues push their political agenda in sports now. People watch sports to escape all that garbage.
@haroldmclean3755 Says:
SACK PETER VALANDYS 👎 And Eliminate His Homosexual Agenda politics
@ilzitek2419 Says:
How can you force people to wear a pride jersey?
@CraaaaaabPeople Says:
Not sure what a person's bedroom choices have to do with sport. This crap needs to stop.
@mcmlxxvii2652 Says:
Ian Roberts is milking this issue harder than he milks cock at public toilets
@geoffoutdoors Says:
Pride ends with a fall
@adrianjohn. Says:
Okay groomer😤😠
@baileygregg6567 Says:
Don't apologize, as someone living in Portland that's a bad idea 🔥🏳️‍🌈🔥
@williamcooper2415 Says:
Pride to them, shame to the rest.
@richter6699 Says:
They won't admit it but they very clearly are not inclusive of other people's religion. Simple as that
@GLEN1061 Says:
Has Ian taken too many knocks to the head?
@richter6699 Says:
"We are so inclusive we fire anybody who doesn't wear our cult flag"
@GLEN1061 Says:
Pride? Special? What happened to just being equal?
@allahsnackbar2757 Says:
Next week's jersey design theme is 'Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve'.
@FreedomInGod316 Says:
If you believe in gay pride then wear your jumper as long as everyone can wear their own jumper leave everyone else alone. I don't force you to wear a jumper with a cross on it stop being dictators everyone has free will and choice about their personal believes. "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:23
@geoffhansen9969 Says:
This coach is a liar. All he cares about is his job. The fact that LGBT agendas have this much power over society proves strong men have become cowards and love money more than truth
@rhinobarrows Says:
All it is people like Ian Roberts demanding these 7 players to give up their beliefs, therefore Ian Roberts and people like him are bullying these cultures. So it is NOT about inclusivity it is about political bull shit, I just wish there wasn't any themed rounds and just let them play and not to show off any political bull shit.
@bigfloyd8888 Says:
Pride in what exactly? Pinning your whole identity to what you do with your c*ck is so utterly insane and perverted. Go back to don't ask, don't tell.
@jackturpin7828 Says:
The British Navy had a term for forcing inclusion on people it was called Pressganging. You had to wear their shirts too.
@richardmeehan9643 Says:
The conversation is WRONG.
@richardmeehan9643 Says:
You pretent to care about children, by pushing your agenda!
@maverickmace9100 Says:
I don't understand the question? What a fcuking coward.
@richardmeehan9643 Says:
Culture of compliance to the WOKE
@richardmeehan9643 Says:
White is correct!
@robetybob1 Says:
The most discriminated minority in this world is the Individual. I’m over all this wokeism infecting everything and everyone.
@richardmeehan9643 Says:
Sport should be SPORT.
@fionanicholson246 Says:
Disgusting how the boys have to stand down to defend their personal opinion.
@wintermaryland3619 Says:
Go woke Go broke

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